Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 10, 1970, Image 2
2 l.tiiu aMiT Fiti mmn. Sulunlny. Octobfr 10.1070 Lancaster Market CattU Odlvci non Shop October 8. 1970 1 OCI *I \ 101*1 o*i£ t) 10 O— /i-*4i t ♦ u/L' '/ >q rod aco n c Cattle Calves Sheep Cnttl# Crtlvt. Koff« Sh.op Crtttlc Calvh Hof. Shop : l, s WK on Today 1262 441 30 'loil.n 980 2">B Ur* Toti.n 1152 127 486 4o L.hi >1 605 295 89 743 493 15 l. 1148 821 1156 Ut(i Last wk 085 115 825 I*2 This report Is a composite of . Last veai 1172 446 17 i,M u 1087 3i.J 88 > H 8 Last M 1409 147 309 17 three Lancaster County Auction C \II LK - Compaicd to last C \TTLE - Compared to last , , This whs maikets Lancaster, Vintage Tuesday, Slaughtei Steels steady , p, u. o. 50 v , oUnlSfsd. 'h auction 799 142 368 32 »nd New Holland, plus the Lan- to 30 h.ghe. most advance on J to 50 S v.tKs Ilos, slipph Sal'uli , caster Terminal Maiket. I* re- Slandaid and low Good. Cows f'° n ? t 0 u * !I m" ' ' n“ M<h m'-T'! 01 a,on 832 133 240 20 plates the Lancaster Weekly mostly 5U lovvc. Bulls steady to w ‘ tl J, U‘ge share at t-tabh-hed. Bulls mo-lly steady ‘ ,ua ' on «•« lw J, , Hh lch normally appear- weak full decline. Bulls mostly steady. Imln Steus fulh steady Sup C VTTLE Slaughtei Sleets "f,nZ." SL\UGHTFRSTFPRR Fpw SLAUGHTER STEERS—High, ph includes an e‘imated 20 nei - stiong to mostly 30 highei. Cows 1 P*S • hi"h-Choice r>d Pump 31 fin. Choice and Fume 1100-1300 lbs. cent Sl.iulihtci Steel- 25pcicenl 30 75 lowei Bulls stiom' to 50 rhomn Qnn n'n iKc , n - 31 8533 50 load Choice 1060- Cow s ,nd Bull-wuh the balance highei 32 00 H 45 lbs yield giade 2 3 32.85- mamh Feedci Steel sAn e-ti- SLAUGHTER STEERS Cattle \ cal Calves 10Q0 ' 19 ‘ 50 £l. Z f 9 ~ 33 75 Choice 950-1425 lbs. 30 10- m. 2000 Tccdei Stem son Cho.ce 1000-1300 lbs 30 00-31 35. This week 6100 1400 32 no 3-'fin hi Jr!, ° „/, '3l 85. high Good and low-Choic© olTei lo‘ 980 lbs 29 85 high Good and Last week 4927 1635 rhnu', Mnn Sfl 29 00-30 35 Good 28 00-30 00; SI, \1 GHTER STEERS low Choice 29 00 30 35. Good Last Jeai 607 9 1578 29 50 SUndiuS and low Good Standaid and low-Good 25-75- Couple small lots high Choice 28 10 29 50. Standaid and low- 98 so 2R In tow Good 2gQQ and Pi nne 1150 1300 lbs 3150 Good 26 50 28 00 C \TTLE Slaughtei Steeis pnwVri 1, . COWS Utility and high -32 00 pail load Choice 1025-1250 COWS Utility and high- stion" to 50 highei. most ad- r , ll)p , J rA,'!! diessmg Cuttei 20 25-2175, few lbs 30 00 31 00 diessmg Cutte. 20 35 22 00 few wane on Standaid and low 22 50 ZZfiQ 22 00-22 85 Cuttei 19 00-21.25; BULLS _ Choice 28 50-29 50. 22 00-22 75 Cultc. 1975-21 25 Good Cows 50-1 00 lowei, clos " ou • ,qCannei and low-Cutter 17.50- Good 26 50 28 50 Utility andCannei and low Cuttei 17 75- mg mostly 100 lowei. Bulls r |TT V q U, ” LI 19 50 26 00 29 50 few head 19 50 slcadv. instance- 50 highei. Choitt WWfin nlv ,3 BULLS Choice 28 75-30.25, 2-100 30 00 with a couple 3100- BULLS - Choice 29 00-30 00 Fcede. Steeis mostly steady Sup- rZmerZZfi 3Z7 rs couple 31 75-32 10. Good 26.25- 32 00 Good 26 50 28 00. Ul/.ity and rb included 40 pe-cent Slaugh- „ 25 vpL, s 1 nn3nn 2850, Utility and Commercial FEEDER STEERS - Choice Commcnual 26 75-29 75 few tei Steeis 15 Descent Cows and ~ 7,1 mft m (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on Page 13) (Continued on Page 13) u to faim _ 2000 00 brnhei. instances 10 00 higher on Holstein Heifers An estimated 85 peicent of the Hoi- V/ALLIC stein Calves under 120 lbs re- Weekly Review tuined to faim VEALERS Choice 49 00 CATTLE—Compared with last 54 00, Good 45 00-49 50- Standard weeks close, Slaughter Steers 41 00-46 00 Utility 34 00-4100 weak to 50 lowei, the most de- Cull 80-115 lbs 28 00 33 00 cline on high-Choice and Prime. CALVES RETURNED TO Slaughter Heifeis mostly steady. FARM Bulk 90-120 lbs 34 00- Cows and Bulls steady 45 00, with Holstein Heifers Receipts included 71 percent -4700-5500 Slaughter Steeis and 26 percent HOGS Bauows and Gilts Heifeis with balance mostly mostly steady. Sows seaiee Cows Oveiall finish Slaughter (Continued on Page 13) (Continued on Page 13) Oetohei 5. I*l7o T*.9o « v W * V * * * ■*wf* I. * S' * 1 Local Grain Prices These p, ice- a e made up ot e avuaee pi ices quoted b\ six a Impaling local itcd and giain ■interns It mould be noted aucvei that no,. cvuv deaki indlts each coinmodiU -VII ice-, ait pei bu-he 1 except toi . i coi n which i- pu 'on I he avcicit'c local "i am p.icc-> toted Ihuisdav Octobu 8 570 ai e as iollow s Bid Offered ai Coin Old 41 00 46 00 at Com \tv\ 28 00 83 00 In llt d Coi n 151 169 d- 80 89 n lev 105 119 In <0 1 53 1 69 ' B'd is the pt ice the clcalu will i\ Loin Jit lanne' dthveicd to c mill Offeied is the puce (he -alei will sell lot at his null MARKET NEWS REPORT f v i 0 -f - rf 1 « I -"t-" A* * J- ,-A k* . SJ * * A- M V -r VWW"<*^ | W VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 9:00 A.M. For Marketing Information Plume Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 nu East of Lancaster on Rt 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager Lancaster Auction ()«loiter 7, 107') j 1 I I * f ! i / 4 * I i I / 1 J w *-> | 5 ~—*-, i * Composite Vintage Auction Report Oi’tnlMT (i. 1970 October 9, 1970 I I I i I I ► FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thursday, October 8,1970) October November December January ’7l February March Apiil May June July August October Trend Cattle aie steady. Hogs weaker, Potatoes weaker, and Eggs weakei a-asked b-bid Markets provided by Commodity Dept., Reynolds h Company AUCTIONS makes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10:30 A.M. - FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2:30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE MONDAY at 10:00 A.M. DAIRY SALE - WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL - THURSDAY at 12:30 P.M. NEW HOLIir’AN&'SALES STABLES, INC. . Nev lloll'andrPenna kljiam W. DiffenbachJVlan.jiger Ph0ne,.{.717L354-2104 New Holland Auction J Chicago Chicago Cattle Hogs 30.00 19.15 29.20 18.85 29.72 19.15 30.20 20.15 3.24 30.72 22.35 22.90 30.25 22.95 34.85 n-nominal New York Maine Chicago Potatoes Fresh Eggs 34.88 2.72 36.3* 36.80 35.65 3.04 3.84