Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 19, 1970, Image 18
1H himuvslvv Kiirminn, Saturd«>, September 10. 1070 ppsl Reddy kib lor DusK-to-oawn Safety, security. Convenience $ only including fixture, installation, electricity and full maintenance Let PP&L’s Reddy Lite Service provide your home, taon, business or industry with extra protection and safety outdoors after dark. Reday Lites can mean safer parking areas, safer nighttime working conditions, better visibiiity for rarm chores, more yard enjoyment. And they il discourage prowlers, vanoals and pesky animals The deluxe white mercury vapor lamp, equivalent to the light output of 405 watts of incandescent lighting, will brighten an area approximately 100 feet m diameter. When an installation is made under normal conditions* your cost tor fixture, installation, maintenance, bulb replacement and electricity is only S 4 20 per month plus applicable Pa State Sales Tax and tax surcharge The lamp is mounted approximately 25 feet above ground on a PP&L pole, or on the cus tomer s own pole or structure, if, upon examin ation, they prove sound and satisfactory. Let us tell you more about Reddy Lites. Call PP&L today or complete and mail the coupon below for a free survey of your outdoor lighting needs. Here are some excellent locations for Reddy Lite services . . Farm Buildings Schools Lumber Yards Driveways Alleys Garages Clubs Advertising Signs Hospitals Drive-Ins Patios Auto Sales Lots Parking Lots Private Streets Or whe r ever good outdoor lighting is needed! Pi n n * v & 1 1 <jbl Cu np tny btb D< po'tmi nt 2 N Oi k t n itrr < t 1 iru Mtn P t 17604 Plr hi 1 ivf i PP&L repicson* it vc stop in ind discuss the inst illation of Reddy Lite Sci vice bll cc t PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY 20 a month* 7ip Code St »tf> Industry Pools Churches Yards Gardens Picnic Areas Farm Business Olhor Marketers Explore Eggs (Continued fiom Page 17) celobi alien in Laneaslei and .it thf Dutch Da>s in Heishey. the following icsults weie lepoiled at least 36 newspapcis. including some of the I.nite I dailies, earned articles. 31 in cjint les about the Omelet Kina vvcic leccived at the Hilton Inn. the Pennsylvania Poultiv Fcdci ation leceived 27 wutten ie quesis foi mloi malion, the Hil ton has made a pieliniin.u> ic quest foi a follow up omelet seminal to tiain the film’s chefs In addition, Bickslei said sev eial dozen home economists lor schools and pnvate fiims weic involved and many weie enlhu su.stic about the piogiam He said one home econoniis* told him she had nist bought a hea\> skillet and intends to put on hei own demonstialions Noting that home economists aie one of the mos. mlluentn. g'oups in the countiv in detei mining diet, Bickslei teimcd thK mteiest by the home econ omists "a leal buakthiough loi the egg industry ” National Standaids \n attempt by the USD\ to develop nationwide tgg standaids was also discussed It was le poited thai New Yo k, New Jeisey and Pennsvhar a aie majoi holdouts in adopt ng the national standaids But New Jeisey appeals to be yielding E J Lawless of the Pennsyl vania bmeau of maikeLng ex plained that Pennsylvania is unique in detei mining egg stan daids In Pennsylvan a, the stan daids aie deteimmecl by the majonty opinion in the egg in dustry. not by the state He also noted that state and umve.sity officials feel the Pennsyh ania standaids would be loweied if the national standaids aie adopted Command Perfoimance New Van Dale “1230 Series II” Silo Unloader Customer- Certified to outperform, outlast any make its size. You're in command. Push the the new Van Dale "1230 Sene Unloader go into action—give y output, feed more head—with' booster or added electricity. Our say so? No, our customers testify the "1230 Series II” is better three ways: 1. handles meaner haylage 2. throws out of I larger silo /, 3. unloads on lower f/i current draw l j So, demand / I Command Perform - /1 |J ance—the new / [/I Customer-certified / Ja* Try A Classified Ad It Pays! ERE 83600 2 Row Case Choppe Special Cash and Carry Price 82500 Special Price on 1 Row Chopper $2225 Use Our Financing Plan SIS KINZER EQUIP. CO. Your Equipment Center in Lancaster 'County- Box 23, Kinzer, Pa. Phone 442-4186 UIP. CO. NEW WHIP-SNAP V-PADDLES GIVE EXTRA THROW POWER DOUILE 7'AUGERS WITH 3/16- FLIGHTING Phone 768-8916