Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 26, 1970, Image 8

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    t—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 26.1970
Frey Cow 2nd at Pa. Black & White
A« out'dandine Lancaster
Oovinis Holstein v ow look second
bluest h 01101 s .'1 till'
vwnia Black .111(1 While Show .it
Warisburß Tuesday
Aliut Ivanhoe (lined. owned
by .1 Mowi'is Kio\ .h.. Fulton
way Farm 401 Buiri \ alloy
pike. Laiicaslei was iesei\o
grand champion
Tlie dtumal letoiud the honoi
hi competi’ion 385 top Hol
.jlems fiom I’cniisihama one
(M the Icadni-t Holstein stales in
the lation and siural othei
Alnat hanhoc Gingoi icienl
|y cla->Mt,cd K\tel!eiii 03 and
last ,\eai as a s\\ouo'd pio
auced 25 846 pounds of milk
aad 984 pounds ol butteilal
This \eai. Fie\ said the an
imal is a\ei aging 96 pounds of
milk pel da\ thiough the lust
live months oi milking
Earl Stauffer's Duroc
Best Hog at Ephrata
Bail Stauffei had the chain- hngei champion at 220 pounds,
pi on hog at the Ephiaia Fa*, and Glen Mai tin, leseue at 223
Tii'ii sdav night pounds
Linfoid Weavei took Black Poland China Mailin
champion honois Bolhngei, iii't with a 218 pound
Both animals weie Duiocs p,g and Michael Leinmgei, with
Stauftei's weighing 233 pounds a 210 poundei
and Weaiei s 215 pounds Spotted Poland Jeff PLiutz
Stauftei was also named cb.m L i iam p loll and ie»ei\e with an
paon showman im aH ol 235 and 207 pou ids i<_
Othei lop honois be b>eed s p^ CllNe ; %
weic jira as Vo’kshne Eugene Bolhng-
Beikshnes-Linfoid AVemei f „ st and , eCojld w.,n 212
with a 222 pouna champion and 233 d pjgs
Donald Bolhngei, lesene with
a 190 pound pig Landi.ce - Eugene \ol,
Chestei White - MichaA hmh champion ana lesene a,
Lemmgei, champion at 199 218 and 240 pounds
pounds and Pnilip Lemuigei Ciossbitd la' Zimmoiman
tesene with a 240 pound an- champion w,lh a 185-pound
, ma l hog and Eugcae Boinngc. wi h
Hampshire Eugene 80l- a 180 pound pig
This Duroc sou and litter is the breeding stock ot Frank
Ruoss and indicatne ol whj the Ruoss’ swept most ot the
j&uroc awards at the Lampeter Fair this week
• Farm Calendar
(Contirikci l on Pil.-
Pittsbui eb Seplembei 29
Octobei 1
Wednesday, Sept 36
New Holland Fan, Sept 30
Oct 1 2 3
Thuisdaj, Oct. 1
Bpm Box Social piogiam
PSU football movie at
Farm and Home Centei
Bpm Lancastei Count}
Ponltiy Association board
of directois, Faim and
Home Centei
Red Rose 4-H Baby Beef Club
v -
The cou on the right in this large aged cow class
at the Pennsylvania Black and White Show Tuesday is
Alnat Ivanhoe Ginger, the outstanding Holstein of J.
Clyde Brubakers Win
Lampefer Sheep Honors
The CHde B übaku JamiU
EancaTei swept most of die
atjioi sntep ca’ceo ics at the
w mpetci r<ui this week
The Biubakeis had the cham
o’on lam lamb and champion
ewe lamb undei one \ea. Cham
peon and icsuve ewe honois
*ent to membeis of the Cl>de
Brubakt-i family
Entries w'eie light in the sheep
competition, howciei
Re=ei\e lam lamb and ewe
undei two jcais old honois
a c-nt to Rand> Walkei
The show nidge was Mac
Spam&ng of New Jersey.
J Mowery Frey Jr , Fultonway Farm, Show at Harrisburg Tuesday along with
-101 Bea\er Valley Pike. Lancaster, re- his prize cow, Alnat h anhoe Ginger. Pre
la.xes alter a long day in the ring as he ac- sentmg the trophy and ribbon is Kathy
cepts reserie giand championship honors Seipt, Easton, a show official,
at the Pennsjhania Black and White
Phoenixville RD2 Ewe
Is 4-H Show Champion
Holly Scheib daughlei of Mi
and Mis Clyde Scheib, Phoenix
Mile RD2 exhibited the chain
pion ewe at the Chestei Dela
waie Counties 4H Sheep Show
lecentiy at the Rose Tiee Hunt
Club Media
Resene champion ewe was
shown bv Joan Liesau daughtei
ot M» and Mis Eugene Liesau
Spun? Cif\ RDI
Joan Liesau also placed lust
in the imnoi dmsion ot fitting
.nd snov.manship contest Hoil\
Scheib placed second In this
contest membeis vveie judged
on then abilitc to show a sheep
which thee ha\e tidined and
gioomed foi show
In addition to the bleeding
ewe classes, and the fitting and
showmanship classes, there was
also market lamb competition
Judge for the event was Ba
ud Kantner Associate Countj
Agricultural Agent in Bucks
Mowery Frey Jr., Lancaster. The Frey animal won the
class and w cnt on to become reser\ e grand champion
m competition with 385 top cows from se\eral states.
Jay Landis, Lancaster RD6, shows off his senior bu
calf winner at the Pennsylvania Black and White Show
Tuesday The animal, named PaTaJa True Type Patris,
was an “easy winner’’ in competition with eight other ani
mals, according to the judge. Elam Bollinger, Manheim
RDI. had the reserve animal in the junior bull calf competi