Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 19, 1970, Image 7
TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! Public Dispersal Thursday, September 24, 1970 1:00 P.M. Dutch Row Road, one mile cast of Elmer, Salem C'ounlv, New Jcisr% Dain Cows: 90 Moionnicr Milk Tank; .1000 lbs. Cap. Eskay Milk Tank: 3100 lbs. Cap. Surge Pipe Line for 50 cows \ other (lain equipment. The dany consists ol mosth \oiim; <ow\ eood U'ldeied. huge sue and heaw piodneeis Snetal fusli tows and spi in ‘40i s among them loi base time TB and blood tested within 30 days foi intent ite shipment \lso examined foi piegiiaiuj. Owner; Morris Rubenstein Terms: Cash Auctioneer: H\l<m C. Coates Telephone, 358-8404. chickweed, peppergrass, iftn? .i ioi’K. ij shepards purse mean poor quality alfalfa You can get rid of these probfem weeds in alfalfa, and most other annual broad leaf weeds and grasses as well, l£you spray Princep- herbicide this Fall. And jFyou spray this Fall, you’ll cut better quality hay, higher protein hay, more palatable hay at every cutting next year. But get Princep on now. See us for details. Smokefwn ‘ J and 4 t < Ph. Lrfnc. 397-3539 s ‘ 48 VOTED (Continued from Page fl) 1 1.0 Sti.i*ilniru ,ind Paiiidi'c Twj> h.m .(r. (' Ni'Mii llcislus .iml Allu'il MH hiuti'i. (14) Mai tic .md PiOMdcncc fading purposes, but. U is pos- Twp C.IIIOIIB Hfn.rh.nlcs c ' ow wintci bl "l l ’. v "m A. Rc.ssbr .md E. Benjamin an< * C,O P l '• ,,n, ' xt Ch ,nk summci. bailey is one of the best substitutes for coin m most i.itions Bailey .Melds ,nc usually woi thwhile in south c.istein Pennsvhama and wo thv of moie consideiation the stiaw j badly needed (15) Di uinon* and East Dm mou- Tvvp—Robeit C Bui kins. Samuel 11 Kicidei and Paul M Hei r. (16) Fulton Little Rntam and Colei am Twp Loian W B imon, Noiman E Whi.esde «nd Cliffoi d U Hollow a> Ji Pi o-(iami admimsteied b\ the countv aic wheal, feed Siam cost shaiing, puce mppoil and faun stoiage tacihtv lo ms fo' eligible commodities and the wool incentive piogiam H.,, Lancaster Farrnmp.. Sn • Now Is The Time (Conllnmd on Page 7) mol woim .mil the leaf bliglm have made then ap| e.nanees I don't think aii.vont is icadv to quit growing coin foi llves'ock Incomparable because... 0 Only the 234 has a self-contained universal frame that mounts 5 makes of tiactois, 29 differ ent models, in minutes B Only the 234 has corn head design that eliminates butt-end shelling B Only the 234 harvests field corn, seed corn, and sweet corn with equal efficiency ■ Only the 234 harvests field corn husked, un husked, shelled, shelled and cracked, and as ground ear corn feed Ask About Waiver of Finance Kauffman Bros. MOUNTVILLE Cope & Weover Co. Messlck Form Equip. ' NEW PROVIDENCE ELIZABETHTOWN 786-7351 367-1319 ... C. B. Hoober International Harvester g, s on DM R a l e TA aild Ser 'J' e ??4rt INTERCOURSE EPHRATA <OO-2283 768-8231 lilt fla\. Seplemlu i I't, l')70 Try A Clossifiod Ad It Pays! Robert K. Rohrer Bulldozing - Grading Patz Sales & Servica Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloadcrs - C'Utle Feeders Quarn \ illo. R. D. 1 fjonsol 348-2559 INTERNATIONAL 3 234 CORN HARVESTER 7 ABLE ONE) | fM 285-5951