— Lancaster Farming, Saturday. September 26.1970 2 At Lancaster Yards Auction Only September 23, 1970 CATTLE 842 Compared to last weeks close, Slaughter Steers strong to 50 higher, ad vance mainly on Choice: Cows mostly steady: Bulls uneven. Good and Choice moslly steady, Utility and Commeicial weak to 50 lower. SLAUGHTER STEERS—High- Choice and Pnmc 1050-1325 lbs 31.60-32 50, Choice 950-1350 lbs 30 25-32 10; high-Good and low (Jhoice 29 00-30 60. Good 28 00- 29.50; lew Slandaid 27 75-28 75 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 800-950 lbs 28 60-30.10, couple 30 50-30 60, Good 25 75- 28 00. COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 2150-23 10, few 23 10-23.35. Cutter 20 25-22 00: Conner and low-Cutter 18 50- 20.60 CULLS Choice 28 50-29 75; Good 26 50-28 50; Utility and (Continued on Page 91 ! j V * i ! & n St 1 Vi 4 * 'J •t-1 ’niff' -*v- * • »,* *» ■* ’ I U*' . I £ 1 ■ I / / 1 rv~ s / \d J » i | | $J ,4r, £1.40 Local Grain Prices These prices i\'e made up ol the average prices quoted by six participating local Iced and grain concerns It should be noted howevei, that not eseiy deulei handles each commodity. All prices aie pei bushel, except loi ear com which is pei ton The avciage local giain puce-, Quoted Thin id.n, Sept 24, 1970, jie as follows. ISiil Ol'lered Ear Coin, Old $42 00 $40.00 Kai Corn, New 2900 33.00 Shelled Com 139 17n B 3 1 OB 1 31 Oats Bailey Wheal "Bui is the pi ice the dealei will buy from the laimei dcdiuned to the mill. Ollered is the price tlu dealer will sell loi at hi> milt. %. MARKET NEWS REPORT Weekly Review September 24, 1970 CATTLE 3200 Compared lo last weeks close, Slaughter Steers strong to 50 higher; advance mainly on Choice; Cows mostly steady; Bulls uneven, Good and Choice mostly steady. Utility and Commercial weak to 50 lower. Supply included an estimated 45 percent Slaughter Steers, 25 per cent Cows and Bulls, with the balance mainly Feeder Steers. Three loads Slaughter Steers bought to an ive, load Pi line 1230 lbs 33 00, load high Choice and Prime 1400 lbs 33 00, 10.. d high-Choicc and Prime 1100 lbs 32 00 SLAUGHTER STEERS—High- Choice and Pi nne 1050-1325 lbs. 31 60-32 50: Choice 950-1350-lbs 30.25-32 10. high-Goo 1 and low- Choice 29.00-30 60, Good 28 00- 29 50. few Standard 27 75-28 75 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 800-950 lbs. 28.60-30 10, (Continued on Page 3) I I 1 f— -f -4 £::ivP- > W A m a 3 'Tu^T'l>: ,'**9 AUCTIONS mokes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland mokes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10:30 A.M. - FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2:30 P.M. - FAT STEERS. BULLS, COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE - MONDAY at 10:00 A.M. DAIRY SALE WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL - THURSDAY at 12.30 P.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland, Pennn. Abram IV. Diffenhaeh. Manager Phone (717) 354-21!?* .93 1 19 1.03 t laiJ.OlU] 1 i. i | , ' '>j 1 } 7 | . - f i ' ¥\ 1 / /I y j | r i Vintage Auction September 22, 1970 CATTLE 972 Compared to last Tuesday, Slaughter Steel s uno\en, Choice and Pi line steady, instances 25 higher. Standaicl and Good steady to 50 lower; Cows steady to sliong: Bulls steady, instances 50 highei SLAUGHTER STEERS Few high-Choice and Prime 1050-1200 lbs. 32 10-32.75; Choice 925-1325 lbs 30 00-32.25 lew yield grade 2-3 1075-1250 lbs 32.50-32 85, high-Good and low-Choice 29 00- 30 25. Good 27 50-29 50, Standaicl and low'-Good 20 00-28 00 COWS Ulilih and hu?h drcssing Cutter 21 00-23 10, low 23 25-23 00: Cllttci 20 00-22 50. Cannei and low-Cuttei 18 25- 20.50 BULLS Choice' 28 50-30 00, lew 31 00-31 85; Good 2V 00-28 75, Utihl\ ond Conmicrci.il 26 50- 29 50'low 29 75-3000 CALVES 698 Standard to Choice Veiiloie stioiig to 100 higher. Cull unci Utility 1 00-2 00 lower. tContinuecl on Page 3) -V f i f r s j\> y New Holland Auction September 24, 1970 CATTLE 1003 Compared to last Tlnu sday slaughter steers steady to 50 lower, in stances 75 lower on Good; Cows steady to 50 lower, bulls steady to 50 lower. SLAUGHTER STEERS Few high Choice and Prime 1050-1250 lb. 32 25-32 35. three head 33 00-33 25: Choice 950- 1300 lb. 30.25-32 00, lew head 32 00 32,50: high Good and low Choice 29 00-30.35: Good 27.50- 29.60, Standard and low Good 25.85-27.50 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS One lot Choice 79t) lb 3010; Good 725-950 lb 25 25-27 25. COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 21 00 22 75, low 23 00-23 85: Cutler 19 85-21 75: Canner and low Cutter 18 25- 20.00. BULLS Choice 28 50-29 85, few 30 75-32 00 f lood 27 00 28 - 50: UtiliU find Commcicud 26- 85-29 85 31 00. FEEDER STEERS Mixed Good and Choice 550-800 lb 27.- 75-29 25; Choice 950-1050 lb 28.- 35-29.00 CALVES 494 steady to 1 00 higher VEALERS Choice 48.00 51.00, few 51.50-52 50; Good 45- 00-49.00; Standard 39 50-45.00; Utility 34.00-39.00: Cull 90-120 lb. 28.00-32.00, 65-85 lb. 23.00- 27.00. SHEEP 38 No market test, couple lots Good 70-85 lb 23 00- 23.50. HORSES Sept. 21. 1970 Receipts of 289 horses sold FUTURES (Closing bids as of Thursday, September 24,1970) October November December .January February March April May June August October Trend Cattle are stionger, Hogs are steady, Potatoes aro weaker, and Eggs are steady. a-asked b-bid n-noniinal Markets provided by Commodity Dept., Reynolds k Company VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. ! 1 BULLS. STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, I HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES 1, SOLD ON COMMISSION 1 SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON' ! FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIQ SALE ! EVERY SATURDAY AT 9;ft« A.M. . | -i. - M>i i ■ ' ! For Markelim; Information Plume Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. I 10 mi. Enst of Lancaster on Rt. 30 !,| Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Maniker steady. Riding Driving horses mares 10-35, Killers 5-7. Receipts of 169 cows and 18 heifers sold steady. Fresh Hol stein 425-775; Other breeds 275- 350; Heifers 110-325. , Hog receipts totaled 1240 and sold as follows: Retail 22-23.50; Heavyweights 19-20; Wholesale 2.3,4 s 21.35-21.85; Sows 16-18; Boars 12:50-15. Calf receipts totaled 117. Choice and Prime 44-51.50; Good and Low Choice 39 5043.50; Standard 36-39: Common 25- 35 50, Chicago Cattle Weekly Review CATTLE Compared lasts week, Slaughter Steers and Ifoitei s steady to 25 higher. Cows .steady Bulls 50-1 00 lower. Local receipts included 77 per cent Slaughter Steers and 20 per cent Slaughter Heifers with the balance mostly Cows. Overall finish Slaughter Steers about like last week with 16 percent Prime and 70 percent Choice, compared with 16 percent Prime and 72 percent Choice last week and 17 percent Prime and 72 percent Choice last year. Average cost and weight Slaughter Steers estimated at 30.85 and 1155 lbs, (Continued on Page 10) Vealers TRADING Chicago Chicago Cattle Hogs 29.70 19.92 29.40 19.40 29.72 20.05 30.25 21.22 30.72 23.25 30.37 30.10 horses 75-400; 100-300; Pony geldings 10-25; COWS Sept. 23, 1970 HOGS Sept. 21, 1970 CALVES Sept. 21, 1970 New York Maine Ghict*# Potatoes Fresh Eggs 38. M 2.67 38.19 36.39 3.05 3.28 3.89