Lancaster Farming. Saturday. October 17,1070 10 Monhcim Farm Show Discussed at- Banquet* A f.imilv -;\l t In of dinner was the focal point ol the M.mlu’im Farm Show banquet at tin* poniwu fur lull Tlunsd.iv ru lung How .it cl Swan chan man. pie .sided o\ei a hi iff Ini-linos', ms sion Recognition whs mum to diu-clois, committees, and set \ ices Joseph W Faubcr. Manheim accountant, u-ported 828 people regisleied entnes and 558 of these people won pnzes piemiums woie 54.821 25 Futme building possibilities were undo discussion by the group A building committee was appointed consisting of Luke Biuckhait. Jay \isslej and Jess Eiway Ma\ Smith. Lanca->tci Countv Agiicultmal spoke on what a faun show should be doing foi the community His points were 1 Gives a dis pla\ window foi jour products 2 Cues a chance to work to gether m a common mtei est 3 Every fat m show is educational 4 Improve the agiicultmal image 5 Eveiv faim show is a challenge 6 Faim shows laise the level of communitv inteiest and rural Ining (change of routine) 7 Pio\ides an oppor tunity foi people of the com munity to demonstrate skills Trojan country ! Where we've already tested the corn you'll plant next spring. See your Trojan dealer now for the right combination of full, medium and early season varieties for your corn plant ing program-all pre-tested at our research farm in Hawaii! Full Season Medium Season Earh Season TXS-122 TXS-115 TROJAN SEED COMPANY Trojan H\brids are available at the following dealers FARMERS SUPPLY CO. ZIMMERMAN’S ANIMAL Lancaster HEALTH SUPPLIES R D , Lititz LANCASTER BONE FERT. p M BRO WN’S SONS, INC Quantile Sinking Spmg ANDERSON FEED & GRAIN R D, Oxfoid H. H. GOOD MILL Fivepomtville E. H. KEEN & SON Atglen DISTRIBUTED BY STANFORD SEED COMPANY Plymouth Meeting, Pa 19462 Senior Extension Club The l.anca-lei Countv Senior r,\u ns.oii Club has slated llueo e\ eii.s «\ ei tin nevt two weeks. A sightseeing trip to the Pa god.i. Reading is scheduled Sun day Mombeis will meet at the I.aneastei Shopping Ceiilei at 2 pm oi at the \cme Stoic, Eph iaia. at 2 30 p m \ Ilalowcen p.uty for children is scheduled at Chnsfs Chil dicns Home. Paiadisc, from 3 to 4 pm Satuidav. Octobci 24 Membcis will be cntcilaming \eteiaiis at Valley Foigc Hos pital from 2 to 4 p m Sunday \o\ombei 1 Thev will meet at the Lancastei Shopping Center a* 11a m Welsh Ponies Added To Exposition Nov. 7-14 Welsh ponies, the ponies which look like minutiae Ara bian hoiscs will be an innova tion at the Pennsylvania Live stock Exposition Thomas t\ Kellv, managei ol the show to be held at the Faim Show complex Nov 7-14. said Welsh ponv competition was added this veai because of mtei est show n in the hi eed Registeied Welsh ponies may be found in the 30 states and Canada Kellj said The puicbied Welsh, also known as the Welsh Mountain ponv, mav be anj coloi It is novei spotted oi as known to hoi semen piebald The Welsh pony, whose on ginal home was in the hills and vallevs of Wales, survived a Hemv VIII edict oi deung all hoises nuclei 15 hands be des tioved TXS-108 TXS-102 The seed corn specialists MARTIN FEED MILL Ephrata BOMBERGER’S STORE Elm GERMAN FEED MILL i 1 WEAVER FDt-IT SHOP R. D , New Holland Society of Farm Women 15 met Thursday at the home of the president. Mis Carl John son, Quarryville RD2 Assisting hostesses were Mrs Martha Herr, Mrs Amos Rutt, Mrs Mel vin Boyce Sr, and Mrs Melvin Boyce Jr. Two new members were re ceived at the meeting Mrs Morris Landis and Mrs Robeit Horner Donations were given to the Lancaster Public Libiary and to the Heart Association in memory of Dr David Bucher, and to the United Fund. The group will sell caids for the Heait Association at the Lancaster County Farmers Bank on November 20 New officeis elected at the meeting weie Mrs Leigh Wal ton, president, Mis Emily Greenwald, vice piesidenl, Mrs Robeit Reath, corresponding secietary. Shouldei seams and side seams aie shaped to follow bgdy contouis and aie clues to fit, says Mrs Ruth A.nn Wilson, extension clothing specialist, The Pennsylvania State Univer sity The shouldei seam should follow the highest Lne of the shouldei, and side seams should appeal to fall stiaight down the sides of a gaiment If side seams of the skirt swing to the back or to the fiont, bodv ot the diess doesn’t fit piopeih TXS-85 M-90 Big Dutchman Heavy Duty Round Bins Easy Assembly Large 22 inch Opening 18 and 20 Gauge Galvanized Metal 4.5 to 12 7 Ton Capacities A complete line of take-off boots and delivery systems, chain and trough, flexvey auger and solid core augers are available for all three bin styles. A BIN EVERY A Division of U.S. Industrie?, Inc. Diiler Aye., New Holland, Pa. Farm Societies Society 15 One Test For Good Fitting Garment Sit \ Putcbman. MORE BIN STYLES MORE DELIVERY SYSTEMS AND DELIVERY SYSTEM FOR NEED ON FARM OR FEED MILL BIG DUTCHMAN Women A Halloween paity was held and prizes were won by Mrs. Kathleen Groff, Mrs. Emory Wagner, Mrs Granville Tiim ble, Mrs John Frantz, Mrs. Al ma Clendenin. Judges were Mrs. Almus Shoemaker, Mrs Robert Hor ner and Mrs. Emily Grecnwald. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Gran ville Trimble, Union, on No vember 19. Low Heat for Cheese When using cheese with foods to be cooked on top of the range oi in the oven, such as a cas serole, use low to model ate tempeiatuies, advise extension food and nutrition specialists The Pennsylvania State Univer sity To keep cheese toppings fiom haidemng, cover the cheese with crumbs or add cheese just a few minutes be foie taking the casserole fiom the oven If you shred oi dice cheese, it will melt quickly. Sensible Storage Befoie you discard an unused household item, ask yourself why you don’t use it, suggest extension home management specialists, The Pennsylvania State Umveisity Reasons for not using it could include you haven’t learned how to use it, it may need repairing, it never woiked effectively, it was buned because of unhandy storage, or its value is sentimen tal only Big Dutchman STOP VEY Bins Anti Bridging Design Solves the Problem of "Hard to Handle" Feeds Heavy Duty Materials Throughout 5 to 16 5 Ton Capacities Classified It Pays Plug it in and forget it... This high-copacity Reddy Heater has an automatic safety shut-off control Exclusive control gives you peace of mind Stops heater automatically if flame or ignition fail. Makes it ideal for building tradesmen, farmers, warehouses any application where heater must inn unattended over night Big 85 000 BTU capa city. Runs up to 14 5 hours on tankful of low-cost kero sene Hauls easily in a car. Ask for demonstration. iRepDY Heaney GERMAN BROS. SALES & SERVICE 1 Mile North of Terre Hill on Route 897 East Bail, R D 1, Penna. Phone 215-445-6272 offers MORE Big Dutchman Regular Round Bins Economical Easy To Assemble Large Bottom Opening 3 9 to 30 Ton Capacities (Larger Sizes Available on Special Order) Phone 354-5168 Try A