Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 19, 1970, Image 20
20—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 19,1970 year- Concern was expressed by —2 - some seed companies that farm _ _ T”** ers will experience a loss in U.S. Seed Corn Firms ss y “ s ,i “ m plamit,g K Lewis Camp, research director Til for P-A-G. Aurora, Illinois, said 1 ICI / I I O KolC at the conclusion of the mcet- JLt/ioCsUdd JL ing: “Farmers can expect to ex perience a reduction ot 15 to Top off.cials of tho nation s system of labeling which will pgp cent in vields when plant seed industry. repiesenting piovide intoimation iclative to inrt F 2 see d.’' firms that produce over 95 per the kind ot cytoplasm contained “ ' ’ cent ot the nation's seed corn in the seed tot 1971 planting. Dr - Harold Loden, direct-or of a,,, . research, ACCO Seed, Belmond, Zln Inhehi «\o?1971 The meelins dlcl llcl deal w,lh lowa, said at the conclusion of cuss seed coin labeling lot 19il. t j le seec i supp ;y -situation for n ie m eetin n ’ ’‘The reduction in John I Sutliei land, executive ,q 7l . recomnzpd tint ” le . meen "=-- * ne leauciijn n n,~ li>n slnCfc 11 1S >eco o nizea mac, gram \ields, when planting F 2 vice piesident ot the Ameuum as o j.- thls d a t e . a proper ap- seec [ j s related to the specific Seed Tiade Association, said at p,- tU£a i could not be made since makeup of the hybrid from the conclusion ot the meeting i ull vesting of the seed crop has w hich it is harvested Geneiallv “The Association lecommends , f The seed indiish' wnicn . 11 18 naive6Cejl ,, , ... , tnr - Illsl suutea - lne seta mauaii.,, speaking, the second gcneiation all membeia labet seed coin foi however, is currentlv cooperat- 0 t a s i n ai e cross will vield le=s 1971 with the per cent ot Texas , Wlth the USDA ' through a tl a „ the second Se Sn o male steiile cytoplasm contain- sl ,t vev t 0 the ade- l u s'’ eel in seed supplies Approval a com way cioss. ot this recommendation will be q ‘ 1 11 The objective of uniform requested from the U.S Depiut- Labeling of F 2 or second gen- labeling of seed corn throughout ment of Agncuduie and state eration seed was leviewed since the United States, both inter depailnvents" of agncultuie" leports from some arers of the state and intrastate, is to The seedsmen, meeting in Ar- country indicate a limited adequately and pioperiy infoim iin«ton Heights, Illinois, re- amount of this seed is being the customei regarding the type viewed the outbreak ot the new haivested foi possible use iv'xt ol seed available for 1971 T-stvain of Southern corn leaf blight which is found in \ arv mg degrees Ihioughout much ot the corn growing aieas ASTA otticiais felt that in dividual companv members would fulfill to the utmost ex- tent the obligation ot inlorming the faimei-consumei thiough a Greenhouse Vegetable Conference Set in Sept. Speakers from Penn State, Rutgers, Cornell. Ohio State, Arizona, Texas A & M, and West Virginia Umveisities will be featured at the first North American Greenhouse Vege table Conference in Pittsburgh from September 29 through October 1, 1970. Two speakers from Europe also will participate in the meeting. The speakers are from England and Holland. Both countries are among the lead ers in greenhouse vegetable production in Europe A special tour will be taken on September 29 to Grafton, West Virginia to visit the new est greenhouse vegetable com plex in North America 11 acres undei glass Copies oi the piogram and icgistration forms are avail able fiom the Agricultural Conference Coordinator 410 J O. Keller Conference Center, The Pennsylvania State L'.u veisity, University Park, Pa. 16802. Bedding Plant Meetings Bedding plant groweis shmU rote the dates ot October 5 0, 7 1970 for the National Beer no Plant Conference, The meet.ncs will be held at Michigan State University, East Lansing, M.chi gan. Complete details and the iT r ' Siam can be obtained fiom D . William H Carlson, Depaitment of Hoi ticultiire, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michi gan 48823. Topics to be discussed range from varieties, marketing, gei ru ination and ail pollution to mechanization. Plant Perennials September is a good time to plan and plant many peien nials, suggest extension specia lists at The Pennsylvania State University. This includes m>, peonies, dayiilies, haidy limbs phlox and many others 11 pos sible, it may be a good idea to buy plants locally or from veiy nearby mail order firms, since these plants will have lo 1 -- ad justing to do before w mtei Try A Classified It Paj's For good production next lactation, FEED PURINA DAIRY CONDITIONER As a dairvnan, vou know that good milk production doesn’t just happen It’s something you plan for bv establishing a herd with the genetic potential for good pioduction, then managing and feeding your cows so they’" produce up *o their bred-in ability.” Many successful local dairymen also plan for good pro duction with a prosen program of dry cow feeding. They need Purina Dairy Conditioner, a research proven ration to help give dry cows body condition tney need for good production after they freshen. Purina Dairy Conditioner is an extra-palatable peicent piotein ration. It’s fortified with vitamins A and D plus extia phosphorus to help guard against milk (ever. Purina Dairy Conditioner is low-cost, too, because the amounts you feed depend on your cows’ condition and on the quality of the roughages you feed For example, a cow dried off in good condition being fed high-quality roughages would require less Dairy Conditioner than a cow in only Lur condition being fed fair quality roughages. Drop in soon and get your free copy of the Purina Dry Cow Program folder. We'll be glad to show you how Purina Dairy Conditioner can help you prepare your dry cows for good pro duction next lactation. John J. Hess. 11, Inc. James High & Sons Ph; 442-4632 Ph: 354-5301 Paradise Gordonville West 1 Willow John B. Kurtx Farmers Assn., Inc. P *J ; 354-9251 Ph. 464 3431 ... D. 3, Ephrata West Willow Wenger's Feed Mill Ira. B. Landis Inc. Ph- 394-7912 Ph: 367-1195 1912 Creek Hill Rd , Lane. Rheems \ Sill I y*»r fcesf erlb buy I \ See Us Today M Ov«r 1200 bu. copaiily- EXCLUSIVE SPEEDY ROOF RAFTERS MAKE SPEEDY CORN CRIW TieilAA LlUlt jTiv/ce as BWiCrnIST w Speedy roof rafteu guarantee ease, pi open placement ot roof panels the lust time. Rafters add great stiergth to tlie root. Panels need onlv 'o be bolted together in thiee places. It’s another big •m.e saving feature you get only u Speed l Bar-1 ok corn cubs. S'ands up best —lasts longer Wire mesh panels aie 5-gauge •>ire duel as a •»" bolt! No GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE Quarry ville the FUTURE is HERE with REX SELF-UNLOADING forage box iwitigw LOCKE, N.Y. FUTURE THE BOX DESIGNED WITH THE'A FARMER IN MIND SIMPLE... Worm Driven Alain Apron Worm Driven Beaters STRONG. Built with Good New York Oak NO AUGER - NO RATCHET For Handling Of Heavy Loads Smooth, Easy, Trouble Free Complete 14 foot box (16 foot overall) 2 beater . . . 54” high. 7 ft. wide inside. Reverse and Swinging Tailgate for Bale Thrower 595.00 extra Right or Left Hand unloader available. $1095. F. 0.8. Locke, N.Y. KINZER EQUIP. CO. Your Equipment Center in Lancaster County Box 23, Kinzer, Pa. Phone 442-4186 Phone 768-8916 bulge or sag. Sturdy 26-gauga galvanized roof is securely an chored to 9 steel roof rafters and side panels. Can’t blow offl Come in today and see the Speedy Bar-Lok corn crib. Let us prove to jou that Speedy is twice as fast twice as easy to erect. Let us show you all the other features that make Speedy Bar-Lok jour best corn crib buy. Ph: 786-3630 SMOOTH... NO RATCHET SAFE ... FINGER FORCED FEEDING ("PEELS” OFF THE LOAD)*