nobler Furmin I !0 - 21 it ,ti tf/ COOKIES HERE TODAY, GONE TOMORROW! by Mrs. Richard C. Spence Want an mesistible cookie Chocolatt Di op Cookies are just that Then chocolate* goodness Jiteially melts in \om mouth the flour, baking powdei If sou base some walnuts on ar, d sa 't the fat. sugar and Ji. ml pi ess one into the top of eggs and mix well Mix m the each cooks ju-l befoie baking peanuts and pi lines Fill greas ed baking pan half full Bake at 350 degiees for 25 to 30 minutes, until lightly bi owned Cut into bais Cool befoie seiv ing CHOCOLATE DROP COOKIES 2 squares (1 ounce each) un- sweetened chocolate 1 cup sifted regular all-pur- pose flom 1 teaspoon baking powder ] 4 teaspoon baking soda 1 4 teaspoon salt cup coarseh chopped nuts J t cup icgular maigaiine or buttei. softened 1 cup brown sugar, fii mb packed 1 egg ‘a cup buthimhk oi soui milk 1 > cup who’e bian ceieal 1 > teaspoon vanilla H ivoimg Ift ii ciio dale in top section Oi. doubiC boilei o\ei hot not bfilimi watei oi in small sc.act pdi ovei \ei\ low he,' fin li'ig con-tanth Remove from heat Sift togethei flom, baking powdei, soda and salt combine with nuls Set as,de Measure maigaiine and sugai into nux ang bowl, beat until light and tfluffj- Add egg and cooled, melted chocolate beat well Stu in butteimilk ceieal and vanilla Add sifted diy mgiedients mix until combined Diop by level aneasuung - tablespoons onto lightly gi eased baking sheets Bake m modeiate oven (375 de vices) about 14 minutes oi until •cooky springs back to touch Re move immediately fiom baking sheets cool on vvue lacks II you like pi ess walnut half gently on top of each cookv just Hit loi e baking Makes 3 l a do7en COOkiCs BROW'S COOKIES 11-*I 1 -* cups s’fted legulai all pm pose floiii 2 teaspoons bak >l4 po" du 1 tcvsp'v). sail ‘j cup jegidai i«r>! >,.u 11 butter, s Tlcned cup s>igas, finals PcCn-ed 'i cup gianulatc’fl aigai '-<•> •o~ 1 teaspoon vmull 1 fiavoi <>i 1 tup (O.lSjl, (ll mit 5 cups pnecttMicd pJI..; corn cet cal Si I: logeibu Jloui ba , . powde <’nd sill Sol a-ucic Bta in 11 gai ine and sugai ■> until hgm arc! ilufU A.dd and can dia beat wed Mix in -atlc I d 1 • ngicdients and nuts un n •dioioughh combine'! Sh ’ lf\el tabkspooniuls ol dough ia tialK roll in ceieal Place Jjou 3 inches apail on gieaseu bak n > •sheets Bake in modualeh ho( o\en (37 5 dtgiees) about It m nulei oi until lightlv biown al Make, about 3U cloven cool us, 2k inches ,n diaincUi PEWLTPRUVE BUIS cup flour teaspoon baking powder teaspoon salt cup melted fat (butter or 1 >« i». SuUn-dny. October 24.1070 FOR THE FARM WIFE AND FAMILY margarine) 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 cup chopped peanuts I cup finely chopped cooked prunes SCOTCH CRISPERS I l .* cups sifted flour I 1 a teaspoons salt 'a teaspoon baking soda 'a cup shot tening 'a cup chunk style peanut but- 'a te'spomi chin'mon 1 i teaspoon nutmeg c.ns firm!* p»eked biown su, ai 2 eggs 2 tablespoons water I cup (6 ounces) buiteiscotch moisels 1 cup quick cooking rolled oats Sift togethei the floui salt p and baking soda, set aside Com- p bine and beat till creamy the i 4 shoitoning, peanut buttei, cm- 4 namon, nutmeg Beat bi own sugai gi actually into ciearned Blend buttei and sugai add mixtiue Beat in eggs one at a egg and beat well SUi in Add floui mixtme altei- p eanu t s , almond flavoring and nateiy with 2 tablespoons water Stu m butterscotch moisels and ucc Klls P les - mix well sha P e lolled oats Diop by heaping mixtuie m munded bowl of teaspoonfuls onto ungi eased tablespoon and place on lightly cookie sheets Bake at 375 de- § leasecl baking sheets Bake in giees foi 10 to 12 minutes model ate oven (350 degrees) Makes 5 dozen about 12 minutes Makes about 6 dozen cookies NOTE Nu taioon mixtine is somewhat dry CORN FLAKE MERINGOONS m appeal ance befoie baking Do 2 egg whites not add additional liquid !\puStTol\ ; WsfflßE^ I Lock Fcii This Sign i S.> « poll Ro >d ] Tut-*,'oj!s”, Pinna Sflirt raising more and better Calves the Easy NURS-ITTE way No moie canjing pads of wai in watei oi hand mixing milk i eplacei Just till the hoppei ot the NURSETTE with mi k ieplacei and the NURSETTE will mix milk replacer and waim watei and keep it waim until calf muses the mix (appiox 14 oi ) Then it will mix a fiesh batch of watei and replacer. For more information contact YOUNG BROS. NURS-ETTE SALES AND SERVICE If using corn flakes, ciush into fine cuimbs Sift togethei flout, soda and salt Blend butter and sugats Add eggs and vanilla, beat well Add sifted di\ ingiadi ents togethei with coin flake cuimbs mi\ well Shape about 1 tablespoon dough around each choco’ale walci Place on tin gieased baking sheets about 2 inches apail Bake in model ate men (.115 acgicusi about 10 minutes Hakes about 5 dozen cookies Ph. 717-548-2462 Peach Bottom, R. D. 1, Pa. 17563 •a teaspoon vsnllla 0 m m " stsm Town Fair At Lancaster Mittar nips corn flakes nip IB mimes I srmlsvvee' chocolate morsels cup flaked rncoiuil Beal eac wlull s. vanilla and sail mill! Mdl bin not di> X«l«i confeelionei s’ siifiai firaduallv. beatitu; Id) stiff. filossv peaks form Kohl m coin fl.ikvs. cltocolah moiwls ;md coromil Drop bv teaspoonfuls onlo well jp eased' rookie sheet* Bake at 325 defines for 12 lo 14 minutes Makes 3'a do7en (Nolo) Allow to stand about 10 minutes befoic rcmoMnfi fiom cookie sheets MINT SURPRISE COOKIES cups corn flakes or cup cornflake crumbs cups sifted flour teaspoon baking soda teaspoon salt cup soft butler or mar f rine cup granulated sugar cup brown sugar, firmly packed eggs 3 1 1 1 i , teaspoon vanilla flavoring dozen (6‘j ounce package) solid chocolate-mint candy waters NUTARGONS cup sott butter or margarine cup sugar egg cup finely chopped peanuts teaspoon almond flavoring cups rice knspies Agricultural Limestone & Fertilizers Peanut Hulls • v ' G -rra St ‘ im ps|L«£!. 1 1 LI STAMPS , • 1 * y?* ~ PiuMie (717) 768 8451 \ L-live nlmo*pheie will pre porcelain. buttons, fans, silver \ h<'ic on ui’lotn’i 27 an I 2JI inn ui .iteis. valentines, and mini when opens it' cloo.« aline scale furniture. A Juried io vmiois attending Hu annual nerdlrworx show wjll be on dis- Linr.i'-tii Town Pair play along with other One need “TllT fnsi I' Chur lework exhibits, ch Tmipli tilth Kl. St James The Lancaster County Art Kpisiopit Chinch, and the \ssocialion exhibit, and a col- V\VC\ are coopiutinK foi the lection of handiwork done by thlid .ime in a salute to the foui women who contributed hlstoiv and ciiltuie of the area much to the artistry and heritage The festival will be open both of the area will be of wide intcr tlavs fiom 10 a m to 9p m cst Isaeh Art from the Murray In addition to an extensive, S Giecnfield Gallery in New every thing ■ foi - sale Antique \oik City will be sold. “Tiny Show, antique dealeis will dis- Tieasures" will include brass, play unusual ilems fiom their silver, and crystal as well as own private collections some furniture, to be sold as Othei private collections to be “antiques of tomorrow", shown include antique dolls, (Continued on Page 21) Shades of a beautiful sunset are reflected in this afghan and pillow set - wine rose, pink and bittersweet, too. It is worked in afghan stitch strips, bordered on each side with treble crochet in a flame-like pattern. Six strips are joined to make the complete afghan, measuring 45 x 66 inches. The pillow cover, backed m felt, fits a 14 x 18 inch form. Both pieces are generously fringed Free instructions are avail able by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to this newspaper along with your request for Leaflet B-593.