Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 17, 1970, Image 21
Fulton Grange 66 Installs Officers Richard llollowji.v w;is install ed Muster of Fulton Grange (10 for a second term at their i cel lar meeting October 12 at Oak ryn Charles MeSparran was in stallation officer, assisted by William Ambler as m.nshai, Peggy Jackson emblem bcaicr, Edith Ambler regalia hcarci, Mary Lou Wesley pianist and Mrs Richnrd Hanks soloist. Other officers installed wcic Ovcrscei, David Wisslei. Lee turcr, Mrs Stanley Stauffei -It Stewaid, David Knight Assis tant Stewaid. Lloyd Wclk. Chaplain, Alfied Oveily, Tiea surer. R Clair Mmphv Secie tniv, Mis Charles MeSpanan Gatekeeper. Eai I Smokei, Ceres, Mis lia Welk, Pomona, Miss S\lvia Shnk Floia, Miss Joyce Galbieath, Ladv Assistant Stewaid, Miss Donna Welk, Junior Mali on, Mis Jacob Fan tom and Executive committee membei, J Robeit Reed Mi «md Mis Richaul Iloilo way will be delegates to the Ne*d . . . HAY - STRAW - EAR CORN Buy Now ond Save! More and mine farmers ate buying from us for better \alue and all around satisfaction Delherc'l any quantity Phone Area Code 717 687-7631 Esbenshade Turkey Farm more for your money Deiitz does it (SAY DOYTZ) with craftsmanship and engineering See the new 06 seues now on display DEUTZ TRACTORS Stauffer 313 W. Main St State Giange convention to be held at Meadvillo Octobei 20 2!) Plans wcic made to host Lan caster County Pomona Grange at 8 pin Saturday, October 17 The hospitality committee is Mrs Gyles Riown. Mrs James Biown, Mis Charles Reath and Mis 1 1 a Welk All giange ladies aie asked to bung food or some obiccl made of apples in ob sei vance of National Apple Week These will be sold Thev should also bung the iccipe foi then apple dish The following committee chan men weie named for the yeai Women’s Activities. Mis Chailes Reath Hospitality Mis Cliffoid Holloway Ji Youth, Mis Elaine StoltMus, Legisla live, Noiman Wood and Mem beiship, Miss Sylvia Shnk A meeting of the newly elect ed officei s and committee chan men was set foi 8 pm OUobei 20, at the Giange Ha] “America’s Oldest” PARADISE. PA. Full-i ated Deutz tiactois peifoim so efficiently, it is not unusual to find a smaller model will do the job—resulting in substantial savings to you Come take a look at the new Deutz tractoi s and find out what we mean. Also See The New Hesston Heavy Duty Forage Harvesters Now On Display Free Demonstrations Diesel, Inc. New Holland, Pa. 17557 when plans will he made foi (his year's aeli\iltes Fulton Giange Women’s Tug of War team won fust pi i/e at Die Southern Lancaslei Countv Community Fair and then float won first plaee in the Best Ap peaiing Faun Gioup class The Giange will again spon sor a Junior Gnl Scout and a Biownic Tioop Jesse Cutlei was elected to repicscnt Fulton Giange on the committee that is tiying to solve the medical doctor shoit age in the Solanco area Then meeting is scheduled for Octo ber 20 at Quanyville Municipal Building on Cathenne Street Mrs Stanley Stauffer Ji Lecturer, will have a Halloween program at the Octobei 26 meeting. Fulton Junior Grange 343 met October 12 with a huge at tendance. Winners in the yam pictuic contest were Ages 5 9 1 Karen Holloway 2 Robei t Saw yei, 3 Tim Hanks Ages 10 14 1 Maiy Sawyei, 2 Eddie Campbell, 3 Steve Sawyei and Best of Show Kaien Hollo way The Suboidmate Giange furnished monetaiy puzes foi the wmneis First place win neis will compete in the State Grange contest The Junior Grange will tuck or tieat for UNICEF in the Quarryville aiea They will con duct a sciap paper dnve at their November 9 meeting Then next meeting will be Octooei 26 Start raising more and better Calves the Easy NOHS-ETTE way No moie caiiving pails ot wann watei oi hand mixing milk icplacei Just fill the hoppei of the NURSETTE with milk leplacer and the NURS-ETTE will mix milk replacer and waim watei and keep it waim until calf muses the mix (appiox 14 oz ) Then it will mix a fiesh batch of watei and leplacer. For more information contact YOUNG BROS. NURS-ETTE SALES AND SERVICE Ph. 717-548-2462 Peach Bottom, R. D. 1, Pa 17563 Lancastor Filming. Saturday, October 17. l!)70 2T Have You Heard? By Doria Thomas, Extension Home Economist Vegetables An* Vital To Good Nuliition Veg< 1 ibles pi. y a vital 10k m good mil iit ion Hovuvu .no too often neglected in planning Then blight colois—ml, gieen. yellow and while—giv to any menu Vegetables ollei an endless vai lety of tl.uois, fiom lobust cabbage to shoe pc it coin The texluie of vegetables umges nom cusp ciunchnicss of canot sticks to the tcndei leaves of sj nach Thev come in shapes "aloie to add iiileicsf to voui meals Think of vegetables as fun foods bound the clock' They aie versatile enough to debut at hieakfasl 01 bumeh lunch and clinnei They aie gieat as a low caloue snack 100 Vege •übles olfei infinite vanelj to menu planning as tasty appeluei s in soups and chovvdei s, mam dishes and casseioles. salads and iclish is, even sandwiches and bieacls Vegetables aie a poweihouse of nutution Evciyone should have fom 01 ino’e sellings fiom the Vegetable Fitut Gioup ot the Basic Fom Thev aie an excellent sou ice of vitamins and mineials Theic is no need to take vitamin pills 01 icsoit to so-called “health foods’ when yoiu diet includes the lecom mended amounts ot the Basic Fom Food Gioups Include a wide \.u cty ot licsh canned and liozen voge Ladies, • • • tables in join diet Flesh togc lables aie at then highest qual ity and lowest pnco when thev aie m season Plan to buy )Us‘„ enough at a time and stoie them piopeilv so as to conseive then piecious nutrients Canned tegctablcs aie econo mical, offer wide \ain't and consistent quality fhe\ aie cupbOcid comennnt \Io t le id mg companies bat test then tegetablcs a L then l'cc,in_ nioment oi pe-loct llatoi and picks them within boms dtci theie is a minimal loss of minute talue Enuia | some food nutncnls dnsolte li the watei in which the tegc tables aie canned, it is tvise tc sat e the liquid to use latei ir soups, giavies and sauces Frozen vegetables aie compai able to fiesh ones in nututive value They should be cooked in as little tvatei as possible in a coveied pan, and just until tendei This will pieseite then* nututive value It is your challenge as ? mother and homemakei to make ceitam that youi family is get ting vegetables in then meall - are so impoitant foi good health, and so often foi gotten’ A Fall Cookout Why Not? Hold it' Don’t put your bar becue geai into mothballs yet Those cusp days of autumn aie pel feet foi a cookout Tuir \ olii Octobei into Indian sum mei with the sizzle sound oi a thick juicy steak bioiling ove* c’-uiuoal Select steaks cut at ,enst one imh thick oi eien bettei vet, 1 1 4 oi I'a niche-. \ quick ie\iew oi bic tables (Continued on Page 25) SUPER SHOES Self Service 2750 Columbia Ave. Lane. Co.’s Largest Shoe Store All Ist Quality Super Low Prices Garber Oil Co. Texaco Heating Oil ?_ : r»er Sales & Service , j MOUNT JOY, PA 1 1 Ph. 653-1821 0 i . •••,. • thin /nu THOMAS Lancaster