14— Lancaster Forming. Saturday. September 2fi. 1970 »VSVC«V* s. T #1 f FREE Subscnbeis to Lancaster Faimtng will iceeive one advcitisemuit Fiec each month in our Mail Box Maiket Sub scribers using the Mail Box Maiket will be governed by the following rules. Limit %om acheitiscmont ' to 25 wot ds. All ad\ ei ti«e ments must be in om hands by Thursday noon 01 same will be held o\er for next week's paper. No business adieitisements accepted For Sale 300 healthy Musser Leghoin yeai lings -Mso 8 ft grain bindei with tiuck and 4 hoise hitch in good condition John S Nolt, New' Holland Rl, North Shnk Rd , 17557. Pomes for sale or fiee to some one who will gue them a good home for the winter. Phone 215- 445-6453 For Sale Soirel general pur pose hoi se Phone 859-2797. For Sale—Balbo Rve foi seeding, cleaned Phone 786-7273. Foi Sale—New Idea =lO Coin Pickei, Like New’ Phone 626- 5532 Foi Sale—2 Registeied Holstein Bulls bleeding age One by Fuiy” and is out of 27,000 lb Dam, othei by “Hagen , 19 700 lb Dam Zimliaven Faim—Call collect—2ls 445-5105 I Foi Sale Piuebied Yoikshue Boaif Call 626 8821 Foi Sale—2oo gal Guton milk tank Elecli ic ho: watei hea.ei Phone 394 3977 Foi Sale \ew Anush buggy Phone 464 2698 WENGER’S Farm Machinery, Inc. New Holland Self propelled harvester, good condition New Holland 717 with 1 or 2 row corn head Allis Chalmers 780 with 1 or 2 row' corn head Ford, Gehl, John Deere Model 1600 corn cribs New Idea Super Mtd. pickers 8 and 12 row beds Pull Tjpe New Idea 30 or 40” rows; Oliver and International 2 row r pull type pickers; New Idea Sheller New Idea Grinder for High Moisture Corn New Idea pull type pickers =7, =lO, zf3oo, 3f310 Wood Bros , Oliver, Massey Ferguson, Allis Chalmers, Case Self Propelled pkkers-shellers Massev Ferguson, Gleaner, John Deere, Minneapolis, Moline, Oliver, International and New Idea. Livestock For Sole 40 Registered Duroc boors and gilts ten si'e with cut out infer i!..ition on i'U'l \ litloi Regis- I mil oi eonimeici.il gioups Dad Ci.mil c-h.iinpion boar and 4th place pan gilts at I’cmisN I\ ania Stale Duroc sale Ci and champion boar and gill. Rescive champion ho.u and gill at Carlisle Fair. Write: Harold Munimcrt Rl. Se\cn Valleys, Pa 17360 Phone York 741 2170 Visitors Welcome For Sale Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts Carcass championship bloodlines Willow Glen Farm, R.D. 1, Stras burg, Pa Ph. AC 717-786-2562 Wanted to Buy—Red and White HoMem Heifer Calves. Karl Herr, Kirkwood RDI, Phone 52 » 2367. Foi Sale Landracc Boais and Gilts and appio.ximately 50 feed ei pigs Haiold Mummeit Rl, Seven Valievs Pa 17360 Phone Yoik 741-2170 Feed and Seed For Sale—Ear Corn, Clean hand picked Should be mo\ed soon to make room for new corn. Amos M Stoltzfus Stumptown Road East of Witmer For Sale Balbo Rye for Seed C Martin Greenleaf and Sons Oxford RDI, Pa. 529-2704 Miscellaneous FREE CIRCULAR Country Western Records or Tape Car tudges—Fiddle Tunes —Waltzes —Blue Glass Uncle Jim O’Neal, Box A-LF, Aicadia, Calif 91006 WOOD SHAVINGS Ideal for work-ways and bedding. $l2 per ton Can be delivered in bulk loads of 10-12 tons Less expen sive than straw or tanbark. Con tact Bob Geist at Leola Supply Co Inc Ph. 717-656-6811. For Sale MUSHROOM SOIL for your lawn and garden. GAP NEWPORT MUSHROOM FARMS. INC Ph. Avondale 215-268-8808 Lancaster 394-2611 NEW & USED MACHINERY South Race St., Myerstown, Pa. 717-866-2138 WANTED! Farms and Country Places For Waiting Buyers PHONE 394-3763 Realtor STANLEY M. WENTZEL 401 W. Orange St. Lancaster, Pa. Pioductne limestone faim. 183 acres, laige barn. 25 stanchions: laige house furnace and bath: 8500 foot frontage, mile east of Manon 81 Intel change. Antiim Township. Fianklin Co, Pa. Write P 0 Box 68, Chambers buig. Pa Instructional SEMI DRIVER’S NEEDED Experience helpful but not necessary, for local and over the-road hauling. You can earn $lO,OOO to $15,000 per year if you are willing to learn. For application call (201) 826-0079 or write Advance D. T. Dept. Edison Industrial Center Ad ministration Bldg. 80, Route #l, Edison, New Jeisey 08817. 529-2723 Help Wanted FARMERS Unusual opportunity to earn good income. Full or pait time openings International Company needs men with farm knowledge to help ser vice accounts. Tell me about yourself. Apply Regional Manager Bo\ 326 Grantville, Pa. 17028 Men to woik on constiuction equipment full oi pait time Will ai range tianspoitanon if necessai \ Also men to put pole shed 5 miles Noith of Adamstown near Rt =222 Ben Lombardo Equipment Company, RD =6, Sinking Spung Pa, 19608 Ph (215) 678-1941/4092 eienmgs 944-7171 Wanted Man to drive feed truck and help in null. Per manent or ■will consider man over winter All benefits Phone 442-4632, John J. Hess, Inc, Paradise, Pa. 5365.00 SELL BUTCHER ] hogs yz* .Jl DIRECT ARMOUR CO. READING, PA. We will be glad to look at your hogs & bid you. CALL AL SHAFFER AT (215) 376-2941. Evenings (215) 779-3841 *' Real Estate Faim For Sale Business Opportunity sr»oosfino MONTHLY R.iNc mu. I Üboi ,i'oi \ - In 11 ding slock lot ii« Wr «npp!\ crpnpmcnt. b:inli i i . .mil in'iiunions Illin ois lb'i it cli F.iini' Dept TLK 0. ll.ii. in .lon. Illinois (JiHMO. Buildings and Supplies YOUR REST BARN BUY! . . . foi rju.ililv ,ind economy is THE CECO CLEARSPAN PACKET BUILDING covered with weathet tight con ligated steel CECOROLL with galvaniz ed or baked-on vm>l colors. W:ile os phone for full infoima tion and the name of the dealer in jour area. GROCE DISTRIBUTORS. INC. 210 Sassafras Street Selinsgrove, Pcnna. 17870 (717) 374-8137 Demonstiator Oliver Grinder Blow ei s Form Equipment INVENTORY CLEARANCE DRASTIC REDUCTIONS NEW New Idea Uni-System Attachments 710 Uni-Svstem Combine List (3722.79) Sale $2250. 71111 ft. Grain Platform with Univ. Pickup Reel, Reel Lift, Jack & Stand List (2157.65) Sale $1295. 720 Two Row Super Picker Corn Head with Attach. Kit for Combine List (2292.75) Sale $1375. 71313 ft. Grain Platform with Hyd. Reel Lift less Reel List (1695.67) Sale $ 995. S» G. LEWIS & SON West Grove, Pa. 869-9440 MILLER'S Sales and Service YEAR END CLEARANCE Prices good through September 30, 1970. JD 1020 RU Diesel. - List $5,000.00 now $3,895.00; JD 2520 gas, - List $6,647.00, now $4,995.00. I Brady 8144 4-row flail shredder. - List $1,575.00. now $1,295.00; Parker 320 bushel gravity box, - List $595.00, now $495.00; McCurdy 700 A gravity box, - List $325.00, now $275.00; j Only one of each of the above available 1 First Come, First Served. Used Tractors Ready to go JD 520; JD 720 Diesel; JD 4010 Diesel; JD 3020 power shift: JD 4020 Diesel; JD 4020 Diesel power shift; Case 5118. Used Equipment JD 38 forage harvester; JD4S HiLo combine with 210 C.H. 1969 Champion PTO Potato Harvester; 1965 Champion engine potato harvester. MILLER’S SALES & SERVICE, INC Highway 851 Stewartstown, York County’s Progressive Dealer Ph. 717-993-2470 John Deeie Brillion | & ,^ ad L „ i " ’ & Lely ‘ Doiry Equipment 200 ! Girlon hulk tank CLARK ELECTRIC HI. Kin.vis. I’a Ph Intercom