Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 17, 1970, Image 7
FHA Honors Centre County Family Tho Uni old W Lucas lamilv Hancock of Loganlon, who of Bi'llcfonlL*. I’a, has been s haicd his fm m ambitions, and honored ns "larm family of the lcy c f! an fmming as tcn;mls jear by agnculluial lenders, They woiked haul and made stale and local officials, farmers pi ogress, but found that tenant and rural citizens participating in fanning failed to bung the sal the Pennsylvania Rural Develop, isfaction of "building some nient Committee s Tour of the thing you can keep ” They con- Central Susquehanna River Ba* tinned to talk and dienm of 6in - owning their own place By The award was sponsoicd by 1960 ’ they *>Jd gamed enough the Farmers Home Admimstra- f^ pei l. ei ’ ce ‘" KI savin gs tion, the rural ci edit agency of t l ley / e t P lc P Jll ’ ec i to ta k c H l *- *he US. Depaitment of \gucul- step towaid faim owneish, P ure ‘ They tinned to the Farmeis As a boy on a Cenlie County Home Administration foi fman farm where his paients were cing to take over a farm in Nit "hard working owner-opera- tany Valley where they would tors,” Lucas learned to love the make dany farming their main land and dreamed of owning his, enterpnse Eventually, a suit own farm some day In time, he able faim ownership loan was married the foimei Nyna Mane auanged through FHA, and in CRITICAL PATH CROP PROGRAM AGRICOBER IS THE BEST SEASON TO APPLY AGRICO PLOWDOWN With earlier harvests you get a head start on spring work —cut down labor costs. AGRICOBER is the best time to broad cast AGRlCO®Plowdown Fertilizers; Increase root tip availability of vital nutrients Feed thicker stands for higher yields Conserve soil moisture for summer growth See Year Local AGRICO Dealer LANCASTER AGRICO | SERVICE CENTER 1661 Rohrerstown Road .•if n H' i ! J s OUARRYVIUE A6RICO SERVICE CENTER '"Jftia ill • ! UU iw* , ■: ■ : I .»t 1 » < i ' 1 -* t 4 f— —- ——— , v. , .. .. . AIM sHita 1 Or Stop At... , 'i Apply Agrico Plowdown now and save spring for planting. Path Crop Programs will help you pick the best AGRICO Plow down formula for your soil and your yield objectives. CHURCHTOWN AGRICO SERVICE CENTER no 1960 they look o\oi as owneis \n operating loan piovided funds to pin chase livestock and equipment Mr. and Mis Lucas with their two childicn, Andy, ele ven, and Amy, nine, now oper ate a 175 acie faim in the fer tile Nittany Valley, ciop 160 of those acres, milk 43 head of Holsteins and caie for an addi tional 31 head They leap five tons of alfalfa hay pei acie. pioduce 120 bush els of shelled coi n per acre, and ensile 28 tons of corn silage per acre Efficiency is a key to their success. Contributing to the efficient opeiation is a detailed system of record keeping, with Mis Route 23 Lancaster Farming, .Saturday. Oclobfr 17. lf)70 ' Lucas m cbaigc She can tell a visiloi how much each cow con sumes at cvciy feeding, each cow’s pioduilion iccoid, the current status of cash outlay foi faim soivices and equipment The Lucas family’s paiticipa tion in DIIIA has paid divi dends In 1960 the held tinned in the thud highest pioduclion average in the County 16,648 pounds of milk and 608 pounds of buttcifat and won foi them a gold plaque It was the first year the heid’s bulteifat average exceeded 600 pounds What advice does Lucas of fer other faimeis new m the business 9 Take advantage of all the pio fessional help thats ofteied, he says Help vour cows thiougli a sound piogiam of bieedmg feeding, and management which has a scientific basis foi forage testing, soil testing and Dairy Held Improvement Asso ciation iccords The family takes an active part in community affans He is a dnector of the Centre County Soil Conseivation Dis trict, member of Huebleisbuig Fire Company, Pennsylvania Farmeis Association. Dany Held Impio\ement Association, from your Wayne Dealer Book Your Cattle Feed Now Were not going to give you a long list of reasons why now is the time to book. You know them all. Just a word to the wise to help you do it and get it off your mind. Anyway, we’d like to see you and maybe bring you up to the minute on feeding developments. GRUBB SUPPLY CO Elizabethtown WHITE OAK MILL R D 4, Manheim C. E. SAUDER & SONS R D 1, EastEail H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. Witmer STEVENS FEED MILL, INC. Stevens, Pa. Leola, Pa. MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE R D 2 Columbia ' FOWL’S FEED SERVICE R D 1, Quarryvilie R D 2, Peach Bottom H. JACOB HOOBER Intercom se, Pa D.iiiv Ht'icl Impiocemenl Asst n.iljon .imi othei oigani/alioin Cluldien .nt; in the 4 H Dan v Club, Chinch Chou and 80./ Scouts Pemose Hallowell, State Dn ectoi of FI lA, stated that Urn Slate Awaitlb Committee m selecting the oulstamling lai in family consideis such points a appeaiance of the home and faim, quality and pioduction oi lueslock, quality and pioduc lion of oops, efficiency in Urn faim and home opeiation, the adoption of impiovement man agement piactices. linancial piogiess and community al faus The Lucas’ weie cited foi out standing achievement on the fann. m the home and in sei vice to then community Paili cipating in the iccent piogiam weie P Kenneth Shoemakei, ex vice president foi govei n ment lelations, Heinz Company, letned, the pimcipal speaker on a piogram including Honoi ables Heiman T Schneebeli, 17th Congiessional Distuct, Lc land H Bull, Secietaiy, Penn sylvania Depaitment of Agn cultui e, and Mi Thomas H Pat ton, Coopeiative Extension Sei- vice, |B In pill! HEISEY FARM SERVICE Lawn Ph 964-3444 HAROLD H. GOOD Teue Hill HERSHEY BROS ROHRER’S MILL R D 1, Ronks PARADISE SUPPLY Paiadise DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS, INC. R D 1, Stevens Rexnholds