Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 24, 1970, Image 9

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    Farmers Advised to Study Consumers
Lmn Palmer, editor of the sumcr preferences for his pro-
Farm Journal. made the follow- duct. I wish that every farmer
lag comment* about farming to- coll * < * have tbe experience of
day before the National Avsocia- ni " mn R a roadside stand. Agri
tioa of Countv Agricultural U,1u,lt * cannot possibly icach
Ageata ia August. The tneeilng lls P° lonti al until e\ciy piodnc-
Jn Oregon was attended by er becomes a keen student of
Arnold G. Lurch and Jay W. consumer ptcfcrcnccs and an
Irwin, associate county agents, cnlcipiising salesman in satis-
Palmer said: f.' in « those prcfcicnccs.
We still have a long wav to As soon as timers shift then
go in getting the average fai m- focus fiom the ciops or livc
er actively mtciested in con- stock they picfor to piodueing
...liquids to frozen solids
ahreds and spreads any typs manure in broad, even swaths
Bp to 20-feet wide. Simple construction reduces mainte
nance. “Seal-of-Quality” galvanized steel body resists
corrosion. Separate chassis hauls heaviest loads. See us
aooa foe full details and a demonstration.
R. D. 3, Lititz, Pa.
350 Sfrasburg Pike, Lancaster
Ph.: Lane. 397-5179 Stiasburg 687-6002 Lititz 626-7766
ouj Dutchman.
Big'Dutchman now offers a new 120.000 BTU, 150 lb
capacity gas incinerator. The incinerator basket
features chimney type construction, which makes the
load burn from the center toward the outside shell.
This provides maximum burning temperature to
minimize smoke effect and kill disease organisms in
the chamber and stack It also lowers the emission ol
solids to confoim \uth local health laws and has re
ceived New York state approval. The incinerator is
made of special heat resistant metal to withstand
high temperatuies generated during the burn-out
The heavy duty cast iron grate includes a heat baffle
The burner is controlled by an automatic 4-hour
Big Dutchman Gas Incineratoi
#4O-AQ 0000, with aftei burner
LP or NG, Wt 300 lbs.
I j&Slw ) A Division of U.S. Industries, Inc.
\MJ eastern branch
U*!7 r l w '9p^ 21 . Dlller Ave j New Holland. Pa. 17557
action oi
it Star]
the things that consumers pie
fcr, it’s .inuning what happens
One of mv favorite examples is
John Bintz. .1 young Michigan
fanner who convcitecl Ins
father's small apple oichaui in
to .1 m.iior icuealional center
Even though the oiclunci was miles fiom a main high
wav, John believed that he
could atliacl city people out to
buy their apples at the oichaid
So he beg. n piomoting bv ad
verlising in the local papeis He
soon saw the oppoitumties JOl
selling moie than just apples,
so he added a cider mill llis
mothei had long been noted for
her good homemade bieaci He
had her try substituting cider
for the water in mixing the
dough and intioduced then uni
que brand of cider biead.
John saw that coming out to
the orchaid was an outing for
the whole family, so he began
offering candied apples for the
kids. Then he noted that the
wives were sitting in the cars
while the husbands and the kids
did the buying, so he put in a
gift shop for the ladies. His
labor force grew to the point
where it became a problem to
recruit help for just three or
four months each fall. He be
gan wondering how he could
extend his season into the win
ter. The most promising idea
was to put in a ski i un except
his area was as flat as the Kan
sas plains John literally moved
a mountain; He scooped enough
dirt out of his flat land to build
a nice ski slope and in the
process cieated a lake for ice
skating in the winter and swim
ming, boating and fishing in the
Notice that every step in
John’s business expansion was
guided by his knowledge of
people and what they wanted I
wish that moie faimeis saw
this oppoitumty to do what we
call ‘‘farm the city people ” Fox
faimeis own oi contiol most of
the land that can satisfy city
f H s ®
rjjpk* - [S
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Phone 354-5168
Lancaster Farming. Saturday, October 2-1.1!)7(»—!)
people's yon for the »ro:it out
of doors.
In fact, city people would like
to do moie than just go out into
(he counliyside for their iccica
tion They'd like to go out thoie
to live A icccnt Gallup Poll
showed that 56 per cent of the
people would pietei to live in a
uiial aica and another 25 per
cent piefer living in small
cities Yet neatly all of the ic
cent giovvth in om population
has taken place in the huge 111-
ban aieas Government plan
neis and the people who aie
closest to the pioblems of oui
hn ge cities have begun to doubt
whcthei any amount of fedeial
monev can once moie make oui
uties habitable
You know how the cycle
goes A city finds that it has a
severe unemployment pioblem
So the answer is to bung in a
new industiy or failing that
a new government installa
tion Ideally, they want to lo
cate it near the area of the un
employed, which is usually near
the center of the city What
happens if they are successful
and build the new plant? More
traffic congestion; more tiash
to pollute the streets and smoke
to pollute the air; more crime;
and all too often, more unem
Working in a laige city but
traveling in the countryside, as
I do, affords a real opportunity
to see the contrasts. It’s ironic
that city people should be so
much more concerned about
pesticides than are farm people,
but it’s very logical. Quite
literally, city people have foul
ed their own nests and they
assume that the same thing is
happening out in the country
We at Farm Journal see no
real alternative for our cities
than to stop the continuing
migiation from country to city
and, if possible, i evei se it. How
can we do it 9 By bunging to
the countiyside the things it
has lacked water systems, sew
ers, better schools, libraries,
cultuial centers and jobs es
pecially jobs Bad as the cities
aie, they still appear to offer
moie to some rural residents
than does the small town So
they leave.
I know there is a temptation
to say good riddance, but it
isn't uddance Countiy people
must still help support many of
these refugees, through taxes,
even after they have moved to
the cities And as we all know,
it's much more expensive to
support them m the cities than
it is out in the country.
We’ve now had two decades
of expeilence with rural de
velopment, and by now it’s ap
parent rural areas cannot be
developed Horn Washington As
the Task Force on Rmal De
relopmcnt said in its recent le
poit ‘ Rural Development can
not start unless the local people
want it And it cannot succeed
unless local leadeis aggicssive*
ly piomote it ”
We have been pushing the
Miial dcselopment idea in the
pages of Faim .Joninal this
year because we think it’s the
most piomising of all fann
piogiams It helps faimeis by
making jobs for faim people
especially the young people (hat
wed like to keep in imal aieas.
It pi os ides lai mei s with a near
by maikel, making it possible
foi moic of them to sell duett
and pocket moie of the piofit.
And fin.illv, countn towns with
a healthy balance of faim, m
ilustiy and business can pioside
bettei schools, beltei icci ca
tion and a wulei selection of
goods for faimeis who lue
neai by
What I am saying is that all
phases of our national life aie
now so intei \vo\en that our
pioblems aie indivisible Low
income in faim aieas toda> be
comes unemployment in the
city aftei the family has migrat
ed Poveity and pollution in the
city today shows up as higher
taxes in the countiyside tomor
For seveial years now we in
agncultuie have talked longing
ly of the need to impiove our
public relations. As is a new
paint job will covei up all the
old dents and sciatches Our so
ciety is now too open for subter
fuge New Jersey fruit and ve
getable growers did their cause
no good the other day when
they posted “no trespassing”
signs to keep the press from in
terviewing their migrant work
ers As a member of the press, I
can tell them that trespassing
signs won’t keep an enterpris
ing newsman from getting his
(Continued on Page 13)
• 50,000 watts surge capacity
• 16,000 watts continuous duty
• Slow speed—l Boo KPM
• Cool running triple chain
drive transmission
• Heavy duty motor starting
• Close voltage regulation
• Meets NEMA codes
• Heavy duty construction
• Induction hardened input
• Rain proof construction
• Completely wired control
9 Three phase available
Haverstick Bros.
2111 Stone Mill Rd.
Lancaster, Pa. 17603
Ph. (717) 892-57*2
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