VOL 15 NO. 46 Lancaster Co. FFA Gets Set For Kansas City Convention Lam t tei Count) FP'A mem beis will be among the 10,000 Fiituu Faimcis fiom all the slates ’ J ueito Rico and the Vnpin ,-lands lepiesentid at the 43rd National Convention in Kan,as vitv Missonii, Octobu This invention is an annual event to onduct the business of the National FFA Oi gamzat.on and to u ognize and give avvaids loi oiitsi-ncLrg aceoniplishmen s ol FFA vembeis on a national level nidgn contests the culm v ?tion ci FFA judging cimptti tion vvlinn begins al ait local Her Groff (front) and Gary Buchen pose v..:n the Manheim FFA Chapter's first place window exhibit at the Manheim Fair week. The exhibit shows a hunt er (rear) pointing his weapon at the squirrel, but hitting the man in. the fore ground. Lights flash and the victim falls. Jess Lrvv.ay, vo-ag teacher,, said the boys chaplei level and piocceds thiough contest-, al the cli'.liici and state le\els, will lute mou than (>OO participants Local bovs on state judnng teams aie Dauv Cattle, Rubin Ilousei, Lebanon, and Nelson Mai tin. New Holland Dane Pi odiicts, Lai i\ R APeis Qu iv Mile. Poultiv, Kenneth Sen st nig. Ephiata Cloister Chaplei Ephiata will leccive two gold emblem a\.aids as then chaptc is fm earning out vanotis aclu, lies Lancastei Coun!\ St i rannei Jaj C Zinimeiman pa~ thaanian of Lne Chaptei Satcnv plan to add sound and hope to enter the exhibit in the State Farm Show. In the background is the warning that in Penn sylvania in 1969, there were 28 fatal hunt ing accidents and 451 persons injured, of vthich 222 victims were in the direct line of tire. Lancaster Farming. Saturday October 10. 1970 Committee, will accept the National Lhaplei Salel\ \waid Cloistci Chaptci vice p.esident RiCk Pfaut/ will iop.e-ci’t tlu Chaptei and accept tlu. National Chaptei Awaid Ainonp the spume s honoicd this \eai loi 15 ua s support will be John W PMudinan JL Sons, Lancastei Spcetatois to the eoiuemion will be Rolk i. Campbell Laws Hoist \l!en V.u’ \ laeob Mas st . I* ank Ruoss \l’> i p Sthloueh Robut Si' •.1 bam Tmpe Call Weave i R maid \ oundl and Clbloid Dm ad (CoiDnucd on Ikue 9) Poultry Siiow Winner Ammon Shelly, Box 85 Man heim, displays his giand cham pion bud in the poultiy division at Manheim Fan this week It s a black cochen cock, Shel ly explained, noting the thick pKinjage and gieen coloung on buds tail as fac- tor?' an the championship -Shelly is -'usedytfi winning ' with his birds Hftha's about 185 " juAfour breeds Some 38 weie "Shfeied in the, -lair, including entries'' by his wife and thi ee . ghand soils The grandsons ‘get a big Bek out of it,” Shelly said Shelly Jhas been showing birds since the l&3o’s, except for 12 years which'he took off to do some serious farming Now he’s an Oliver salesman for N G Heishey Inc. Manheim His buds aie an impoitant hobbv He enteis about seven shows pei yeai, including the laige Yoik Faimeis Association Show at York Fan Giounds, coming up Octobei 23 25, and the Fai m Show at Hanisbiug Asked about the cost of his hobby, Shelly said he about Farm Calendar Saturday, Octobei 10 1-5 pm Milton S Hcishet Medical Centei, open to pub lic, Octobei 10 11 130 p m SocieU of Fai m Women 1, home ot Mis Funkhn Webei 730 pm Filtielh Annivei saiy, Lancaslei County Po mona Giange, Fulton Gunge Hall, Oakiyn Society ol Faim Women 20 (Continued on Page 101 “bioke even’ last year While he gets some money tiom show ing at tans, the biggest return is fiom selling the buds to othci hobbvists, he said But he indiciated that the hobby is expensive foi those who lack the patience and m teiest to develop a fine flock such as the one he has He noted that many peisons in the Man heimLititz aiea have given up the show bird hobby in recent yeais But Shelly is “showing stiongei than evei ” Farm Women Complete Plans for Convention Plans foi the 53id annual convention ot the Society of Faun Women oi Lancaster Countv Novembei 7 weie fina lized at a meeting of the execu tive boaicl held Tuesday at the home of Mis Aithui D Weng ei Manheim RD2 Mis Wengei Society 27, was assisted bv Mis Kenneth Mar tin Society 26 Mi s Leon Thom as was in chaige of devotions. Dining the business meeting, conducted by Mis John N. Hess, piesident Mis Melvin Meek chan man of the bazaar table for the convention, re minded the piesidents that items should be packaged in a non-ietumable container and maiked with a suggested sell ing puce The sale will begin at 10 am on Nov 7 during registiation at the convention. Mrs Aaion Denlinger, pro giam chairman, announced the (Continued on Page 12)