—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 17,1970 20 Thomases Have Pumpkin Fun (Continued from Page 17) ed nurses, practical nurses or at least in the medical field, stand at Meadow Brook Market, sometimes their program in- Leola. This market is open Fri- cludes p ic t ures from mission days 10 a.m. till 10 p.m. and Sat- £j e i di sometimes on a medical urdays 8 a.m. till 4 p.m. They theme Thev have carried out have a girl tending the stand pi . o jects. They collect sheets Friday and another girl Satur- and from them roll bandages, day All they sell there is celery. They made health kits {or Haiti If they use all their celery by ~n d othel . m i ss ions. They have late in the season they buy a new pvo j ec t now volunteer some and bleach it. Miriam arsing wherein they care for makes a couple trips a day to inva iids in their private homes, the market with celery. Last year to Jet f ami j y member free to they sold to wholesale stores and O 0 topping or do something still sell to half a dozen stores. | lse Thev I ., lised mo ney for dif- Glenn has lived on this 14 acre ferent places like in Tanzania, farm of his mothers all his Africa They give a days wages life. He grew his first pumpkins to Mary Harhish who is in a in the corn field when he was leper colony in India She is 13 years old He increased the Miriam's aunt and a rcgisleied production until now he glows null!0 She works with patients 6 acres. He has improied and to make them self-sufficient She devloped his own stiain, known teaches them to raise as Thomas Halloween Pumpkin anc ( rabbits Dr Brubaker, from Next year Agway will handle it Lancaster County, i» also theic They are dark yellow, deeper ; n Afiica yellow' than some varieties Thev have a hard rind which gives it a good keeping quality. They do raise different varieties. Miriam uses butternut squash instead of pumpkin for pies Thomases farm 200 acres Glenn owns Colebrook farm at Mount Joy. which has 72 acres, and has it all planted in corn and rents the house. He farms a iotal of 160 acies of corn. He farms some ground on neighbor ing farms. The only help he has are some school boys and Sam Fisher who lives at Spruce Villa Dairy and works part time there and part time for Thomases. Glenn finishes 100 Hereford and Angus steers a year and sells them to butchers in Phil adelphia. He also finishes 40 or more pigs a .year Some are sold to Armour in Reading and some to Union Stock Yards, Lancaster. Glenn net only raises a large number acres of corn taut has had some real tine yields. In 1965 he was in the 150-175 hush cl per acre class, in 1967 in the 175-200 bushel class and in 1988 was champion in the slate in a five acre contest thiouji Penn Stale and Lancaster Coun ty Ex'ension Sen ice at the ■Stale Faim Show He had 203 bushel per acre with Pioneer 3369 A vanely He also rec ive 1 the Pioneer award in l.OCfl iL has two large trophies for .souvenirs. He was in Lililz-Manbeini 411 Club as a boj. He had cm uni. strawberries, corn, tobacco ,u- I vegetable?. He belonged to heim Young Farmei t) W 11 I tC* I lore last Miridm is the daughter of Vi and .Airs John GiaUull. iv, New Proudence, Gray bills h.ue _ >i 30 to 35 head o I Guem.-evi A! ■ has a lister married to Robert 1 f*# Gerlach who is a Iniddci MountviJle A brother, John \Vi' j§|| bur, works tor Caleb Wenger i ngi lead equipment business dl Dm H|j more Center. She ha-> a toi ; uu ' p|J old brother in Pi evidence Town-|jpi ship School. Miiiam all nj, a > Solanco High School ioi 1 i h P 3 and tenth guides then Iran 'm ' red to Lancaster Alenuunde > School and graduated liom um e 1 She "ladua'ed Jiom th' J.n- |p| caster Gcneial Hospital Xm sing ’ Pa School in 1966 Then loi a > i a V/SftM worked pai t time at the h. ,< Gtii»CB!l3jftf eWa3A^iiB and attended .Mille, -a ille ' .3 i i’ a^ ast =?= p» College for two seme.L„ it, $ WPlCifel E then they were not oiicinu „ jjHl •B.S, in musing so she . |t | r.ursmg at (he Ostcopr.iu. ' 1 pda! in LaneaHci Sin n I ’‘"t there lull time one jeui cnll^ part time tile ncu y i P . ’> Pu v **?^;a(rs,"| Alumni u a mci.ilu. Oi . a L abAXtUaiul!] vavlih castm ALnnonitc .Vue"- ‘'-so- pp ciation and seerelmv oi . tj, - ftj New MoSiond, Pa. meet monthly at Ro nm.u Je.i ; trJj nonite Church Tho\ are mosih w JUennonile girls u liu at l i >. 0 . Mr. and Ivins Thomas have a daughter. Chailjnn Joy. who is thirteen months old. They belong to the Lititz Men- s - m e time, the last Thursday ol nonite Church where Glenn i-, L , ac ij month to sew She loaches a trustee and teaches Junior the gnls to sew, knot and they boy» (9 to 12 year olds) in Sun- m ake favors for State Hospitals day School. Miriam works with an d Home-*. The Senior Circle Junior girls activity group They meets another time are daughters of the Junior Circle of mothers who meet the i fn - ,J V-/' v ‘ , ' '? ,«i£i 'S K '' : '"A<»°, A yp-AK „» £\:-€ys # »?4 ■““ - 5 ! - ? 'S#i ”4 / - ; }—s- A !■/?£ ~,t s/- ' i ::** ' ? f **{*£' < A ' -f ’’ 1 ’"' ' ' * - ' v , y 4 Mrs. Glenn B. Thomas skillfully decorates their road ido market sign. HOLLAND STOME Polled mums and colorful pumpkins of every description are a sight to behold Miriam and Glenn like to go "V* i. %*3bl CONCRETE BLOCK METAL V 8 si/