Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 26, 1970, Image 6
—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 26,1970 6 Miller Cows Win at Lampeter ■H * A Lancaster Counts dairyman ■who says he's always ready to buy a good dairy cow. no mat ter what the breed, captured most of the top honor- in dairy competition at the Lampeter Fair Thursday afternoon For Marvin MLler, a Stras burg RDI dairyman, it was the second straight good week. Mil ler’s animals placed high in several breeds at the Solanco Fair at Quarryville last week. Miller was particularly pleased this week that his outstanding Holstein, a fivc-year-old called Ink Spot, finished first Ink Spot was second at So lanco last week to a nine-year-old displayed by Di and Mis Carl Troop, Quairyville RD3 But this week at Lampeiei. the standings weic leveled with Ink Spot first and the Troop cow second Ink Spot placed foui th in the five-year-old das-, el the Pmn sylvama Black and White Show Tuesday, Miller noted Miller is already making plans to show Ink Spot at the Man- Ira D. Welk. Quarryville RD3. displays helm Fair and is looking foiwaid the grand champion Holstein at the Lam to the Faim Show in Han Wuuig peter Fair Thursday. The animal was in January He noted the animal as due to fieshen in mid-Decom- hi« hopes fora dean sweep Ken her and he hopes Ink Spot will Findley had the champion Jer he at her peak Tor showing pur- sey. poses at the Farm Show ,a=ked win it is that he has Actually, Miller said he o - - 1 ns s omc good animals m nearly Ink Spot jointly with Ira D eveiy breed. Miller explained Welk, Quarry ulle BF>3 on that he doesn't buy dairy cows whose farm the annual is | 3 j breed, but looks lor a good housed Welk has the animal CO w no matter what the breed on a DHIA testing piogi.mi and His attitude contrasts sharply Miller repoiled pro uidion ol with most of the leading dairy -20,000 pounds of milk last vear. wien in this area, who stick Miller also took the Guernsey strictly with one breed, or even breed championship with a tour- with one or two lamily lines year-old, he had little compe- within the breed tition in captuimg the A.,w. sin o Xn competition leading to the and Brown Svdss titles Holstein championship, the Mil , Miller said an outstanding ler-Welk cow was top aged cow. Jersey died recently stoopmg the Troop Holstein was .second WHITE WASHING DAISYWHITE • DRIES WHITE • DOES N( I’ RLB OFF 0 A' WET FLOORS © I-. COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECT MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Witmer, Pa. 393-7227 No Trespassing Signs FOP QAI ET F a, Ha b GET YOURS EARLY phone 394-3047 or 626-2191 or slop ot our office Lititz Record-Express Building 22 E, Main St., Lititz, Pa. WE HAVE second at Quarryville last week. The ani mal, Ink Spot, is a five year old which pro duced 20,000 pounds of milk last year. popr) nnw and Richard Hess had Debbie He I ss. second, and Call the third aged cow. troop, third. ~ „ , , Senior yearling Jav Landis, Other iesults in Holstein com- John K reider, and Sandra Frey petition included. Junior yearling—Ricky Hess, Four-year-olos— Robbie Hess, j a y Landis and Brenda Herr; fust. Susan Frey, second, and senior call—Bill Landis. Martin Richard Hess, third Hamish and Jason Miller; inlei- Three-vear-olds—Sandra Frev, mediate calf Susan Frey, Donna Hess and Marvin Miller Bruce Landis and Connie Kreid- Two-vear-olds Susan Frey. er; Junior calf—Bill Landis and Richaid Hess and Bruce Landis. J ac k Hess. Senior >ending freshened Grand champion bull, junior Ja> Landis, junior champion, champion bull, and junior year- ling bull Jay Landis; junior bull calf ‘Ronald Leaman. In Guernsey competition. Mil ler's bleed champion was the top iour-year-old and Robert Rohrer had the breed reserve with the best three-year-old. Other Guernsey competition results included: Aged cow—Cindy Breneman, Art Breneman and Ernest Wolfe; Four-year-olds Robert Rohrer, second, and Romella Farms, third. Three-year-olds Robert Rohrer, second, and Romella Farms, third. Two - year - olds Romella Farms, Art Breneman and Don Breneman. Senior yearling and junior yearling—Don Breneman; junior champion and junior calf —. Ernest Wolfe, first; junior calf —John Miller, second. GENTLE IS ELECTRIC HEAT! Gentle because electric baseboards or ceiling cable radiate warmth like the sun for pure comfort. Se be modern. Enjoy the pure comfprt of electric heat in new home or old. Call PP&L today for a free estimate of the cost to heat your home electrically.