For Full Market Reports • Read Lancaster Farming SAMPLE COPIES FREE Copies of LANCASTER FARMING are not ahvavs easy to find they ,ne not sold on newsstands and perhaps some of >our fi lends may not be acquainted with our weekly sen ice. We'll be Rlad to send, without chaige, several copies of LANCASTER FARSIING to your friends or business associates Just write their names and addi esses below (You’ll be doing both them and us a fat or!) Street Address & R D. City Street Address & R. D. City (You are not limited to two names Use separate sheet for additional names.) Your Name Address f] Check here if >ou prefer to send a Year’s (52 issues) GIFT subscription for $2 each (S 3 each outside of Lan caster County) to your friends listed above. If so $ enclosed, or □ Bill me later. Please mail this form to: CIRCULATION DEPT. LANCASTER FARMING State Zip • State Zip RADIO C. B. I Between 1961 .md 1968. Kind ioid expendiluies mcie.ised fiom 28 pei cent to 34 pci cent , • Chicago I (Continued fiom Page 2) CALL Titus Burkholder 1 used 300 gal. creamery package 1 - 650 gal. Esco bulk milk tank, M.C.D. 1 N.Y. 3 used 12 can top opener milk coolers 1 used 6 can top opener milk cooler 1 used 2 h.p. Lehigh compressor 2 used hold over cooling plates for egg cooler Milk Keeper Bulk Tanks 12 & 7 can Star Milk Coolers Lehigh Refrigeration Compiessois Klenzade Automatic Bulk Tank Washers NOTICE We have been appointed stocking warehouse for Milk Keeper Bulk Tanks. CALL Leroy Zook LANCASTER SILOS ACORN BARN EQUIPMENT WEAVERLINE CARTS CALL Chas. Eshieman SPECIAL SALE WHEELBARROWS List Price Our Price K-8 534.50 531.50 M-ll 532.50 529.50 - M-4% 530.50 -527.50 ' Handy Tractor Tool Boxes Reg List Pi ice $7 95 10% DISCOUNT While they last OCTOBER SPECIAL TRACTOR BATTERIES 20% OFF LIST PRICE CONTROLLED TRUCKS FOR BETTER SERVICE HOOBER & SON Intercourse, Penna. U. S. Land Trends Landlord Cost Squeeze, More Part-Owners, Cash Rental is Popular landlo.d ixpeiidituu s highei ica! estate taxis have held down i incoim fiom f.iinil.ind, auoiding to .1 upon issued iccently by the LSD \ cslimated .it 30 65 and 1145 lbs The latter the lightest since last October, compaied with 30 87 and 1159 lbs last week, and 29 35 and 1139 lbs last yeai Heifer supply mainly high good to low prime 1 weighing 800-1000 lbs SLAUGHTER STEERS On Wednesday, four loads prime 1125-1300 lbs yield grade 3 and 4 32 50, high choice and pnme 1150-1350 lbs 3125-32 00, com parable grade 10501150 lbs 30 50-31.25, load high choice and prime 1425 lbs 3100, choice 1150- 1350 lbs yield grade 2 to 4 29 75 31.25, load 1490 lbs 30 00, choice 950-1150 lbs 20 50-30 50, mixed good and choice 950-1150 lbs 28 75-29 75, good 26 75-28 75 standaid and low good 25 75- 26 75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS On Wednesday, high choice and prime 900-1000 lbs yield grade 3 and 4 28 75-29 00, load 955 lbs 29 50, choice 800-1000 lbs yield grade 2 to 4 27 50-28 75, mixed good and choice 750-900 lbs 26 75 27 75, good 25 75-26 75 Lancaster Farmnuj. Saturday, October .'I. 1070 1.5 o! gloss mils pel ane In lliose u.ns national au-iagi mi's lose fiom $7 70 pel ane to SlO 48, but net 1 elm ns to land owneis only went fiom S 5 41 to SO 94 Net rents, as a peicenlago of land value, declined fiom 1961’s 4 6 per cent to 3 8 pci cent in 1968 The icpoit by USD Vs Kcon omic Research Seivice outlines tiends in faim leasing and pies ents Slate and national cash lent averages for ciopland and pasture Faimeis lenteci o\ei 11 pci cent moie farmland for cash in 1964 than m 1959 More land was rented by pait owners, accoiding to a repoit issued iccentlv by the U S De paitment of Aguculture Typi cally, the part-owner has some land of his ov/n but rounds out his farm by leasing. These in dividuals tend to use cash leases moie frequently than full ten ants In 1964, part-owners opeiated PUREBRED GUERNSEY SALE Thursday, October 8,1970 12:30 Noon At the Ass’n Sales Pav, 6mi E of Lancaster Pa 50 HEAD Including 5 bulls of service age. Vacc Bang’s & T.B Cert, Injected against Shipping Fevei Ovei one half outstanding cows or bred heifeis fiesh or due within 30 days of sale date A number of open heifers, an extiemely good invest ment this time of the year If you need to strengthen youi milk production this fall, you can’t aftoid to miss this sale Sale Managed By; Pa. Guernsey Breeders’ Assn., Box 458, Camp Hill, Pa. 17011 .'bout 4!) pei out ol I lie bind in bums, (omp.nul with 36 pci <cnl in 1949 I’ail owncislup is inn (astng because of -.tionpicssine lain bilge f.nms .iiul high bind values which limit puich.iscs Under these conditions is ,m ef fective w.iy to gam conli ol of bind with limited capital In 1964, 392 million acics of faimland weic lulled compaied with 1950's 382 million An esti mated 215 million were icnled foi cash in 1964, 25 million acies nioie than in 1959 Bv 1964, cash renting accounted foi 20 per cent of all the land in bums and 55 pci cent of all leased faimland. A copv of ‘Farm Tenuie and Cash Rents in the United Slates," AER 190. is available fiee on postcaid icquesl fiom the Office of Infoimation, US Depait ment of Agncultuit, Washing ton, D C 20250 (Please include youi zipcode) Phone 768-8231
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