Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 26, 1970, Image 1

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    VOL. U NO. 44
Mau!> ' B Krantz, shortly after being named Pennsyl
vania Dnr_ Queen Thursday night in Harrisburg
Marilyn B. Krantz
Is Pa. Dairy Queen
Miss Ma \ n B 'Krantz of
Lancaster County is the new
Pennsylvan Dauy Queen
She won 'le state title in
competition ith 21 othei coun
ty winners c Hamsburg Thurs
day night
Beside v -rung the state
ci own, the J‘ veai old Marilyn
was voted i?s Congeniality
The rharnrurg independent
five foot and a half inch
lass has,'!)!'*-' eyes and golden
blonde hair
She is the i aughtei of Elvm
B Krante £'!i the late Meda
C Dcmbarf- ru antz
Marilyn hr been cailying on
hei mother > duties as well as
hei own-on ‘‘‘.e Krantz farm on
Sawmill Bord New Pi evidence
RDI Sht inherited hei
mother’s tab rs as an aitist* a
good rook ,_.nd hdusekeepei
She likes air ~ues
Marilyn hr* one sistei. Caiol,
who is mai'-ed and lives at
Other titles won by
Miss Kk*£. were 1966 Junior
4 H and 1969 Senior 4-H Queens
of Lancastei County In June
she was chosen Lancastei Coun
ty Dany Princess over seven
othei contestants.
She has seen a memnei of
the Lancaster County 4H Hol
stein Club since she was nine
yeais old and a membei of
Lampeter - Stiasbuig Mem
maids 4H Club foi six years
and has served as president,
secietary, tieasurer and game
leader She was in their cook
ing club until she was 13 and
in the sewing club six vears
Marilyn loves hoises and has
had one since she was eight
yeais old.
A senior at Solanco High
School where she is taking the
academic course, hei favoute
subiect is ait She is a menibei
of the Ait Club She attended
Providence Elemental y School
and is active in the New Pi evi
dence Mennonite Church
Runner-up for the Pennsvl
vama Dairy Queen title was
Faye Blessing of York County.
Lancaster Farming, Saturdaj. September 20. 1970
New Holland
Fair Schedule
Wednesday September 30
7 pm—Faimcis Fair Open
ing Parade
Thursday, October 1
Ipm —4-H Baby Beef Club
judging and sale
1 p m —4-H Commumtv Club
Hog judging
9pm —Tug-of VVai
Friday, Octobei 2
Kids Day
2 p m —4-H Community Club
Hog Sale
7 30 p m —Pet Paiade
9pm —Tug of-War
Saturday, October 3
4pm —Babv Parade
9pm —Tug-of-Wai Finals
Farm Calendar
Saturday, Sept. 26
10 a m Area FFA Tractor
Duving Contest, Ephrata
Community Park
Society of Faim Women 4, St.
Paul’s United Methodist
Chuich, Mountville
Sunday, Sept. 27
2 pm’ Lancaster County
Semoi Extension Club.
Gettysbuig tom
Monday, Sept. 28
7 pm Fulton Grange Boost
er Night, coveied dish sup
8 15 p m “Can We Meet the
Medical Needs of Southern
Lancastei Counlv" panel
discussion, Fulton Giange
Hall, Oakiyn
Tuesday, Sept. 29
Noith Ameucan Greenhouse
Vegetable Confeience,
(Continued on Page 8)
Robert Hess ot Strasburg RDI demon-
strates at the Lampeter Fair Thursday
what happens when modern conveniences
fail. The automatic milking equipment
New Holland Fair
Slated Next Week
The 39th annual New Hol
land Faimeis' Day Association
Faimei’s Fan will be held on
Wednesday Scplembu 30
thiough Satuiday, Octobei 3
The 4-H Baby Beef Club e\
hibit, show and sale, is undei the
dnection of County Agent Mas
M Smith, representing the Coun-
L Agiicultuie Extension Sei-
Mce The calves will be nidged
on Thuisday afternoon at 1 p m
They will be sold at the Xtw
Holland Sales Stables altei being
The 4-H Community Club un
dei the dnection ot Arnold
Lueck Assistant County Agent,
will exhibit pigs led by club
members, and they will be
judged on Thuisday, Octobei 1.
and sold at public auction at 2
p m Friday The show is spon
soied by the Rolaiy Club ot
New Holland
Exhibit aieas will include
items such as glams, vegetables.
Iruits, floweis, domestic and
fine aits, and school exhibits of
clothing needlevvoik and pie
paied foods
The Flow'd Show will be held
in the Boy Scout Home South
Robeits Avenue
Ait and Handiciaft Show will
be hold in the foimei Cottee
Shop building, adjoming the
theate, on East Main Stieet
Theie wall be a tent on the
Fail Saudei lot foi beef and
Potatoes will be displaced in
the ABC Groff, Inc, build
ing Hay, coin and tobacco will
be displayed in the tent at Eail
didn't function so Hess had to do some
hand work on some of the Holsteins he was
showing at the fair,
S 2 00 Per Year
The sale of the baked goods
and candy will be held in the
Elemental j School auditonum
at 12 noon Wednesday, immedi
ately following the judging of
these ai tides Piocecds fro*
the bake sale will go to the Gar
den Spot 4-H Sewing Club Con
siruction Awaids
The Pet Paiade at 7 30 pm
Friday will fotm on Mam Street
between Raihoad and Brimmer
Avenues It will move west o®
Main Stieet to Robeits Avenue,
south to Fianklin. east oa
Franklin to Raihoad Avenue,
then to Mam Stieet, east on
Mam to the staitmg point
All information concerning
the fan can be obtained at th®
Fan Office by calling 354 5880
on oi aftei Seplembei 29
2 Local FFA Members
Win Eastern U.S. Award
Gei aid Wolfe, son of Mr and
Mis John Wolfe, Manheurt
RD4 placed fust m the Farm
Mechanics Electi ical contest
held at Spungfield, Mass Sep
tembei 18 and 19
The Pennsylvania team, made
up ot Wolfe and John Thomas,
Bigleiville. a membei of the
Apple Citv FFA Chapter, also
placed fust, giving Pennsylvan
ia the fust place team in the
Dennis Landis, Penn Manor
FFA, sened as an alternate to
the team