Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 17, 1970, Image 8
I—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. October 17.1970 County Grange Marks 50th Birthday John W Siott M.isU'i of the l.nn la we Rrimon. Tummuci. National Ciango. was tlu> mam M* 1 ' '* ,,r . v K Seeioi.n>. •« celebration of Iho Lamastii i* o mona. Mai cat et MiS|ianan. Conntj Pomona lii nice which Floia. Mis C’hai les Smodle.\. was hold Oct 10 a! Fulton I“'d' Stew.ud t.ranyo Mall Oakmi Hob. ouch , 1925 „ u . % , , M . solll tom l he National , , hu . state to build a ‘"’ <i "nred all t.ian-c { & „ u . Sus(lll , hillln , numibeis to v.s.l the Nation.. , ||U , , H . lttct . n Conow.nco and Building the e. nU .ol t . o „, imi ,d to wo.k Washington I)( , WJs (injm blllU Soo't spoke on lecisla.ion llu a Holtwood in 1968 O.anso uas abk to cl , „ IL>% tlUol ed letu.nmc orutie.s to hern lit a;„a,!luie olmi . lax pjld , n fa.nn is and th..>ea, riuM.iaiUi was .t u> imlm(huK ou „,, O i„ K . U . C( , in postal .eIoMU and a'so ml In iluolSiiml otlu>l t(l m Pl mnt not enicd toimiessnu nto chaiuc .he bl „ hWi „ Tlu , N fuo .ed we.tne P m.k ;i Ulon est • a milk ,n V" IIIU .' ‘ |KOi 0 ton 10l connnisbion 01 ache ition wrolklol J ln '”' ol 1’ B and Bancs d.scase. He ch.lllcn.4ell C.ianceis lO cheapei elcctiicit\ foi use hold last to 0111 \mei idi als and abolishment of demand He said libeiti is but an oppoi- meleis. bettei and moie eflicienl tunitj foi self disciphne school piograms, better puie food laws, tiuth in advei using and labeling pioducts piolection of quail, abolishing the use of non-ietuinable glass bottles and manj othei pieces of legislation to benefit luial people. Miss Janet J ickion. of Little Britain, piescnud two haip selections Charles G McSpauan ga\c a hi-»toiy of Lancastei County Pomona Giange 71 which wa-> oigamzed May 26. 1920 in the YMCA Building at Lancaster by the late John A McSpai ian who was then Mastti of the Pennsyl vania State Giange The first officeis were Joseph S Cutler Mastei Chestei W Eby Overseei. Wm F McSpai lan, Lecturei. B L Miller, Stew ard, James G McSpauan, Chap- Call BAKER or BURKHOLDER for delivery of quality aglim David M Burkholder, Inc , Ephrata, and The J. E. Baker Company of York have embarked upon a joint aglime program to serve you better. We feel that this move will enable us to supply you with the highest quality agricultural limestone when and where you want it. Remember, now is the time to sweeten your soil for a more productive growing season. It has been estimated that liming can return from S 3 to $lO in bigger and better crops for every dollar invested. Take the first step to higher profits now. Call 354-4202 in Ephrata for quality aglime. The J. E. Baker Company The Pomona chorus with Mis Richaid Jackson pianist piesent ed thiee numbeis, "Beautiful Giange”. "Rnei Ot Time” and Anniveisary Song” Chaitei membeis honoied Standing, left to right, are: J. Collins were Leslie I Bolton ot Libeity McSparran, past Master of the Pennsyl- Squaie Ralph Wannei of Naivon vama State Grange and past Master of and Mis Celia Smedley of Lan- Lancaster County Pomona Grange; John denberg. Chester County Also W. Scott, Master of the National Grange; ( A. Wayne Readinger, Master of the Penn- HOW SWEET IT IS 1 members who joined in 1920 weie Mis Fannie Walton, Little Bntam, Norman Wood, Quany vule, Mr and Mrs Clyde McSpar lan, Fairfield, Melvin C Boyce, Collins and Paul Uibel, Stevens Mis John W Scott, fiist lady of the National Giange pinned boutonmeies and corsages on each one They also leceived potted plants Pomona officeis assisted in honoung the 50 yeai membeis Chestei Eby. Mastei of Salisbury Giange, presented a 50 yeai pin to Ralph Wannei * EH ~ r ~' S'k. TS A Wayne Readinger, Master of the Pennsyhania State Giange, aecogmzed past masteis of the Pomona Grange, citing them for the vauous offices held in the Grange Each weie presented boutonnieres and potted plants Fifty year members of Lancaster Wood and Ralph S. Wanner. Front row. County Pomona Grange who were honor- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McSparran. Not pre ed ast Saturday are standing left to right: sent were Mrs. Celia Smedlev Mrs Fan- Melvin C. Boyce, Leslie I. Bolton, Norman me Walton and Paul Uibel. y ’ ’MR. . - •> > - Past masters were Leslie I Master J Collins McSparran of Bolton, Melvin C Boyce, Charles Camp Hill G McSparran, J Collins Me- Mrs. Jesse Wood, Lecturer of Span an, Jesse Cutler, Ralph S Lancaster County Pomona Wannei, Loran Bi inton, Richaid Grange was emcee for the pro- Maule, Alfred Wanner and gi am and presented ceramic cor- Thomas Galbicath Deceased nucopias to Mi and Mrs. John past masteis were Joseph S Cut- Scott and Mr and Mrs. Wayne Jei, L Ruppin and John M Readinger Biuckait The regular fall meeting of Miles Coclnan, Chaplain had Lancastei Countv Pomona the invocation and benediction G Wlll be at „ pm . gatur foi the seivice. * day, uct 17 at Fulton Grange Gyles H Brown, Pomona Mas- Hall, Oakryn Mis Jacob Fan tei, introduced visiting Giangeis tom and Laurence Temple who and honoied guests of Chestei, Participated in the Pennsylvania _ , .. State Grange Eastern District uc s, . ontgomeiy ana Lancas- talent elimination in Berks Coun ter counties which included ty Oct 3 will take part on the Ceies of the National Giange, program and the Grange ladies Mis A Wayne Readingei of are to bring an apple dessert, to Berks County and past State be sold, and the recipe. sylvania State Grange. Front row, left to right: Mrs. Jesse Wood, Lecturer of Lan caster County Pomona Grange; Mrs. J. Collins McSparran; Mrs. Wayne Reading er, Ceres of the National Grange; and Mrs. John W. Scott. m"; i' Vv 1 . t