Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 26, 1970, Image 17

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    Mrs. McSparron Named
Grange Contest 1 Leader
Mrs Charles McSparran,
Quauyvillo, is one of four dis
tnel chaun . i of talent
to cletcinii 'e candidates foi
finals in c jntosts at the 91. th
Pennsylvania Stale Giange con
vention Octobei 2fi 29 at Mead
ville, A Wayne Reading said
Altogether, 91 talent contest
ants fiom 24 subordinate
granges will compete in vocal
and instiument music, square
dancing and miscellaneous acts
at the district eliminations Sat
urday night, October 3
Mis McSpairan is chairman
of the Eastern district competi
tion at Fleetwood High School
The locations of the othei
thiee district competitions and
the chan men aie Noithein
distnct, high school. Canton
Mis Wilbur Hively, Montgo
mery 11D1, Western district.
Big Knob Grange hall, Roches
ter, Miss Linda Zahn, New
Brighton, and Cential distnct,
intermediate school, Roaung
Spnng. Mrs Chester Horn,
Manns Choice
Ag Waste Group Asks
For National Program
A tangible, workable plan of
action is evolving from the
‘Agricultural Waste In An Ur
ban Environment” conference,
chairman Richard D. Chumney
announced as the four-day
meeting at Atlantic City, N.J.
came to an end last week.
Delegates called for a, nation
al conference and a coordinated
national progiam of abatement
of agriculturally-related dis
posal and utilization problems
The key issue, the delegates
agreed, is to relate the available
lesources to the magnitude of
the problem and to call for a
realignment of the priorities at
all levels of private and public
Much of the basis for the
pioposed piogiam resulted'
fiom the thinking of fom speci
al interest groups dealing with
The Pa. Junior Dairy Show
Young Lancastei County dauy Guernsey and 4-H Jeisey com- mooies Fashion Gail,” a two
faimeis couldn’t mustei any petition y ear-old heifei
bleed championships in 4-H and Thomas W Aaion, 18, son of Petel c Witmer, 17, son of
FF \ competition Monday at the Ml anc j Mis William J \aion, Ml and Mls Raymond F Wit-
Fennsylvama Jumoi Dauy Show Q U an>ville RDI, won icseive mei - Willow Stieet, took the
But two countians weie close, giand and leseive senioi cham- leseive giand and leseive
placing second in the 4-H pion Jeisey hones with “Lvn- senioi champion Guernsey title
with “Penn Del Biilhant Con
me ” a foui-yeai-old
A 4-H membei loi six yeais,
Aaion also won mastei fittei
and mastei showman awaids
A 4-H membei foi eight yeais
Witmei won mastei showman
Onh those 411 and FFA an
imals which had won blue üb
bons in legional competition
weie eligible foi entn in the
Jumoi Daiiv Show Lancastai
Countv had 33 entnos
Othei placings bv Lancastei
County entiles included
_ , , , „ TT ~ T - , Holstein FF\'entues Rus
Tina Kulp, daughter of Mr and Mrs Harold Kulp, se]l L Khne E phiata, thud and
Pottstown, shows off her grand champion 4-H Ayrshire at toting and Thomas Bolhngci,
the Pennsylvania Junior Dairy Show Monday She was also Fphiata. sixth and showman,
declared reserve champion Ayrshire fitter-showman. (Continued on Page 24)
|ancaster farming
Two Local Men Elected
Officers of Pa. Millers'
Two Lancaster County men John B Putts, Canonsbuig.
have been elected officeis of the was elected piesident His teim
Pennsylvania M'llleis’ and Feed
Dealcis’ Association at the oi-
ganization’s annual convention
at Chatham Centei, Pittsbuigh
this week
The two are John J Hess II
Hess’ Mill, Paiaclise, fast vice
piesident, and Robot B Giaj
fcill, Miller and Bushong.
Rohieistown. tieasurei
funding, reseai ch, legislation
and communications and public
relations in connection with
agricultural waste and use.
The funding group recom
mended that money should be
obtained from private industry
state 'and federal souices for
planning, training and educa
tion, demonstration, research
and development and imple
mentation thiough constiuc
tion of facilities designed to
treat or dispose of wastes
An example cited was that
the Solid Waste Management
Act of 1965 authorized nearly
$BO million of which Congress
appropriated about $64 million
Thiough 1970 $6O million has
been expended, and only $2Vz
million of this has been spent
on agricultural waste projects
(Continued on Page 19)
will begin Januaiy 1 for one
yeai and he will leplace Geoige
W Robinson of Ki earner Putts To compete in the cLstnct
heads the Canonsbuig Milling contest, the jouths inst had to
Company win in a county meet
Othe! new officeis are Eu- nine Lancastei Countj
gene E Eby, H R VVentzel Sons, winners aie Jeannine Berdei,
Newport, second vice president, g d lunga, pole bending. Robin
and Ned L Claik, Claiks Feed Fellenbaum. Fuut\ille Pike
Mills, Shamokin, thud vice Lancastei, pleasuie ponv dnv
piesident mg, R an d> Click Ba eville
pole bending, Nanc> Henkel,
Sliasbmg RDI, huntei seat
equitation ovei jump senioi
Newly-elected directors in
clude William E \ngstadt,
Reading Bone Feitilizei Com
pany, Reading, and William E
Rvan, Jesse Stewait Company,
Pittsbuigh Reelected directors
were Russell L Mason, Central
Soya Company, Camp Hill;
James Mcßroom, Mcßroom’s
Feed and Garden Supply, Derry,
Henry S. Saylor, Pottstown Roll
ei Mills, Pottstown, and Joseph
J Wehrle, Mahoning Valley
Milling Company, Punxsutaw
The Pennsylvania Millers’ and
Feed Dealers’ Association was
formed 92 yeais ago to represent
the feed and flour industry Its
scope was enlarged one year ago
to include other firms serving
agi ibusmess.
J C Ehrlich Co, Inc has
moved to their new location
1278 Loop Road, Lancastei
They were formerly at 736 E
Chestnut Stieet, Lancaster
Next highest placing fiom Lan
caster Countv was icgisteied by
Donna Akeis, 12 daughtei of
Mi and Mis Cuitis \ke’s
Quail>vilie RDI, with a icseive
innioi champion 4 H Holstein
a innioi call named “Solanco
Acies Bonus Peppei
A 4-H membei two \eais, Miss
Akeis was padged leseive chain
pion fillei in Holstein competi
Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 26.1970
District 10 4-H Horse
Show Winners Named
Nine Lancaster CounU 4 H
mcmbeis weie wimieis at the
Distucl 10 4 H Hoise and Ponv
Show at Ludwig’s Comet Hoise
Show Association Giounds last
Saluiday (September 191
The top two ndeis in each
class in the competition mvoh
mg Bucks. Chestei Lebanon.
Montgomery, Delawaie and Lan
caslei Counties will compete in
the State 4-H Hoise and Pony
Show at the Farm Show Baud
mg, Hamsbuig, Novcmbei 13
and 14
Roxanne Jones. Witmer, coun
ty team, Kathy Mentzer, Stras
buig, yearling class and county
team, Jim Watts, Manheim,
western riding horse, Nancy
Weber, Millersville, saddle seat
equitation senior division and
English pleasure horse; and Lisa
Wendel, Lititz, county team
Chester County Winners
Qualifying for the State Show
in two different classes from
Chester County are Frances
Dunn, Chester Springs, and Pam
Taws, Paoli Fiances will be
competing in hunter seat equita
tion over jumps, jumoi division
and working hunter ponies, while
Pam will be in the yearling and
open trail classes
Otheis qualifying from Chester
County ai e Natalie Smith,
Parkesbuig, huntei seat equita
tion, junior division, Loietta
Chicarelli, Downmgtown, huntei
undei saddle horses, Kathy
Shaw, Downmgtown, westem
Peter C Witmer. son of Mr and Mrs Raymond F. Wit
mer, Willow Street, poses with his 4-H reserve grand
champion Guernsey, a four-year-old. at the Pa. Junior
Dairy Show Monday.
p'tasuit pones. Stephen Wine
kelman. Mahein western ndmg
lioise content, and Ste\c Lestei,
L’wchland, band lace
The judge foi the English was
Donald Sheldon Hyde Paik, New
\ oik. while Lcs McCandless,
Gieemillage, New Jeisey. was
the judge foi the Western
Pa. Corn Crop Forecast
Is Unchanged in August
Coin yields in Pennsylvania
as of Septembei 1 aie forecast
at 85 bushels per acre, un
changed fi om last month’s fore
This would be one bushel
highei than last veai, but three
bushels below the record high
y eld set in 1967
Total production of corn for
S’am is estimated at 80,155,000
bushels, five peicent above last
year’s crop and 41 pei cent
largei than 1968
The crop continues to make
rapid piogiess with most corn
(as of Sept 1) in the dough
dent stage and turning Dry
weather the first two weeks of
August was unfavorable for
optimum growth but the pres
ence of soil moisture carried
over from July and the arrival
of timely rains were a plus for
the crop Farmers in the cen
tral and southern counties
staited chopping corn for silage
the last week of August
Southern corn leaf blight has
been detected in Pennsylvania
corn fields by specialists from
Penn State Umveisity and the
State Depaitment of Agriculture
Plant Pathologists The infes
tations appear to be localized
at the present time and the
blight outlook depends on
weathei conditions, since fungus
giowth is coi related with tem
po! atm e and lainfall