Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 24, 1970, Image 15
CALL 1194*3047 or 626-2191 Form Equipment Form Equipment THOUSANDS DtonanUing Cat. D 2 thru D 8. £9 HD 5 thru 21; TD 6 thru 24, Oliver Model E thru OCI2 Gen erators, slteiing clutches, trans missions, final di ives, chains rollers, winches New Sc Used undercamages for all makes; Examples Cat. D 2 &, 933 30 links §170.90 SF. Roller (old style) 45.90 Cat D 4 & 955 31 links 5236.90 SF. Rollei (Ife time) 63.90 Cat D 6, 95F Jk 977 40 I’ks §383.90 SF Rollei (lifetime) 71.90 1 AC. HDS A 6 33 links §251.90 j SF. Rollei (hy. duty) 59.90 1 T D 6 32 Jir.«.s §184.90 1 SF Rollei ("lifetime) 52.90 T.D 9 33 Iras §245.90 SF Rollei (lifetime) 59.90 Case 1000 3T links §351.90 SF Rollei ("lifetime) 63.90 J.D 420 - 2010 35 links §227.90 S F. Roller 61.90 01 OC3 4 L OC6 30 I’ks §206.90 ENGINES &. POWER UNITS. CRAWLERS: D 2. 4,6, 7,8: TDI4 1 LOADERS: HDS, D 4 Sc HT4, 1 977, 955 H-power shift. Cheap. GOOD USED TRACKS AND ROLLERS 1 TRACK PRESS WORK If Not Listed Ask For It' Loader*!, Crawlers, Backhoes, A'.C., Cat, lot. BEN LOMBARDO EQUIPMENT CO. R. D. #6. Sinking Spiing Reading, Pa., 19608 Ph: 215-678-1941/4092 or 944-7171 I 1 Gehl Mu.ail. 2 yr old IXTI9C AC trartor, new 1180 AC tractor, Demo. 1 AC comtnne. 2-row corn hd Model A 1 A C C combine, 12 ft. grain hd. 1 M-F model 35 combine w/2 row corn head 1 600 Case combine 10 ft gram hd . like new ROBERT L. SWEENEY Siewartstown, Pa. 717-093-2514 Tiactois iiom 50 95 hp. Intel nation A & Oliver 1 row pickers New Idea 2 row trailer picker, nairow m*, AC motois with i eductions Foi the Am Fox choppeis with lone leed tables or new recutler b.oweis Also trader ioad of gravity box es and v.agon chassis. At leas' compare puces before you lay Rrivnio-'d B Leaman 2051 Patter Road, Lancaster Phone 394-2917 2 ion MrmteJ Fold Corn Picke; FAR.MERSVILLE EQUIP , IXC Faimeis*. iLe Pa Ph 354 9221 LANCASTER SILOS !Stor6ine Labor Savers Feed Lot Planning Soles & Service by J. SAMUEL SHERER Mt. Joy R 2 Phone 717-653-5267 . or 717-653-5208 - i n - 1 1 -111 i Com pickers, nud and pull typ MeCoimick Decnng 1 PR, Ni-,\ Idea 310, Case, Oliver. Woad Bios and Allis Chalmeis. Giavil.v Boxes Metal Com Cubs Elcvatois CLYDE E KEENER Intel section of Rl 72 ami 230 Phone 717-569 9.%1 Faimall 400 diesel w/2 mil pickei 240 Fai mall Hawk Bill tank spieader Stailine tank spieader COPE & WEWER CO New Pi evidence 786-7351 Feiguson 30 li actor Case 430 liactoi New Foul iotai\ cutteis ALLEN H MATZ, Inc New Holland Phone 354-2214 Foi Sale—Allis Chalmeis #35 Coin Snappei—needs little woik S5O 00 Phone 717-548-2156 Foi Sale —N-W hydrometer, like new Robext L Sweeney, Phone 717-993-2514 NEW & USED CHAIN SAWS As Low As $69.95 ★ ★ ★ ★ USED SLOW SPEED LISTER DIESEL ENGINE. GEHMAN BROS. 1 Mile North of Terre Hill on Route 897 Phone 215-445-6272 Poultry & Supplies KimberChiks and Started Pullets Warren Sex-Sal, Golden Sex Link, Broiler Chicks . Cobb and Wt Mt. Moyer's Chicks, Inc. Quakeitown, Pa Ph 215-536 3155 Foi Sale—7s to 100 Reddy Links Pullets S 2 00 a piece 18 weeks old also 1 standaid bied buggy hoise Amos Hoovei, Ephiata, R 2, Pa 17522, 1 mile east ol Diamond Station Try A Classified Ad If Pays! ATTENTION If you have a building suitable for washing chicken coops, no poultry on premises, and could use a side income of $l2OO to $l6OO annually, Call Indian River Poultry Farms Lancaster, Pa, 569-0456 (| ? 2501 Oregon Pike Farm Equipment I’m Sale—New Lil Colt Camper C bs foi all size pick-up trucks "’35 00 and up i armall 140 Tractor & Cultivator and Tobacco Hoers Massey Feiguson 65 Tractor Faimall M with Power Steeling New Idea 10A Manure Spreader on steel wheels, good condition New Idea mounted Coin Snapper All types of farm machinery. ELWOOD FLOWERS Manheim RD2, Pa. Phone 653-4839 Save on demonstrated equipment Gehl locutter, gieat foi silage and high moistuie coin Gehl 115 mill nnxei Case 12 ft stalk shiedder Case 970 tiactoi Used Equipment IH, NH, NI used spieadeis NI coin pickeis Case 430 930 Case backhoe unit 702 Uni w/picker A L HERR & BRO Quanyville 786-3521 Poultry & Supplies up LAYERS Greider Leghorn Farms, Inc. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY R. 1. PA. Lancaster Farming. Saturday. October 24. Il Farm Equipment MF 175 Diesel Tinted Massey Feiguson 510 Diesel Combine New Holland and New Idea PTO Manure spieadeis M M WEAVER & SONS Leola, Pa Ph 656-7702 AC Dl9 Diesel Ti acloi AC Dl7 Gas Tiactoi AC Dl7 Diesel Tractoi Olivei 550 Tiactoi w/loadei ROY H BUCII, Inc Ephiata, Pa 859-2441 Poultry & Supplies Poultry & Supplies LONGENECKER'S HATCHERY Box 317 / Elizabethtown, Pa 17022 / ( \ Phone (717) 367-1545 • J. J. WARREN SEX-SAL DAY OLD AND STARTED PULLETS LEUKOSIS RESISTANT-GIVE THEM A TRY! • WHITE MOUNTAIN CROSS BROILER CHICKS BROILER CHICKS WITH TOP PERFORMANCE Raising Baby Chicks and Started Pullets on Your Form Where Leukosis is a Problem? We Recommend You Order MUSSER'S M-327 CHICKS Started and Matured Pullets and Yearling Hens and Breeding Cockeiel WHY? Because our breeding and our resistance pro gram on our farm has given us three distinct controls over coccidiosis and leukosis. FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION CALL COLLECT MUSSER LEGHORN FARMS Box 116, Mount Joy, Pa. Phone 653-4911 1916 54 Years 1970 M Another World Famous White Egg Layer! The 6-305 j Q: How did the B-305 do in the USDA 2-Year Com bined Summary of Random Sample Egg Produc tion Tests for the \ears 1967-68 and 1969 9 | A; We are very proud to announce that the B-305 | finished in second place tor income mei teed and 'j chick cost The B-300 was in first place. hov\e\er, .j the B-305 was only 2 cents behind This is a great | tribute to the research ability ot Babcock, for it is the first time any breeder has had two birds m first and second place. I Babcock Farms, Inc. I Box 285, Lititz, Pa. 1 Phone 626-8561 I Where m the World is Babcock? ... 1 x S It Wherever eggs are produced at a profit’ 9 Farm Equipment USED TRACTORS -\ND EQUIPMENT Case VAC 3 pt Hitch and P< er take off Case 430 PS 3 pt Hook up 300 Foiaye Haivestei 2 i head Gram Boxes New Case Rotaiy Cuttei Used Case 28 ft Elevator Used Smoku 24 ft Elevator WALTER BINKLEY & SO! R.D tf4, Lititz, Pa Ph 626-23 Day old and started pullets .970-;