2ft—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. October 24,1970 Meat Additive Control Considered The US Dopm(merit of Agri (Dilute hits announced that it 4* considering changes in its meat and poultiy inspection temulations to contiol the addi tion of water and oil base solu tions into meal and poultiy pro ducts Officials of USDA’s Consum er and Maikctmg Scivicc said this was not a foimal icgulatory ptoposal but uithei an invita tion to interested poisons to comment on the scope of any foimal pioposal winch may be issued A tjpical meal pioduct ticat ed with a solution. C&MS said, is beef that is paitially cook ed in a piocessing plant and cooked fuither to complete its picpaiation in a "fast food” outlet such as a sandwich shop The solutions aie added to help ■-'CLiv K. r the proved way to give pigs the right start— PURINA 8 PIG STARTENA Purina Pig Startena is a proved complete starter. It’s the result of constantly improved Purina complete starters. In research tests the latest improvement boosted growth by 12.4 percent from 5.2 percent less feed, over the former ration—and that ration did a great job. Purina Pig Startena is fed from the time pigs have been started on Purina Baby Pig Chow at one week until pigs weigh about 50 pounds. If scours is a problem feed extra highly-fortified Purina Pig Startena (Special; for a week to ten days. Xylan* is available in Pig Startena T-l when you have swine dysentery problems. Ask for this famous pig starter at our store. •Rea Trademark of EUnco Products Co a Div of Eli Lilly &. Co John J. Hess, 11, Inc. James High & Sons Ph 442 46?2 Ph 354-0301 Paradise Goidonville Ira. B. Landis Ph 394-7912 1912 Cieek Hill Rd , Lane West Willow Formers Assn., Inc. Ph 464-3431 West Willow retain normal color, to distri bute seasonings throughout the meat, and improve tenderness The solutions usually consist of water mixed with approved ma tennis and phosphates and sometimes contain animal and vegetable fats, alone or in com bination. In poultiy products, C&MS said, the solutions arc added to inhibit the development of muscle diyness duiing cooking and to facilitate wider disper sion of flavoring agents Typical poultry products are "self bast ing” law turkejs injected with solutions of vaiying composi tions. Federal meat and poultiy in spection laws piohibit the pre paration of “adulterated” pio ducts, and state that a product will be considered adulterated John B. Kurtz Ph 354-9251 E. D 3, Ephrata Wenger's Feed Mill Inc. Ph 367 1195 Rheems "If any substance has been add ed thereto or mixed or packed therewith so os to incioase its bulk or weight or reduce its quality or strength, or make it appear belter or of greater value than it is ” Meat and poultry products can become adulterated by the addition of water. C&MS must therefore have information on the amount of water, if any, necessary in these solutions in order to achieve the desired re sults in these products. Any comments on this subject should include substantive data and infoimation to show that water is necessaiy to prepare the pioducts and the amount requiied for the given purpose, officials said. C&MS said any proposed reg ulation would specify ATTENTION! FALL FEEDER SCHEDULE Lancaster Union Stock Yards Sales Pavilion All Soles Friday at 1:00 P.M. November 6 and 20 Valuable Door Prizes to be given away at each sole Sponsored by: THE LANCASTER LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE AND UNION STOCK YARD CO. 250 HEAD SHOW & SALE New Holland Sales Stables, Inc DAIRY COW A small sample of those offered for sale from these popular sires: Osborndale Ivanhoe, TT-N-Arab, Whirlhill Kingpin, Marquis, Selling Rockman, Thorndale Texal Supreme, Tarhill Ford Citation, Rockdale President, Arthur Farm Ivanhoe. Many classified with official records up to 20,460 lbs. milk, 700 lbs. fat. Many foundation cows to fit into your plans for building your herd. Come and see for yourself Excellent dairy type and high production cowS from outstanding herds in the United States & Canada. 1 The products into which liquids can be injected, mixed, or otherwise added 2. Liquids that may be added. 3 The maximum percentage of liquid that may be added. 4 General plant operating procedures that must be met with the requirement that the specific processing methods be submitted for approval along with the application for label approval. 5. Handling practices to be used during distribution in commerce to insure proper identification of the products when delivered to the con sumer. Register on October 8. AU com- Meanwhile, C&MS is giving ments will be available for temporary approval to pioductsP u^llc review in the Hearing meeting the following require Clerk’s office. ANNUAL New Holland, Pa. Wednesday, October 28th, Show 10:00 A. M. Sale 12:00 Noon Show Cows at 1:00 P. M. Dr. John L. McKitrick, Judge merits, labels must bear a prominent, legible and descrip tive name; the product name must include a bold statement declaring the amount of solu tion added and the common or usual name of each of its ingre dients in the order of predomi nance. Solutions approved thus far range from 2 to 10 per cent of the weight of the meat pro duct and 3 to 6 per cent of the weight of the poultry product. Two copies of any comment should be sent to the Hearing Clerk, U. S. Department of Ag riculture, Washington, D. C. 20250 before November 9, 30 days after publication of this announcement in the Federal 250 HEAD 1970 Abe Diffenbach, Manager Phone 717-354-2194