Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 24, 1970, Image 18
11l Lam nsU’i- I'Vnmitf. Satin <la>. Ocliilht 21. 1070 DHIA MONTHLY REPORT Cutter • Name Bleed lied ItOM* IlfM-ail ll iVlllei IW 1 <i *>ii’ Hll s II Shfllfttltfi ,e Dot i" Maxim um II & Uuth II Bess I Bobhx mini S Yost Pixie .1 Moweiy Kiev .li Dinah Lind.i Rochele Mai le .1 Kby Hei shev Biencla ,1 Z Noll Donna Lon Syh in Lotli .1 Jessie 1 mix H Fiex Seuis Jo in C Motzlei Lad Sue i>ax id L Landis Minnie Bonnie \i thin D M’enyei Mxitle Bat ones C hat les Tindall Lucinda lames G Kieidei Model Menu S AA ebei 29 Gill 101 tn I Zimmei man Tiptop RH lames V Newcomen Tama RH Vinos B Lapp Louise Josie Lois 1 Rohiei AV ilmei Snoi'ke ( laieme M Mum Louise RH Alacpc RH >am &, Vilen Kieiclei Voih GiH AL ui ice F Welk liene Gi H Z'lemn Siitulei Rosie I’ 11 1 C M.utin Gmsi I lam G Kieiclet S\ nihol Pal Tt ssic T.imnn null ' i Kan II Him sha\ fan \ Rubai d Landis Janol Vjimii \issle\ 4 23 lonn L Landis Luck\ RII John Oitui Slolt/lus Linda RII I Kenneth llcis}n.‘\ Sdii\ Rir Jo\ce RII Ruth RII I’ >u! K Biub.lkei 200 \ithm F Robbie \ln aham Shelh Ji Hi It n Gill 1 1J id in P Ai i o\\ Mnith lAiini'j ItJ \ihei. E Fi\ Mollic 'iiiflitw Cj Alillei Dot anti I) iS. n c Lind' f)OI I \ mo’~ II I <mt/ rc^v I Inn i S Sloli/lus pa\ nu Ro'.i! lill unos &. Pleanoi Ik*i i ne% Bndie K T ! 5 i (>nta'itci Mcnnonitf Hospital Linda RII 4 /ohn C fitofl Hoi la Cc m Chi tis E 4kei s Donna Kenneth L Beilei PiMe flatly H Ranck /i Kav Samuel F Lons' Miclmte Gi H \ Geihait A L W Noll 14 GiH 57 Gi H Paul E Mai tin Alice il/ia M Mai tin Fay Jemima (Coiiliniiod fiom I’.iijo 1) Age U.ijs 305 (! 10 305 305 10 3 «0 Ci II HI 1 Hook Hit HI I 305 305 305 4-11 rh 305 300 305 305 6-10 it 11 it 11 HH HH 305 RH 305 305 305 294 304 46 8 1 6-7 8-7 49 RH RH RII RH RH 305 GiH 305 8-11 RH 305 305 RH RH 305 305 RH RH 305 13 0 RII 305 RII 305 305 305 305 305 305 RII RII RII 305 7 11 RBi Sw 295 298 6 11 33 305 410 305 5 11 304 5 11 GiH 305 RII 305 305 295 305 305 305 RII RH Gill RII RH (.ill 10 4 7 9 8 1 2 10 62 7 8 305 RH 9-10 305 RH 305 305 RH RH 305 285 305 305 305 87 4-11 8 8 305 RH 305 RH 4 10 305 305 305 RH 10 10 305 RH 305 305 Ril .305 305 6 10 8 0 305 ,305 305 305 RII 6 4 RH 3 11 RH 6 4 238 305 RH 5 0 305 RH 5 2 297 305 305 RH 5 4 305 305 305 RH 5 1 RH 65 r.u Milk Tost 809 21.069 801 734 22 733 19 941 796 766 23.354 17.158 791 38 20.842 791 758 713 700 43 49 4 1 41 18.593 15.570 17,326 17,163 791 18.196 787 781 751 720 673 41 36 33 35 35 19,308 21,457 22.718 20.291 19.265 783 16,286 781 21 868 780 689 20 063 18.415 780 726 16,315 18,343 773 20 327 768 18,926 767 21 433 767 19 377 766 19 313 762 758 704 37 37 43 20 661 20 442 16 282 762 18 748 760 703 18 117 18 755 759 20 347 758 16 626 757 15 208 756 18 215 751 731 702 695 691 683 18 856 17 373 15 512 18 329 20 231 15,021 748 17 690 743 16 178 746 684 19 389 18 171 744 16 817 20 499 741 20 252 19 771 17 3.33 739 673 673 737 19 563 737 17 228 736 16 933 736 13 785 19 991 736 73 3 16 504 15 ,305 731 728 21 425 18 903 17 979 728 711 19 091 726 20,785 725 18 354 18,773 724 696 724 18,072 20 739 722 718 19,282 17,994 717 18.533 14,153 716 691 17,176 714 712 680 18 454 19 001 Owner • Nome llreecl Am on 11 Weinei Donna William H Douts Ki It* ik* RH (Jill .1 Clavton Chin It’s (ill) Whitic Clyde W Mat tin ‘ Sweety RH Rhoda RH Raul B Zimmeiman Slur HII Christian K Lapp Chai m RH Arlene S Longenecker Peach RH C Robert Gi eider Jean II Dale E Hiestand Saia Phyllis Ernest J. Sander Olhe RH Aaion S Click & Sons 89 RH 16 RH Donald S Eby Cathy RH Bonnie RH Samuel S Stollzfus Inka Paike H Ranck Violet Jo Josie William Guhl 37 Galen W Ciouse Linda RH Emanuel S Smutkei Belle RH Ralph M>ei &"sons Ellen Gi H Lestei M Hawthoi ne Janet RH Calvin D Beilei Gay Call L Mai tin Anna Abbv Ivan M Huish Loi etta Ivan S StolUfus Kev Ann Clan M Heishev Peg Daniel J Mai tin Nancv Albeit Bieneman Elsie Russell S Shoop 4 GiH Allan R Shoemakei Richie GiH Leßov K Stoltzfus Rena Edwin K Wise Helen Biuce It Heibhcv Petunia Donald L Heishe\ Eve RH Leßov W Oboinoltzei Palsv RII Melvin I Beilei Cmdv James F Mvei Bibshee Paul N Biubachei 36 R Edwin Ilainish Phoebe J Flojd Kieidei I ulie Eli S King Bonnie Reuben Z Smokei Rose RH Roboit W Uhich & Son Fan Gi J HIGH DAILY BUTTERFAT AVERAGES Name Bleed ChnslianK Lapp RII Ciulis E Akeis R&GiII Edwin K Wise EH Call G Tioop RH Titus B Stonei RiLGi H V Feny Rohi ex R&GiH John I 3 Lapp R&GxH John & Elam Rutt RH Kenneth L Beilex RH Lloyd Wolf R&GxH John S Yost RH Fiank J Yost RH Hany S Aungst RH ' Samuel M Augsbuiger RH J Floyd Kieidex - R«iGiH John M Hainish R&GrH A«o Pajs 305 Kit 305 305 2(11 305 Gill Gill 305 305 305 305 305 305 Gill 305 297 RH RH 305 305 305 305 305 3 11 10-2 305 RH 305 305 305 90 7 1 31 RH RH RH 305 GiH 305 305 6 10 305 305 12 4 305 RH 305 305 13 8 11 1 RH RH 305 GiH 305 305 RH RH 297 RH 305 RH 305 RH 305 305 4-11 305 RH 2 11 305 RH 305 RH 305 305 305 RH 305 RH 2 11 RH 305 6 11 RH 305 RH 305 297 RH 305 305 Dajs On Test No. Cow Days Milk Cows In Milk Lbs. Test 93 0 42 0 38 4 85 0 29 0 93 2 88 2 26 9 92 8 36 0 36 6 97 6 29 3 84 2 92 0 41 0 92 2 43 5 53 9 88 5 32 7 94 6 36 8 88 9 53 1 84 9 29 5 917 43 5 97 2 83 3 68 7 Fat Milk Tost 712 17.129 711 01)0 10,912 15,178 709 683 17 631 14,318 709 707 15.920 13,053 707 18,805 707 17,078 706 18,329 706 16,585 705 678 15,628 19,881 703 16,711 702 698 17,478 19,671 702 680 16,740 16,798 701 16,204 699 689 685 41 40 37 17,067 17.325 18 658 699 16,981 698 19,578 697 16.896 696 20 111 696 17 397 693 18,664 693 691 17,832 19,181 691 18 715 690 671 19 349 16,783 687 15,040 686 19,859 685 20,985 685 15,998 685 15 476 683 16,949 683 13,980 18,973 682 17,956 681 681 14,475 20,843 679 678 17,865 17,287 677 14 612 677 19,373 674 18 550 673 13,623 671 14 564 670 Fat Lbs 44 6 1 80 48 0 1 74 174 46 2 49 6 1 73 52 5 1 72 52 7 1 72 47 0 1 71 47 2 1 71 45 2 1 66 44 0 1 65 40 8 1 64 43 5 164 42 3 38 162 43 7 1 62 41 9 1 61 41 3 Stevens Trade School Taking Applications The Th.iddeus Stevens Trade School. Lancaster, is now re ceiving applications for admis sions foi the coming school year. Stevens is a fiee trade school, maintained and operated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the (mining and education of oi phans and other deserving boys who meet the standards of need established by the Board of Directois and the Common wealth It is the purpose of the school to piovide fiee of charge room and board as well as shop and classroom instruction. The courses offered are approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education Advanced training is offered to those students who have pieviously finished high school A small number of tuition students who do not meet the standards of need are accepted each jeai Two veai courses are offered in the following trades - Electncal Constiuction. Electionics, Ma chine Shop Piactice, Printing, Automotive Mechanics, Brick Masonry, Baking, Cabinet Mak ing, Carpentiy, Aichitectural Diafting, Mechanical Drafting, Plumbing, Commercial Sheet Metal, and Auto Body Repair Detailed infoimation about any of the couises offered may be obtained from the school by wilting to the Admissions Office, Stevens Tiade School, Lancaster, Pa 17602 Law Course If someone says, “Pm giving vou this ung’ but does not de livei it befoie he dies, the ring isn’t joins Gift making may appear sim ple but it can be devious accord ing to a Pennsilvama State Uni veisity home study course on law Two points aie needed: an intent to make a gift and de liveiy of the ob]ect You can’t saj you have given something away and keep possession and conti ol oi it The basic punciples of the couise ha\e wide application. Howevei, most of the cases given as examples have to do with uu al living To get the com se send $3 00 to Faim Law, Box 5000, Umvei sily Paik, Pennsylvania 16802. Make check oi money order pay able to Penn State THEIR THIRST COMES FIRST WITH YfeVcrt/e AUTOMATIC LIVESTOCK FOUNTAINS Lester A. Singer “Lancaster County’s Only Dealer Specializing In Sprayer Sales and Service” Roftks, Pa. 6*7-6712 1