Weekly Poultry Report Dolmarvo Rcady-toconk movimcn, -owl 114X1 22 :iJ. DHUvi'S R 4 ■Willi unfilled ordcis i.pimcil 424 274 X'i4. GKKSK 20 26 fiom many plants \d\m , .»■ 1{ M’.l’.l rs 12 XI 22 do, PIGKOVS leust fan to good with Inn U 1 ijk p.u.i RSV2O B.*> 1 15 tiail.ng noli'il .it 24 4 25c on I'OI M, COOPS SOU) RT’t Plant Guide Lack of lalm. a common p.oblcm vvuh most plants, is i oil u ci’i a diuied slaughter schedules la\e sup plies ample overall with wcuhts continuing heavier than desned. Puces unchanged to I jc lovvci Undertone firm on i.jht tvpe hens Offeimgs m- Negdtiated trueklot puces 2 3 creased in most quarters as pio pound ready-10-cook hi oiler/ duceis attempt to move oldu fryers for delivery nc\t week. flocks following decline in egg US. Grades A Tfevv i Piocessor demand fair Plant Grade 244-25 however most plants well book- Pool trueklot prices for F. i- e d ahead and unaggiessive at day arrival m the New York -his time Offerings of heavy ® rea ‘- hens about adequate foi cui- U.S. Grade A 26-274 Mostly j fcn t fair needs though advance 264. offeimgs lather limdtd Puces Plant Grade 25 26 Mostly 25 pa ,d at f arm Light Tj pe Hens Special packs including 14 2. 4-5 3 .ic nlo stly 54c in Pennsyl -34i sizes Tfewi vania mostly 44-5 c in New jti se> Heavy Type Hens Tfewi Fogelsville (Prices paid dock weights cents f*Y A Classified Ad per pound, except wheie noted) HENS, Heavy Type s‘a 17 7- Federally Livestock For week ending October 8,1970 Week to date Same period last week 460,000 1,307.000 160,000 Same period last year 460,000 1,229,000 169,000 Estimated daily livestock slaughter under Federal Inspection. ■ET ' , „ , Trojan country! Where we've already tested the corn you'll plant next spring. See your Trojan dealer now for the right combination of full, medium and early season varieties for your corn plant ing program—all pre-tested at our research farm in Hawaii! Full Season Medium Season Early Season TXS-122 TXS-115 mb: TROJAN SEED COMPANY Trojan Hybrids are available at the following dealers FARMERS SUPPLY CO. Lancaster KIRKWOOD FEED & GRAIN F. M. BROWN’S SONS, INC Kirkwood Sinking Spring LANCASTER BONE FERT. CO. Quarryville ANDERSON FEED & GRAIN R. D., Oxford H, H. GOOD MILL Fwepomtville F H KFFN *r SON WEAVER FIX-IT SHOP E. H. KEEN & SON R D New Holland Atglen DISTRIBUTED BY STANFORD Plymouth 12. PI I.I.KTS 204 33 22 25 no\S THUS 7HO 22 2(l DtTKS Eastern Pennsylvania And New Jersey It Pays! Inspected Slaughter Cattle Hogs Sheep 474,000 1331,000 155,000 TXS-108 TXS-102 The seed com specialists ZIMMERMAN’S ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLIES R. D, Lxtitz SL4RTIN FEED MILL Denver BOMBERGER’S STORE Elm GERMAN FEED MILL Ephrata r Green Dragon The (iicin Oi.unn m.ukc! u polled n. rip's oi n.» he.iri ol i,00.l fpi.ililv i.iti.'i Ki nl.iv. n.do- In i 2 l.i.i ,it.( ml.iiU'i. in u i s.l 0114 (’onxi-snmenS m ’.u.lid 1.0. id ol \N i'.con-in cow-. 5445 0I! 800 00 loi Canadian cows 3PO 00 025 00 Lo.id of M.u > l.md cow-> 375 00-400 00 Load of Penns\h.ima hcife s —285 00 367 50. Local yellow cows first calf heifers 320 00 Bulls none offeied. HAY MARKET OCTOBER 2 5 loads hay, including; couple loads timothy, 30.50 and 34.00; couple loads mixed hay. 24.00 and 36.30; one load clover, 41.50. Few loads s(i aw, 32.00-40.00 Couple loads ear corn, 45.00 and 45.50. HAY PRICES For Southeastern and South Central Pennsjhama All hav Mo 2 and bettei pi ices paid b> dealeis at the taim, puce per ton Hay and Sti aw steady to strong Alfalfa 28 00-40 00. few sales to 45 00 20 00-30 00 23 00 35 00 25 00 30 00, few sales to 35 00 Mulch 12 00-20 00 Reported by Bureau of Market* Pa. Dept, of Agriculture. Timothy hay Mixed haj Straw New York Egg? Puces unchanged to slightlv lowei Demand light on bulk eggs both locally and in out of town points Airivals of whites and biowns on open consign ment inci eased and aie model - alely heavy Some leceipts fiom regulai shippers lestncted to needs Flooi stocks inci easing with laige ample, and fieely offeied, occassionally as low as 34 cents on fancy quality Mediums plentiful to occasion ally burdensome and diveited to breakeis as much as 5 cents lower Supplies of smalls heavier and prices discounted in domes tic and expoit channels Jumbos about adequate and sold at 43- 46 for whites and mostly 40 cents for browns Extra large fully adequate with sales at 40- 43 cents Carton orders ir legulaily fan to occasionally good Undertone unsettled TXS-83 M-90 .1 DAIRY COW SALE $400.00 IN CASH AWARDS 3 CLASSES Holstein • Guernsey • Mixed Breeds All Cows Entered in the Show must be Consigned not later than 6:00 P.M., Thursday, Octobei loth! GREEN DRAGON LIVESTOCK SALES October 5, 19*0 GREEN DRAGON Judging 10:00 A.M Friday, October Lnncns or Farming, Saturday. October 10.1070 Weekly UEP Egg Market Prices to the Producer 'lucml.iv, Octobei 6 and Tliuiml.iv, Octohei H Region Noithwesl Ccnlial West Southwest Midwest Southeast Northeast National Aveiage Weekly New York Egg Mkt. Fiom Monday. October sth to Fuday, October 9lh Mon. WHITE Fey. Ex Laige Laige Mediums Pullets Peewees BROWN Fey Lai ge 39 Mediums L'nquoted Pullets Unquoted Unquoted Peevvees Stanclaids 33 Checks 21 Tone Supplies of large and mediums ample with medium depaitment fourth. Other sizes in satisfactoiy demand. Copyright 1970 by LTner Barry Publications • Lone. Market (Co.Uinued iiom I-age 2) and Pnme 420-475 lbs 34 00 36 00 Choice and Pnme 990-1135 lbs 30 50-31 00, Choice 775-1050 lbs 28 50-30 00 mixed-Good and Choice 800 950 lbs 27 25 29 00 VEAL CALVES steady to stiong VE 4.LERS —Choice 47 00-50 00, few head 50 50-51 00, Good 44 GO -48 00, Standard 39 00 44 00 Util ity 33 00 38 00, Culls 90-120 lbs 26 00-32 00. 65-85 lbs 22 00-28 00 HOGS Bauows and Gilts steady to 25 lowei So .vs scat ce BORROWS AND GILTS US 1 200-240 lbs 22 22 50 US 1-2 195 245 lbs 2125-2175 US 2-3 190-255 lbs 21 00-2150 US 3-4 255-275 lbs 19 50-20 50 SHEEP Slaughter Lambs strong to 50 higher, ewes fully steady WOOLED LAMBS Choice mg hoises 80-305, Driving 65-95 lbs 27 00-28 50, one small hoi ses 100-330; Pony Maies 10- „ ini 30, Geldings 10-20, Killers 5-6. lot 29 50, Good 24 00 27 00, Util ity 20 00-24 00 cows October 7, 1970 SLAUGHTER EWES Utility Receipts ot 109 cows, 1 bull, and Good 5 00-9 00, few nead and 16 heifeis sold steady Fiesh Good 11 00 SHOW Sale Time 12:30 P.M, 16, 1970 Walter Kisser' Mgr 'Medium Large 27 26 26 30 31 33 30*2 Wed Thurs. Tues. 39 39 39 39 33 32 33 32 33 32-33 21 21 21 21 • New Holland (Continued fiom Page 2) 26 50-29 00, few head 30 60 32- 85 Cuttei and low-Utihty 24 75- 26 25 FEEDER STEERS Couple lots Choice 520-550 lbs 3125- 33 00 couple lots Choice 975- 1060 lbs 27 75 23 25 VEAL CALVES 1 00-3 00 higher VEALERS Choice 5100- 55 00, Good 47 00 52 00, Stand aid 42 00 48 00, Utility 34 GO -42 00, Cull 90-120 lbs 29 GO -34 00, 65 85 lbs 24 00 28 00 CALVES RETURNED TO FARM Bulk 90-120 lbs 33 00- 40 00, with Holstein Heifeis 43 00-48 00 SHEEP Few Choice 70 85 lbs Wooled Slaughtei Lambs steady at 28 00-28 50, one lot Good 85 lbs 23 50 Vealeis HORSES Oct. 5, 1970 Receipts of 343 hoises low ei at Monday’s auction Rid- Kols eins 435 850, Othei bieeds 275-325, Heiteis 310 390 HOGS , Oct. 5, 1970 Hog rece pts totaled 1043 at Monday s saie Retail 21 50-23; Hea\y\\ eights 19-21, 'Wholesale 21-2150 Sows 14 50-17 50, Boars 13 14 CALVES Oct, 5, 1970 Calf leceipts totaled 123. Choice and Pume 46-51, Stand aid 35 40 50 Good and Low Choice 4145 50. Common 25- 34 50 Robert K. Rohrer Bulldozing - Grading Patz Soles & Service , Barn Cleaners - Silo ' Cnloaders - Cattle Feeder* Quarrjville, R. D. 1 Gensel 548-2559 i > 3 Small 10 21 20 It) 10 14 16'a 18 15 23 24 22'i Frl. Vealeis sold
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