Importance of Clean Environment To Be Emphasized at Meetings Several cduciitionnl meetings enviionmenl was explained ns ty may become a nuisance The •re being planned this winter follows 1 inference must be substan- Under the general topic of ”Liv- The general public's interest tlfl l «nd offensive to a normal Ing With Your Neighbois " the in conti oiling environment is pei son of average sensitivity. ' obvious. The complaint relative to the C,VlCean ‘ To what degree, how. and n ". raa J, indude foul how fast, arc questions to which odo \l' * oud and lC u Unin .® noiscs Th« topic refers to conti ol- answers arc varied Only time or the many P hysical ‘■'ondi ling the farm environment and will movidr definite nncwei-c tlons (fl> es . dust, feathers and using good management prac- " piovia ® nei,nue answeis water) which could amount to tices to eliminate conditions Fh ? numbcr . of com- a health hnMrd> which might be offensive to flf,l ntS j!f ainSt P ou liy opera * There aie two general types neighbors, explained Jay W. Ir- |L°P S continu ® s to increase in 0 { nuisances public and pn wm, associate county agent Sta » t ®j £ind in surrounding vate _ depending on the num _ statas - And so ™ ha r ,esulted ber of people whose rights arc In a recent newsletter to lo- lawsuits that have gone being , nte rfered with The per cal poultrymen by liwm in ugamst poultrymen in other son or peo pie can ask for (1) consultation with Dr Floyd states. an injunction, (2) damages, Hicks, Penn State extension What is a poultry nuisance’’ either actual or punitive, or (3) poultry specialist, the impor- Any operation that umeason- both an injunction and dam tance of understanding and ably interferes with the use ages fatorably controlling the farm and enjoyment of one’s pioper- Another impoitant consideia tion is whether the poultry opeiation is classified as a temporal y or permanent nui sance This determination is made by the court and can have a decided influence on future action Help Us Serve You Is your farm organization's meetings making our faim calendar 9 If they’ie not and you think they should, let us know As a public seivice to farmms and the farm communi ty, we try to get as many meetings as we can on the calendar. But we miss some. Remind us by calling 394-3047 or 626-2191 or by wilting to Lancaster Farming, 22 E Mam St., Lititz, Pa. 17543. You can help us serve you better. TAKE THE GUESSWORK OUT OF FEEDING YOUR STEERS! PROGRAMMED BEEF is the Red Rose way to efficient and profitable production. You can choose from a variety of feeds for your steers . . . such as Beef Supplements, Brood Cow Cubes, 20% Cattle Cubes, Beef Pellets, Creep Feed, and Beef Starter Pellets. Let us take the guesswork out of your steer feeding operation. All jou need to do is call us for a herd analysis! You'll be glad you did! Walter Binkley & Son Heistand Bros. Lititz Elizabethtown Brown & Rea, Inc. Atglen’ ‘ Elverson Supply Co. Elverson i | | L. T. GeibEstote Manheim ”l. B. Groybtll & Son Strasbnrg 4. . u . c Mountviile Feed Service Stouffer & Son* B. Musser Heisey & Son Mountviile Inc. | ft D. #2, Mt. Joy, Pa. Witmer Red Rose CATTLE FEEDS Red Rose Farm Service, Inc. N. Church St.. Quarryville Chos. E. Sauder & Sons Terre Hill David 8., Hurst A _ c , „ Bowmansvilie Ammon E. Shelly Lititz- G. R. Mitchell, Inc. Eefton, Pa, We would like to think that nuisance conditions on most poultiy faims are only tempor ary in that they could be re duced or eliminated by making some basic changes in manage ment. Musser Farms, Inc. Columbia Musser's Mill The Buck E. P. Spotts, Inc. Honey Biook Lancaster Farming. Saturday, October 24,1970 Make a bag Make it big. A tote bag is for toting and here is one with all the room you need Do it the patchwork way, using crocheted squares Each 7” square is done in the star stitch with rug jam. The pieces are sewn together and the seams are embroidered over in the chain stitch. Free in structions are'available by sending a self-addressed stamp ed envelope to this newspaper along with your request for Leaflet A-575. gy\/S JUST bolt on anothci bottom to c\pind \oui 2000 Senes Allis Chalmeis 1 plow No need to buy anothci plow when you buy a biggoi (iactor. And that’s just one ol the many fine fcaluics of these nigged semi-mounted plows. Thetc aic no cioss biaccs to get in youi way when you want to adjust a coullei 01 change a plow blade The fiame is clean and wide-open so you can walk light up to any point on the plow Plus, you have a dunce ol shcai bolt spnng tup or hy»iauhc icsct stub beams and a complete selection ot coulteis and bottoms to match soil conditions. These Monofiainc plows come in a 4-bottom size that can be expanded to 5, and a 5-bottom size that can be expanded to 6 Come and lake a look at them You'll see why Going Orange is Going Gicat. Nissley Farm Service L. H. Brubaker Washington Boio, Pa Lancastei, Pa. ;N. G. Myers & Son Grumelli Farm Service > ' Rheems, Pa. Quanyville, Pa. auis-chalmehs MONOFRAME is an Allis Chalmers trademark. Roy H. Buch, Inc. 'Ephi ata, R D 2 L. H. Brubaker Lititz, Pa 7