Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 19, 1970, Image 9
So/ancofair (Continued from Page 8) had the top Guernsev. a font yeat-old, which \\a* shown h\ Lloyd Wclk Roger Sh.iub. ijii.tiiwilli Jllil. hud the champ. on Juse\ a fo<ii-,\c.ii old Mtllci also li.ul |lit' < li.iinpion Brown Swiss und the top \\, shire. both litcUMi old* Com (Mutton in tlu-c (,iic,o'.( however, wus light Gtber dair> wmmi* included toilet had lome champion ships in Biown Swis* and Hoi stein: Kathy Kuidu had the receive Jersey. Wat, on Sch Much, rcseivc Xmsliiic Shaub. who had the deise\ •hampion, also had bleed fusts in junior calf scnio: calf iiinioi yearling and foui \cai old class es. Miss Kieider had the best intei mediate calf in Guernseys, otbei lop win ■cis were Robcil Wagnei. pi ■i«r *alf; Jon Bitlei. inlei me diate calf: Betty Jo Biller, senior calf: Ricky Cnder, yumoi j calling; Diane Crider, sen.oi yearling; Debbie Cndei, two year-old; and Robeit Wagnei. Wuee-y ear-old In Holsteins, division winneis were Donna Akeis, mnioi calf. Tom Kieider, inteimediate calf, Shaion Groff, senior calf Bien da Herr, yumoi yeailing. Call Kinder, senior yeailing, Maurice Welk, two-year-old Swine champion with a pen •f two was Clyde Dearolf and Richard Aliment. Quauyville RD2, had the best pen of fom Reseive pen of two honors went to Steve Muiphy, Peach Boltons, and leseive pen of lorn was owned by Da\id Bit tler, Cimstiana Extension Directors Slote Meeting Tuesday The Board of Dnectors of the Lancaster County Agncultuial and Home Economics Extension Association will meet at 8 pan Tuesday', Septembei 22 in the Conference Room of the Faim and Home Centei Guest speaker will be Mauon K Deppen, assistant dnectoi ot Extension Seivice liom Penn sylvania State Umveisitj He will explain the pioposed “Nutrition Nutution Aide” program foi Lancaster County, ♦his Home Economics program is intended to assist low-income families. Roger Shaub, Quarryville RDI (front), shows his champion Jersey at the Solanco Fair. The animal is four years old now and was the All-American three- Preston Lefever Jr., 20, Quarryville RD3, was the win ner of the adult diusion of the tractor driving contest at Solanco Fair He does most ot the tractor work on his par ent's 200-acre cropland farming opoianon The farm ot Mr. and Mrs. Preston Lefever Sr. includes about 42 milking Holsteins and another 20 heifers Scoring on a low-ponu wms basis, Lefever had only 65 points compaied to his nearest competitor's 150. . Leßby.welk, 17-year-old Solanco FFA members, shows off his grand champion animal at the Solanco Baby Beef Show Thursday. After se\eral minutes of close comparison with the reserve champion Angus, show judge Donald Fowler, Northampton County As- J * * neater Farming, Saturday. .September If). I!)70- ') year-old last year, Shaub said. Meanwhile, Llojd Walk, Quarryville RD2, shows the champion Guernsey, a lour year-old owned by Man in Miller, Strasburg RDI. First pi 17 c in the ‘‘neck mimpkin' categoij at Solanco Fair this week went to Bill Ross (highi). son of Mr and Mrs. How aid Ross. Paik Aienue, Quamulle Helping joung Rosa hold the 20-pounder is a luend. Rick Leteier, son of Mr and Mrs. Richard Letcier Chinch Street, Quaxryville Asked how he came to grow such a laige specimen. Ross replied, "We thiew the seeds out m the garden and they grew.” sociate county agent (right)'; gave the nod to the heavyweight Hereford because it had “more thickness and depth of the loin.' 5 Welk is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. Welk, Quarryville ED3, r } vss