Ag Waste Group Asks For Nat Program (Continued fioin ra;e 17) linn and 'icsouite iccou’iy" to Research and dumonstiation. nu'.iniiva that the confnus tonJudt.i wastes should be rets elect and off in "nuisance-ficc” cn ie used i.ithei than dcstiovcd vnonments, “least cost" hand- The legislative moup tailed SALE Sept. 28 thru Oct. 3 Garage door 9 ft. x 7 ft $49.84 Aluminum Storm & Screen Windows up to 100” 8 8.50 Gutter Alum. White 10 ft 5 2.29 Alum. Siding white .024 gauge $22.49 Studs 2” x 4” x 8’ premium ea. 59c Suspended Ceiling Tile 2 x 4 ft. pebble white ea - *»c Storm Door white crossbuck prehung $33.84 Lumber 2” x 6” 12 ft 5 1.38 Lumber 2” x 6” 14 ft 1-61 Lumber 2” x 6” 16. ft I- 84 Prefinished Paneling V 4” 4’xB’ Oak - Teak - Pecan - Walnut .. ea. $ 4.97 Driveway Sealer 5 gal. $ 4.25 84 LUMBER CO. Rt. 30 Bypass & Centerville Road Lancaster, Pa. Phone 397-4984 Weekdays Bto 9 Sat. Bto 5 iiiiiiiimimmiinnnnimmmiimnmmiunnnmninininiHHiiniiHinuiiniinrmtnmmmmmimiiiimni program your beef cattle for profits! There is a program that will give your cattle the exact balance between feed and forage for maximum growth and profit. Whether yours is a cow-calf operation, or you’re finishing cattle for market, Red Rose's unique new service can take the guesswork out of your feeding operation. You tell us about your herd. The breed. Aver age weight. The gain per head you w ant to achieve. What forage you're feeding and how much. Give us these facts and we’ll analyze your herd and tell you bow you can obtain the most efficient, profitable operation possible. Your present feeding program may be the best possible one for your herd. But, if you’re not abso lutely sure, let us compute it the Red Rose way. This scientifically formulated analysis is free. CATTLE FEEDS ...a-V « < V i 'iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiumiiimmiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiniiiiiiiiimiiinii Red Rose for .1 unification of cl foil. .1 defining of legislative need ;nul I lie de\elopnienl of .1 legis/a live piogiam to with the glowing piobk-ms of agi icnltin - . I waste This el foil needs to be accomplished at national and state levels. Insolai as stale legislation on agneullnial waste is concerned, theie should be a considciable nieastne of uni fonnily among the slates. In the field of communica tions and public relations it was decided that the time has come for a united fiont to take duect action to establish an un derstanding between the coun tiy and the city Special em phasis was placed upon the fact that those involved with the pioblem must tell their own story honestly and effectively Approximately 250 attended the four-day confeience which was one of the first of its kind Twenty-six states, as well as Guam, Pueito Rico and the Dis trict of Columbia, were repre sented The meeting was sponsored by the New Jersey Animal Waste Disposal Task Force in cooperation with the states of New Yoik, Pennsylvania and Delaware BUY RED ROSE PROGRAMMED BEEF FEEDS FROM THESE DEALERS: E. Musser Heisey & Son Mountville Feed Service Chos. E. Souder & Sons H. M. Stauffer & Son* Inc. Witmer Walter Binkley -& Son Lititz Brown & Rea, Inc. Atglen Eiverson Supply Co. Elveison L. T. Geib Estate Manheim I. B. Graybiif & Son Stiasbmg R D. ?2, Mt Joy, Pa, Heistond Bros. Elizabethtown Red Rose Farm Service, Inc. N Church St, Quarryville Musser Forms, Inc. Columbia Musser's Mill The Buck David B. Hurst Bowmansville G. R. Mitchell, Inc. Kefton, Pa. Mountville Terre Hill Ammon E. Shelly Lititz E. P. Spotts, Inc. Honey Brook Lancaster Fanning. Saturday. September 2fi. 1070— 1 PP&L Reddy Lite tor Dusk-to-Dawn Safety, security. Convenience 4 Including fixture, installation, electricity and full maintenance Let PP&L’s Reddy Lite Service provide your home, farm, business or industry with extra protection and safety outdoors after dark. Reddy Lites can mean safer parking areas, safer nighttime working conditions, better visibility for farm chores, more yard enjoyment. And they’ll discourage prowlers, vandals and pesky animals. The deluxe white mercury vapor lamp, equivalent to the light output of 405 watts of incandescent lighting, will brighten an area approximately 100 feet in diameter. When an installation is made under normal conditions* your cost for fixture, installation, maintenance, bulb replacement and electricity is only $4 20 per month plus applicable Pa. State Sales Tax and tax surcharge. The lamp is mounted approximately 25 feet above ground on a PP&L pole, or on the cus tomer's own pole or structure, if, upon examin ation, they prove sound and satisfactory. Let us tell you more about Reddy Lites. Call PP&L today or complete and mail the coupon below for a free survey of your outdoor lighting needs. Here are some excellent locations for Reddy Lite services... Farm Buildings Schools Lumber Yards Driveways Alleys Garages Clubs Advertising Signs Hospitals Drive-Ins Patios Auto Sales Lots Parking Lots Private Streets Or wherever good outdoor lighting is needed] Pennsylvania Power & Light Company Sales Department 2 N Queen Street Lancaster, Pa. 17604 Please have a PPtL representative stop m and discuss the installation of Reddy Lite Service. Name. City. PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY 00^ 20 a month* .2»p Code. .State. Industry Pools Churches Yards Gardens Picnic Areas Farm [H Business Q Industry fj Other □