Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 24, 1970, Image 17

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    Studies Management Practices for Adaptation at Home
Nagaland Farmer Learns Here
“I do have a f.nm. but not a and keeping a couple of cows
good farm like Lairy and others Until recently, the country
berc." actually had to impoit a lot of
. .. ..... . food, but lately has become moie
Tha. was the candid statement se lf-suffl cit - n i. Ao saul
last week of Lima Ao of Naga-
land, one of 18 stales in India He looks fonvaid to making
Ao was lefeinng to his Lancas strides toward an impiovid
tei County host. Lany Weaver, agiicultme with application of
a young New Holland RDI some of the modem manage
fai mer. ment practices used in this coun
„ . , .... tiy. Fanning in Nagaland now
But by standards in his own 1S » vci j much b\ hand," he said
state Ao is a successful and pio
giessivf faimer His two-week \Vlien he lelmns. Ao s.nd he
visit to the Weaver faim was will recommend that the gov
pait of an extended six-month eminent use some of its money
tour of some of the bcttei faims t 0 se £ U p specialized faims to
in the US in an effort to gain pave the way foi unpiovemenl
moie knowledge and make his jj e noted that the government is
own fawn, and fanning in his about the onlj source of suffi
state, even better cient capital foi such specialized
Ao visited this countiy under * aims
the 4-H International Faim
Youth Exchange (IFYE) pio- Actually, the Nagaland gov
giam He pieviously spent two eminent has leccived offers of
months in lowa, four weeks else- assistance in the past to im
where in Pennsylvania, and two pmve its agriculture, but has ic
weeks at the John Henkel farm, jected them
Stiasburg RDI, befoie stopping
at Weavei’s beef farm. As described by Ao, the state
is extremely isolationist and has
Livestock production in his deliberately kept out outsideis.
own country, Ao said, “can be including those who could assist
improved a lot ” the area.
He described faiming in Ao noted that the Foid Found-
Nagaland as pnmauly a subsis- ation offered to build a rural
tence agriculture with most university and Scandanavian
farmers growing a few chickens coiinhies offered to help set up
Mr, and Mrs. Ivan R. Yost Win
Regional Young Farmer Award
Mr and Mrs Ivan R Yost, Mr and Mrs Yost paiticipate
Christiana RDI, have been select- in the activities of many fai m
ed as winners of the Young and community organizations
Farmer Community Award of They are active membeis of the
Region II of the Pennsylvania Mennomte Church, the Lancas-
Young Farmers Association ter County Farm and Home Cen-
They aie now eligible to com- ter, the local fne company, and
pete with the winners of the many fund drives in then local
othei five regions of the Asso- area They are members of the
ciation for the state title of local, state, and national units
“Pennsylvania’s Outstanding of the Ameucan Faim Bureau
Young Farmer Family” Fedeiation
The awaid recognizes a young Ivan Yost is a member and
farm couple for outstanding sei- president of the local association
vice in their home community of Young Faimers m the 0c -
Emphasis is placed on both pai- toiara Hlgh School m Atglen
ticipation and leadeiship in all The teacheis of agriculture in
types of community activities the hlgh school> Ivan R stau£fer
The Yost fanuly reside on their and G R Rothermal, aie the ad
-450 acie Lancaster county dauy visois of the asociation
faim where they are milking 58 Thls young farmei served as
Holstein dauy cows They have pieS ident of the 1969 National
two childien, Ivan Ji , six, and Young Famer Instl tute In addi-
Karen, three tion to his Young Farmer actm-
Ues he finds time to participate
Milk and Fat Contest “ e^Am^ oV T e f
_ ... P ~ Association (DHIA) the local,
Deadline Set Oct. 31 slate and national Holstein hieed
~ . , .. associations, the Lancaster Coun-
Deadline foi entues in the ty Qonseivation District, the
Pennsylvania Milk and Fat Con- County Agucultural Stabilization
test is October 31 Entries can- Conseivation Sei vices, and
not be accepted aftei this date, serve as a member ot the Penn
according to Robeit Book, con- syivama Faim Show Committee
test chairman Mi and Mrs Yost will attend
Persons who aie Pennsylvania the 11th Annual Convention of
Junior Holstein members aie the Pennsylvania Young Farmers
eligible and can enter by con- Association on November 12,
tacting Book at 656-7665 or by 1970 in the Mountain View Inn,,
wilting him at 11 S Hershey Greensburg
Ave, Leola 17540 At that tame one of the six
The Lancaster County winner regional families will be crown
will compete in the state contest ed “Pennsylvania’s Outstanding
and be eligible for prizes. Young Farmer Family”.
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Lima Ao, Nagaland, India, farmer
and 4-H IFYE exchangee, poses with his
hosts, Carol and Larry Weaver, New Hol
land RDI, recently. Although he dressed
like a conventional American while he
discussed his country, Ao draped himself
in this aristocratic ceremonial garb for
modern daily and poultiy pro though Ao lives at about 4,500 cent of the people of Nagaland
grams But the offers were re- feet The climate is extremely are Christians, compared to only
jected "We look forward to the wet with 80 to 100 inches of ram- about two per cent for India as
day when the restrictions are fall a year and mild tempera- a whole
lifted and when I get home. I’m tuies that range up to 80 de
going to talk to officials about grees. The pride and independent
the offers,” Ao said o£ the people of Nagaland wa*
In his own area, Ao said it expressed in World War II
While the refusal of outside never frosts and he has never the Japanese invasion In the
help with agucultuie wouldn’t seen snow, although it snows in region was stopped in the state,
make sense in the U S context some of the high mountains. „ ,
of open state borders, extension Pointing to a color picture of
programs and complex assistance Nagaland emphasizes agncul- the capital city, Kohima, Ao
to faimers from agribusiness ture ’ education and small scale said, “This in front is a ceme
firms, the situation is entuely industry Principal farm pro- tery where many of our soldiers
different in Nagaland ducts are rice, beef, pork and died fighting the Japanese.”
Nagaland not only keeps
citizens fiom othei countues * n wet; climate, uce is pre
away, but also citizens from dominant, much as corn is the
other Indian states Nagaland is leading crop in this area There
virtually a nation within a aie “insignificant quantities of
na t lon _ coin” in his countiy, Ao said
Nagaland Is Ao himself arises about 30
The smallest and least popu- acies rice, about 100 cattle
lated state in India. Nagaland P ei year an d 1.500 mange trees
has only about 500,000 persons Nagaland 1S a re i ata vely small
oi one-tenth of one pei cent of mea S q ueezed between much
India s 550,000,000 peopl Whi e lar g ei na t lo ns The largest city,
India is known as the woilds Kohlma _ the capital has only
second most populous nation be- m nnn ,
hind China and has a tiemendous z ’ uuu pop
Lima Ao
‘We’re Independent People’
over-population piobiem Naga
land, accoidmg to Ao, is a
sparcely populated and moun
tamous legion
It has mountains ranging up to
13,000 feet above sea level, al-
Lancaster Farming. Saturday, October 24.1970—■ 1
At the extieme noitheastem
tip of India, the state is tela
tively isolated fiom the mam
portion of India It bordeis
Buima to the East and, although
there aie othei Indian states on
the othei boideis. East Pakistan
is only about 50 miles away to
the Southwest Tibet and China
aie only about 150 miles to the
As Ao says, it’s “a political
hotspot” in a “strategic loca
Nagaland waged open warfare
with the national goveinment to
Independent People ietam its independence It sue
. , * , , , ceecled m 1964
Ao indicated that the coun- XT . ,
tij-’s rejection of outsiders stems N<w - A ° ,s f tiym§ to t dl f ov £
from a stiong determination to he seciets of prosperity to add
remain free and independent t 0 P e °P le s P nde and mde '
And appaientl>, the indepen P enclence
dence of Nagaland is important
to the Indian government, be
cause it provides the people of
this land with an operating The Pennsjlvama Crop Re
budget, while requiring no taxes poitmg Service is holding fast
to the national goveiment to forecasts as of Sept 1 that
The independent spirit of the this yeai’s haivest of Type 41
people has a long tiadition Until tobacco will be at the lowest
only about 150 years ago, the level since 1937
people were veiy primitive by
modem standards Then mis
sionaries came, then more mis
sionai les
As a result, today about 60 per of declining acreage,
the photo. It contained symbols (not
shown) depicting the history of Nagaland
people including worship of the moon and
stars which occurred before Christianity
was introduced by missionaries about 150
years ago.
After the British left India,
Lima Ao
‘We Farm; Not Like Larry’
Tobacco Acreage Down
The sexvice reports an expect
ed >ield of nearly 34 7 millio*
pounds, down 2 8 million pounds
from last year, mainly because