rtrt!OUiUAL3 iLOliun I i vvVj=t=s°SßaSwEjn^^^^^^B VOL 15 NO. 48 Facts Dairymen Should Know By Max Smith Chan Milker Inflations Last Longer A p.oblem on eveiy dany fmm is keeping milkei inflations in good condition Clean infla lions help to pioduco highei quality milk And they may be veiy nnpoitant to uddei health Inflations will last longei if they’re cleaned eveiy dav, be cause butteifat giease, and san itizers reduce inflation life To clean inflations, fust unse them in waim watei Then clean them thoroughly in a dairv deteigpni propel ly mixed. Rinse thoroughly and allow them to dry between milkings An other tiling sanitize inflations just before milking so that sam-' tizers are not in contact with them for long periods of time. Another cleaning method that’s better than hand brushing is an automatic inflation - washer When using this method, a CIP —mdsmasg qlean-in-place—type -cleaner must-be used? - _ In (addition to cleaning, infla tions’’ life can be extended by alternating sets of inflations eVefy week. Try these sugges tions arid see if they don’t help milker inflations last longei. Three-day Milking School Dairymen who want to "npiove their techniques and skills as milkers snould be interested in a three-nay milking school to be held at Penn State in November The dates are November 10, 11 and 12, 1970, and members of the Extension staff as well as faculty cf Penn State’s College of Agrm J:ure will teach a wide variety of subjects Included will be- cow handling psychology; the anatomy of the udder; mJkmg routines; and how a milking machine works Those «=l»o enroll will also be taugM l»w to maintain and clean milking equipment, and they 7 ® (have a chance to practice aniltttag. -Registration for the thiee-day course i c $lO For further infor mation on the milking school November 10, 11 and 12, write to Conferences, Box 6000, Uni versity Park, Pa 16802 How Much Do Heifers Improve After The First Lactation? A clue to the answer can be found in a study of 100 Holstein herds, ail in DHIA A total of 1097 heifers freshened with fn st calf tn taese heids during 1961 and all hare now left the heids for various reasons Complete piocurtior. data weie collected on each ax-mal throughout hei life in tne herd Each lactation (305 day E) *Ss compared with the cow a heromates as listed on the DHIA Lactation Report Records were tnen grouped into live strata cM >p fifth, 2nd fifth, etc ) On the basis of then fust lactation®, 234 of the heifeis ranked jn the bottom fifth The dairymen gave 122 of these a (Continued on Page 5) A Registeied Holstein Cow owned by Edwin J Landis, Lam peter Road, Lancastei, completed the highest 305 day lactation Ruthie produced 19,811 pounds of milk, 919 pounds of butteifat, with a 4 6 pei cent test. Second high lactation was completed by a Registered Holstein Cow owned by Lloyd Wolf. RD2, Quairy ville Dora produced 23,362 pounds of milk, 880 pounds ot but terfat with a 3 8 per cent test in 305 days The herd of Christian K. Lapp, RD2, Gap, had the highest daily butterfat-average. This herd of 42.0 Registered Holstein Cows averaged 44.6 pounds of milk, 1.80 pounds of butterfat with a 40 per cent test The herds of Curtis E Akers, RD2, Quarry ville and Edwin K. Wise, RDI, Ephrata, placed second The Akers herd with 38 4 Registered and Grade Holstein cows averaged 48 0 pounds of milk, 1.74 pounds of butterfat with a 3 6 per cent test The Wise herd with 29.0 Registered Holstein cows averaged 46 2 pounds of milk, 1.74-pounds of butterfat with a 3.8 per cent test - FIRST 305 DAYS OF LACTATION WITH 670 OR MORE POUNDS OF BUTTERFAT Owner - Name Breed Age Days Milk Test Fat Edwin J Landis Ruthie RH 8 6 305 19,811 4 6 919 Benita GrH AO 305 20,373 3 8 765 T Mae RH 4 ' 7 305 16 ’ 622 4 4 725 Lloyd Wolf ? ora RH 6-3 305 23,362 3 8 880 r v, Je ? n xi tp . t RH 510 305 17,307 4 7 805 John & H Farrington Darlin RH 5-10 305 22,695 3 9 879 Eileen RH 3-1 305 18.232 3 7 666 Henry E. Kettering £ et RH 10-2 305 19,935 4 4 876 S ~ R H 5-1 305 19,845 3 9 782 Walter E. Mowrer 30 GrH 6-0 305 19,980 4 1 825 ...“p,. RH 4-7 305 16,361 4 3 707 Allen K. Risser Paul V. e Nlssiey *“ 305 2Mi ° 40 821 JotaO? Biter Gl ' H 74 305 18 ’ 233 4 5 818 Benu“s. Belter ° r " " 305 2 « 7 37 818 Lila RH 6-2 305 19,177 4 2 813 . (Continued on Page 18) Congressman Eshleman Visits Seven Lancaster County Farms Congressman Edwin D. Eshle man visited seven Lancaster County farms Thursday to dis cuss his views on federal legis lation and answer questions. Several neighbors gathered at each farm to hear the Congiess man, ask questions and discuss pioblems of paiticular concein to themselves The farms Congressman Eshle man visited were Robeit Hess, Stiasbuig RDI, Ivan Yost Christiana RDI, Jesse Wood, Nottingham RD2, James Kieider, Quanyville RDI, Roy Shertzei, Lancastei RD6, Amos Funk, Mil leisville RDI, and Ernest Le fevei, Lancastei RD2 At his first stop, the Hess faim. Congressman Eshleman ie peated his opposition to the fed eial faim piogiam Although the farm bill passed the house, Congressman Eshleman voted against it. The Senate, however, Lancaster Farming, Saturday. October 24,1970 LANCASTER COUNTY MONTHLY I did not act on the issue before adjournment and status of the bill in the Senate was reported uncei tain Eshleman said some large farmers would be hint by the absense o 1 federal farm sub sidies, some to the extent that they would have to get out of farming Because some would be hurt, Eshleman said he favois a “phasing out bill” that would lemove the government subsidies ovei a penod of fom 01 five yeais This would give a moie ordeily transition, he indicated One faimei noted that as soon as meat pnces go up, theie’s a big mciease m impoits Eshleman said he’s concerned if such impoited meat is m speeded as well as the meat in this country If not, he indicat ed, the impoiters have an unfau advantage. (Continued on Page 8} DHIA REPORT Farmers Plan 71 Cucumber Crop About 45 to 50 laimeis tinned out Thuisdtu night to discuss the lesulls oi the 1970 cucumbei ci op in Lancastei Countv and plan foi the 1971 ciop, accoid mg to Haivej Good ol Intel couise, field lepiesentatue loi Oxtoid Pickle Company Good said Oxford Pickle will continue the ciop in 1971 and v’lll be aiming loi moie than 100 acies About 82 acres weie planted this yeai, the second foi cucumbei s in this aiea Good said the average yield this yeai was down fiom a yeai ago Average yield was 503 bushels per aeie with a top yield of 1156 Last year the average was 622 Good attributed the decline primarily to rains at planting time and higher levels of weeds because of the rainy season this year. On improving the crop yields next year, the discussion in cluded the reed for soil testing as a guide to getting the proper Flag Pole at Farm Center To Memorialize Plastow The Plastow Memorial Com mittee has decided to erect a flag pole and flag at the Farm and Home Center in memory of the late Victor W E. Plastow A Penn State extension agent in Lancaster County since 1954, Plastow died July 18 after a life time of service to the dairy in dustry. A fund drive to raise $l,OOO to pay for cost of purchasing the flag pole and flag and erect the pole will begin immediate ly. A plaque commemorating Plastow also will be placed on the pole, it was decided Contributions from interest ed individuals, organizations oi firms are welcomed and a spec ial effort is underway to con tact various 4-H clubs, dairy or ganizations, feed and dairy con cerns, and dairy-related organi zations, Max Smith, Lancastei County agricultural agent, said Thursday. The goal is to collect the money by lettei and peisonal contact within the next two months The flag pole was approved by the Memonal Committee at a meeting Monday It had been mfoimally agreed in county dairying cncles since Plastow’s death that a memonal would be chosen, but it was decided that the' various interested gioups would take a joint approach At the Monday meeting, the Memonal Committee elected the following officers Elvm Hess Jr, Strasburg RDI, chair- man; Jay Landis. Lancaster RD6, vice chairman, and Don- $2.00 Per Year nuliients into the soil As a re sult of not having the pioper balance of nutiicnts this vear, man\ gioweis had too muck vine giovvth and not enough cu cumbei giowth Good explained. It was also noted that some gioweis let the cueumbeis get too laige befote picking The leal large cueumbeis aren’t us able and they ‘ sap the vine,” Good explained Seldomridge Re-Elected Fred G Seldomridge was re elected chairman of the county Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee at an election recently. John Herr was elected to a three-year term and chosen as vice chairman, for 1971. Alternate members elected for one-year terms were B. Snavely Garber, first alternate and Forney Longenecker, sec ond alternate. aid S Eby, Gordonville RDI, secretary-treasurer Other members of the seven member committee are. Burnell 'Buchen. Manheim RD3, 4-H clubs representative; Charles E Cowan, Lancaster, dairy field-men representative; Robert Keene, Lancaster, milk dealers representative, and Melvin R. Stoltzfus, Ronks RD2, dairy breed associations repre sentative. A dedication ceremony will be held when the flag pole ie completed, it was'agreed. Farm Calendar Saturday October 34 8 ani-5 pm Southeastern. Pennsylvania Farm Tractor Pull open competition at Rough and Tumble Museum, Route 30, 13 miles east of Lancastei Rain or shine 3 4pm Lancaster County Semoi Extension Club, Hal loween paity foi children at Chust’s Childien’s Home, Paiadise 8 a m -12 noon—Warwick FHA. bake sale, Lititz fire hall. C 15 p m —Faim Women Society 4, Gentlemen’s night dinner. Willow Valiev Motor Inn. Monday, October 26 Pennsylvania State Grange 98th. Convention, Meadville, Octo ber 26-29 Third International Poultry In dustiy Exposition, Cincm nati Exposition Center, Cin (Continued on Page 111