Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 26, 1970, Image 9
At the Ephrata and Lampeter fairs this week, the cooling draft inside after three hogs died from the heat talk, especially during the days, was never far away At Ephrata, the hog show that had been scheduled in the ftwnr the weather and the record and near-record tern- early afternoon Thursday was postponed till late even peratures. At Lampeter, the fire truck was borrowed mg to spare the hogs. But the show went on, despite Wednesday to hose down the swine tent and create a some extra care and a few changes in the schedule Glenn Livengood Enters Best Hog at Lampeter Glenn Livengood had the good had the champion pen, as Ruoss, third senior gilts, Fiank grand championship individual well as the top heavyweight pen Ruoss, fn st. W F Rupss, hog entry at the Lampeter Fair and the fust mediumweight second, and Doiothy Ruoss, this week. pen thud, jumoi spimg gilts Fiank Ruoss, fust, and Ken Fox, sec ond, sow and littei Doiothy Ruoss. fust and champion sow, Fiank Ruoss second and Ken Fox, thud, aged sow The animal is a 220 pound Yorkshire cioss bairow Liven good is the son of Mr and Mis Ira Livengood, 1906 Pioneer Road, Lancaster. Clair Witwer was owner of the reserve bauow. Witwer also had the cham fion penof-two as well as the top hog in the heavyweight «9ass Livengood was second John Shank had the top medi um weight pen of-two In pen of-£our, Earl Liven- This 215 pound cross-bred hog was jwdged the first place hog on foot in the Lancaster County Swine Producer's car cass competition at the Lampeter Fair. ITiis animal and several others will be slaughtered Monday for the second phase Glenn Livengoocl was second in heavyweight pen-of-ioui and had the FFA champion in that division Clair Witwei was fust in lightweight pen of four and thud in heavyweight Results in swine bleed com petition at Lampetei included the following Duiocs (All bieedmg stock) Frank Ruoss, fust, and Doiothy Ruoss, second, young boai; Fiank Ruoss, fust, Doio thy Ruoss second, and W F of the contest, actual judging of the dress ed animal. The on foot winner here is own ed by Dutch Valley Farm, Manheim RD3. The animal is the off-spring of a York shire-Duroc sow and a Hampshire boar. Landiace Ken Findley, fust, and Mike Smith, second, senior gilt Yoikshne Ken Biandt, fust, junior spung gilts Spotted Sow Stewait Gumra, fust, sow with litter The ludge was Mac Spaulding of New Jersey. > * : « *■ Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 26.1970- Glenn Livengood, son of Mr. and Mrs Ira Ln engood. 1906 Pioneer Road, Lancaster, displays his grand champion ship hog at the Lampeter Fair this week. The animal is a 220-pound Yorkshire cross barrow. • Auction (Cc Hunted from Page 2) Commeicuil 26 50 -29 L’O, few 30 00 31 60 FEEDER STEERS Load Choice and Pnme 950 1100 lbs v ith Good to low-Choice slaugh tei finish 29 50-29 60 C\LVES 125 \ ealeis stiong to 1 00 Ingne’ VE VLERS 50 00 few Choice 48 00- 50 50-51 50, Good 4" 00 48 50 Standaid 40 00-46 00. Utihn 33 00 39 00 Cull 90 120 lbs 28 00-32 00, 65-85 lbs 22 GO -26 50 SLAUGHTER CALVES Choice 195-260 lbs 35 00-37 50, 300-405 lbs 33 00-34.00, Good 300- 400 lbs 29 00 33 00 HOGS 301—Barrows and Gilts steady, instances 25 highei BARROWS AND GILTS US 1 200-225 lbs 22 50-22 75 US 1-2 210 240 lbs 2185-22 00 US 2-3 205 260 lbs 2160-21 85 SOWS US 2 195-200 lbs. Twin Valley FFA The second meeting of Hu- Twin V.illey FFA was held Tuesday in the Vocational Ajji i culUne classioom at Twin Val iev Until School with Hi mem- Ihms piesent Sloll/fns mo\cd that a committee of llnee be appoint ed bv the piesident Fied Mast, to look into selling liesh Floi i d<i oianges this wintei The mo tion was seconded b\ Jeuv Jackson The committee consist ed of I’.ml Oldham, Jenv Jack son, and Bob McGowan McGowan moved that the pio giam of activities toi the 1970- 71 school veai be accepted The motion was seconded by Fiank Slolt/fus and passed Jem Jackson moved that the Chaptei lieastiiv pav foi ollic et s meals .it the Leadeiship Tunning Conleienee which is to he held at Comad Wiser High School Octobci 6 The mo tion was seconded and passed The ne\t meeting will be held Monday, Octobei 5 at 7 30 p m in the Vocational Agncultme classi oom. Richai d Kin tz Chaptei Repoiter Elizabethtown FFA Wins The Ehzabethtow n FFA Chaptei leceived a plaque lor winning the tug of wai contest against seven other Lancaster County FFA chaptei s at Lam peter Fair this week New Floiist Booklet Flousts oi then customeis may be intei cstcd in obtaining a new Penn State extension seivice bulletin which coveis all phases ol landscaping, including land scape design, piepaiation of a plan, plant mateuals, planting and maintenance The booklet was mitten by Di Ci dig S Olivei, Ornamental Hoiticultuie Extension Specul ist The publication is available fiom the Agiiculluidl Mailing Room, 110 Seivice Building, Uni versity Paik, Pa 16802 The cost is S 2, checks should be made payble to The Pennsylvania State Univeisity. 2100-2135 US 2-3 360 590 lbs, 15 60-16 00 SHEEP 50 Spnng Lambs fully steady SPRING L -\MBS One lot Choice 50 lbs 30 00 Good 65 lbs. 9