★ “Fetter Power Pays” WORLD LEADERS (N DIESEL ENGINE DESIGN MAKE US PROVE IT! Over 1,000 Amish farmers al ready ha\e. The\ have found that Fetter delivers all it pro mises. Our diesels provide long working life, dependability and good cold starting characteris tics. For Piompt and Efficient YOUR AUTHORIZED PETTEI GERMAN BROS. Gas and Diesel Engines Sales and Service 1 Mile Noith of Terre Hill on Route 897 East Bail. R D 1. Pa Phone 215 445-6272 We are as close as your telephone Waylo Low-Cost Building BETTER- BILT LIQUID SPREADER HOG FARMERS Heavy Constructed Farrowing Crates Made To Your Specifications, Reasonably Priced. * SEE OUR DISPLAY AT SHENK’S FARM SERVICE FOR FURTHER INFO&MATIOM Lititz. RD 4 VA to 45 H.P. Continuous Rating IT GOES MUCH BETTER POWERED BY FETTER Service Call K. DISTRIBUTOR Ephrata Fair - Sept. 23-26 (Continued from Page I) at 9am anti the FF\ tiacloi tractor dining contest vsill be tT* COnll,st U 1“ folI °" al held Thinsdu> at 6 pm JU ‘ m The Juiuoi I)jn\ Cattle Show The fair will oflieiallv open :■> sehedulul loi Finlay at 730 Wednesday, Septembei 23. at ' pm followed In the annual cow pm with one of the hugest and milking (,onu>t On Saluiday most coloifill paiadis in Eastern rooming a hog sale will be held Pennsylvania (Ram date—Sep Farmway When Talking About GUTTER CHAINS This chain will out pull and out wear any other gutter chain on the market and will fit any other make clean er. Looking For A Real Bin Wagon? See Our M & W Little Red Wagon Model 200, THE LAMPETER FAIR Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 19.1970- ' *3' Phone 626-4355 n- -.C u’ lumber 24) Participating in the parade will be bands. dmm and bugle coips marching units, floats Miss Lancaster County •md Mis Lancaster County Fin* Chief contestants The two bout paiadc annually a'.Macts moie than G 5 000 spectalois A carnival spml will piovail throughout the loin dav ivui* as an estimated 200,000 poisons thiong the giant midway at the oldest and hugest stieet fan of its kind in Pennsylvania The midway fealuics free en tertainment daily which nclude ‘ Kiddies Day on Thursday afternoon at which time school children up to 12 vears of aye enjoy fiee tides, as guests of local business and industry, also band conceits political ral’ies, and the Mis Lancaster County Fue Chief Contest held on Thursday night Saturday afternoon will be highlighted with the annual Baby Parade held on Mam Street starting at 2 pm with thousands on hand to see the beautifully designed floats and costumes as the small fry parade through downtown Ephrata. Another highlight of the fair will be held at 8 pm Saturday w'hen young ladies from Lancas ter County communities will vie for the title of Miss Lancas tei County, a preliminary con test to next yeai’s Miss Pennsyl vania Pageant The fair was inauguarated in 1919, as a homecoming for re turned Veterans of World War • Farm Calendar (Continued from Page 1) cono Manor, September 21 - 22 Tuesday, September 22 Bam Pa Black and White Show, Farm Show Building, Harrisburg 7 30 p m Garden Spot Young Farmers Silage meeting, Garden Spot High School, New Holland Bpm Lancaster County Ex tension Association boai d of directoi s, Conference Room, Farm and Home Centei Wednesday, September 23 West Lampeter Community Fair, Lampeter, September 23-25 Ephrata Fair, Ephrata, Septem- ber 23 - 26 Youth Conference, Host Farm, September 23 - 27. Thursday, September 24 12.15 pm Society of Farm Women 23 will entertain Society 30 at the Mount- ville Civic Center. 6pm Ephrata Young Farm ers Tractor Driving Con- test, Ephrata Community Park. Bpm Lancaster County ASC Convention, Faim and Home Center Saturday, September 2fi 10 a.m. Area FFA Tractor Driving Contest, Ephrata Communuity Park. Society of Farm Women 4. St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Mountville Conservationist Dies Norman E Garber, 79, Mount Joy RDI, died m St Joseph’s : Hospital Thursday afternoon after he was involved m a car truck crash Garber was a founer regional conservationist for the North east Region, Soil Conservation. Service, ’US Depaitment of Agriculture, and was instrumen tal in starting the Soil Conser vation Seivice in Lancaster ‘ Count j 11