Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 03, 1970, Image 18
I■' 1 I.jiiu .1 l' iKm iiiiuk. Siiiiii «lfi>. 0( Inin i !*><» Stauffer Cow Tops at Ephrata Again \ (OH) ll 11 nil! Hill lin A .IV 'Ui I li ccd 'i i U ii»|niiii .il tu K.iii l.i'l nvik (til ■ .1’ loin .1 i li uii Ihi ,i n uni il Si,mi|i\ loini'i SinoKi •, Hi .hi i iv • ii.H'd hi H.i 1 Si.i.illi i i\ho n,iv o' nit i Sl.i!i FT \li c.i'ii. ci IF ;lii von of M .m.l Mi' ',n cm i Sl.mtlci F.jilii.t.i Ul)l Sninkci non :hc si moi li.impions)ii]i .uul li s. pi.u. m 1., .njed con compi i ion hcfo.c H n.illicit .uul (ii.niip.on in I.n„c field SmutTn '. .d Smokci 15t.mli uoduud 21,202 pounds of milk ml 857 pomids of i.i .i <'(i d.n l.if..itii)n .is .i irl Result' takuig lilt' .op spot .it ht i E..n fom .'■l .I'-llil ..i > lhi‘ was ir'.t't ’i.iinpion .il the u'gional FF V -how and thud in c 1..-- .. ’.hi 1 Muwh .mu Uiuioi D.uiv Show ’1 ounhc'l competition fo> ' ruHoi c.ime iiom J.i\ bmokei .■.li’U’iii RIM who'L aged cow dated second beh lid Smokei ’.eau,\ <ind wuit on ’o become •lie show i es"i \ o giancl and inioi mene thampion The iiin.oi championship in ■ lolsteins went to Ronald Giu k Elizabethtown who hud .lie HCi. itinioi call Re s ene placing ■■as won bv Linloicl Weavei, Ephiata RDI who had a junioi tailing In the Gueinsev bleed. Jesse ’.almei Lititz RD4 led a two Cheryl Balmer, daughter of Mr and Mrs Jesse Balmer, RD4. shows her trophy after being named champion otter at the Ephrata Fair Nelson R Wea\cm , son o( Aj 1 and Mi-. Luke L Weaver, Lphiata RDI displa\s his aw aid bung named champion -.bowman at the Lphiata Fan Breed champions in the dairj. competition at the Ephrata Fair included, left to right: Dennis Martin. Stetens RDI, senior calf. Ayrshire; Earl Stauffer, Eph \iai old to the bleed chanruon spot, aftei fiist being named semoi and senioi leseive champ ions The semoi lesene champ ion was an aged cow Jesse’s sistei, Cheivl had the show leseive champ,on, a senior y ending also named junio champion The jumoi was a jumoi yeailmg owned by Ken Giube, LiLtz RD4 In the Ayishue bleed, Dennis Mai tin, Sievens RDI, had the giand champion, best senior calf and yunioi champion Daryl Mai tin, Stevens RDI had the leseive giand and jumoi leserve champ ions with a jumoi yearling Bail Geihait, Remholds, had the fii st place scnioi yearling (Continued on Page 19) Command Performanse New Van Dale “1230 Series II” Silo Unloader Customer- Certified to outperform, outlast any make its size. You're in command. Push the the new Van Dale “1230 Sene Unloader go into action—give y« output, feed more head—with* booster or added electricity. Our say so? No, our customers testify the “1230 Series il" is better three ways: 1. handles meaner haylage 2. throws out of i larger silo A 3. unloads on lower In current draw I I So, demand ///j Command Perform - / / II rata RDI, four-year-old Holstein, Jesse Balmer, Lititz RD4; two-year-old Guernsey. Do You Have Rectal Trouble? WHY NOT GET RID OF IT? Cutting Seldom Needed Pain A Thing Of The Past Learn How 2,400 Others Have Been Helped WRITE FOR FREE BOOK DEPARTMENT FNI BOX 1931, YORK, PENNA. EXTRA THROW POWER DOUBLE T AUGERS WITH 3/U' FLIGHTING