Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 19, 1970, Image 17

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    Harter Named to Penn State
Staff in Southeastern Pa,
Donald A. Harter has been wili work with county agiicul
named Ij the Pennsylvania oßcnls and Extension
Slate University Cooperative ho ' nc eco "°"J lsls in developing
and conducting rcsouicc do-
Extension Service staff as area vcloprnent piograms He will
resource development agent in serve in the counties of Beiks,
five southeastern Pennsylvania Chester, Dauphin, Lancaster,
counties. and Lebanon.
Thomas H. Patton, Extension The new area agent’s head-
Service director, who announc- quarters arc in the Lebanon
ed the appointment, said Harter County Cooperative Extension
Hardin, Ertl Give
Joint Statement
Tht following joint statement liberal trade policies aie in the
was issued recently by U. S. best interest of all countries in
Secretary of Agriculture Clif- the long lun Bot b also con
ford M. Hardin ' sidered it desirable that ex-
Food Agricultuie and FoiesUy changes of informatlon at thc
e expert level should be held
public of Germany: regulaily in the future
Among the highlights of the
Visit to the United States of
Minister Ertl weie two halt-days
of highly useful discussions with
Secretary Hardin
Both officials expressed then
pleasure at the opportunity this
afforded for a fruitful exchange
of views on subjects of com
mon interests to the two coun
(Editoi’s Note Dining his
visit to the US, West Geiman
Agucultme Minister Ertl spent
a full day in Lancastei County
on Septembei 9 discussing var
ions aspects of agriculture in
depth with leading local farm
ers )
The discussions between Min
ister Ertl and Secretaiy Haidm
ranged ovei a wide field, in
cluding subjects i elated to
agiicultme’s development, econ
omic growth and the adjust
ment problems that accompany
11 pid change in lai m technology
The subject given the most
emphasis, howevei, concerned
the pioblems associated with
tiade between the United States
and the Euiopean Community,
and especially the Federal Re
public of Geimany
Ministei Ertl, on his part, ex
piessed his concern about cer
tain protectionist tendencies in
the United States, noting pai-
ticularly the protectionist aspect The Pennsylvania Egg Market- under a common brand name
of tiade legislation now pending in g Association has taken the Among othei things, such a pro
m Congiess He expiessed teai s j. step towaid a brand egg giam would enable laige scale
that this development might p ro g iam promotion of the brand name,
give use to a similar reaction in At a meeting of the Associa- cieate a demand by consumers
Europe. tion i ate i ast we ek near Lan- for the biand name eggs and
Secretary Haidm for his part castei, Piesident Fiank Troestei hopefully enable the pioduceis
indicated that a major concein said he hopes to get seveial to capitalize on the hi and name
of the United States Govern- committees oigamzed within the by obtaining a premium puce foi
ment was the high level of next week 01 two to exploie the eggs In large pait, the effoit
agncultural puces in the Euio- vauous aspects of a brand egg would be geaied to insunng a
pean Community and made piogiam top quality product and obtain
clear the U S position that a As explained at the meeting, amg a top price foi this product,
reduction in giam puces was biand egg piogram would in- it was indicated
Both officials
At Lampeter Fair
Swine Contest Set
Get your entues in now foi foot judging will begin at 3pm top puouty” of the egg maiket
the swine contest at the Lampe- Thuisday eis He said the piogiam is “the
tei Fan ur°es John Henkel Ently fee 851 P ei ho - most lm P ortan t thing” the 01-
tei fan in & es John iienKe able wth enllJ> to John H gamzation can do
Up to $45 in oiemium money Henkel, Willow Glen Fann, In his discussion, Hess out
will be available to the fanner Stiasbiug RDI Entiy deadline lined six committees that have
with the best ho° The total ls Monday (Se P l 21} been pi oposed to help implement
puze money will be $l3O Entlies aie limitecl to 25 the biand e S§ The
Entnes will be judged both hogs dnd one entiy pei faim on committee s stem from pievious
live on foot and caicass on the a £ ist come filst selved basis discussions and meetings
ra jj Piemium money will run as Mareks Vaccine
follows On foot judging, $2O In other discussion, Homei
Entues are to be in place by Hist pnze, then $l5, 10 5 and 5 Bicksler, executive duector of
noon Thursday (Sept 24) at the on rail judging, $25 fiist puze, the Pennsylvania Poultry Feder-
Lampeter Fair grounds and on then $20,15 10 and 5. ation, repoited that “sizable
Some members of the Pennsylvania Egg Marketing
Association admire a paste-up from egg cartons. This
particular one is a horse and buggy, but officials say the
artistic possibilities, using the egg carton as a base, are
unlimited. Promotion of such egg art is considered by
the egg men as having excellent potential for promoting
eggs. Left to right are: Leonard J. Janotsky, Eastern
Marketers Explore Brand Eggs
volve cooperation o£ many egg The Association has been mak
that pioducers to maiket then eggs Ing a pie ]]minary study of the
biand progiam foi seveial
months Eail Hess, president of
Hess Bios Faims Inc of Eph
lata, lepoited on piogiess of
the piogiam so fai
Tom Smith of Cioisteidale
Faims, Ephiata, said the biand
piogram “ought to leceive the
Service Office. 400 S Eighth
Si, Lebanon
A native of Slatinglon. Har
ter earned his bachelor of
science degice from Penn State,
majoring in agricultural educa
tion He received his master of
education degree from the Uni
versity of Massachusetts and
doctor of philosophy degree
from the University of Wiscon
sin His graduate work centeied
in the areas of adult education
and Extension admimsli ation
Prior to being named to the
Penn State staff he was employ
ed by the State University of
New York in Albany, N Y. He
also served two years as an offi
cer in the U. S. Air Force
Harter is a member of Al
pha Kappa Lambda, social fia
ternity, and Alpha Tau Alpha,
scholastic honorary fraternity
in agricultural education
He is married to the former
Doris H Schmidt of Ridge
wood, N J They are the pai -
ents of one daughter.
Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 19.1970
• JL
. .
Orval Bass, Lancaster County district conservationist
(right), welcomes Frank Lucas, new soil conservationist,
who will be assisting Bass.
Lucas, 31, who recently moved to Rothsville, had been
stationed in Meadville. He also worked for a time in New
He received his BS degree in agronomy in 1962 from
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Okla.
He is married with one daughter.
division manager of Olson Bros, of Pa Inc , Philadel
phia, Sam Berenson, general manager and vice presi
dent of Chick Sales Egg Farms, Hanover; Earl Hess,
president of Hess Bros. Farms Inc , Ephrata, and
Frank Troester, vice president and general manager
of SommerMaid Creamery, Doylestown Troester is
president of the Egg Marketing Association
quantities” of Maiek’s vaccine
should be available in Pennsyl
vania by Januaiy
A film to pioduce the vaccine
for sale within Pennsylvania is
now being set up in the State
College aiea The vaccine pio
duced by the firm will be foi sale
only within Pennsylvania
Similai intia-state Aims le
portedly aheady aie pioducing
the vaccine in othei states
Interstate production awaits
appioval by the USDA
Undercutting Illegal
Sam Beienson, geneial managei
and vice president of Cluck Sales
Egg Fauns, Hanovei, called the
attention of the oiganization to
state law, PL9OO adopted in
August 1941, declaung illegal
the sale of items at lowei than
the cost
The law applies to both whole
*. *
saler and letailei It defines cost
and outlines penalties It also ex
plains that selling items at lower
than the cost lepiesents unfair
competition and lesults in eco
nomic disiuptions and ultimate
ly mci eases costs foi the con
Beienson explained that the
egg industiy should be concerned
about such piactices because “we
don’t have too much room to g*
back” in puce He also said the
ptoduce. is the fust to get hurt
in such unfair puce cutting sit
He said a similar law exists in
Maiyland and Vugima and said
pioduceis ought to use it to stop
egg puce undei cutting in Penn
s> Ivania
Omelet King Results
In a lepoit on tne Omelet King
(Continued on 18)
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