Uuicastcr Farming. Siilnrdii.N, September 10. 1070 10 Paitiupatmg in FFA competition at Iho Eastern States Exposition at Hanioid. Conn late tins week arc, Irani lelt Mark Campbell. Manheim FFA acl\ isoi; Cl\ do Erb, Penn Manor FFA. pmiltr.\ judging; Dennis Landis. Penn Manor FFA. (arm mechanics judging, and Gerald Wolfe, Manheim Central FFA, farm mechanics. During FFA week at Penn State in Lampeter Fair (Continued liom Page 1) carle, to oftei to wolln \oca tioral agrcultu.e s udents an opportunity. to stall then own iieid to stimulate an mteiest in impioxed dai.\ faim pi notices a lose £Ol faim animals, and an actne pait in a coopeiatue en teipnse Othei activities on Tluusdaj will include a model an plane demonstration the cowning of the Fair Queen and a livestock paiade The Queen is chosen from contestants limited to the 10th. lit h and 12th grade gnls enrolled at Lampeter-Slrasburg High School On Fndaj the \ll-Western Horse Show will include classes sor both afternoon and esenmg in such areas as bairel racing western and childiens western western keyhole flag race, and othtis The e\enmg classes wdl follow the calf ;op ing demonstration The linal acti\it> scheduled s the Fat Hog Consignment Salt at 8 p m The hogs a ill be sold in gioups of i"ao and foir, each 2'oup consoling of agir medium Jid ncasy weight clashes The hot' cons gned fo; sale a*e d ec. e-jUs of p>a: i t Ota" O' a! t di n ni agj icuita e ORDER YOUR FALL SEED GRAIN NOW Cert. Penni ad Barley Norime Winter Oats Balbo Rye Tetra Petkus Rye Timothy Cert. Climax Timothy Permanent Pasture Mixes Smoketmvn Ph Lane. '397-3539 GET MORE FOR YOUR DAIRY DOLLARS WOLGEMUTH BROS.. Inc. ( f 1 1V i' ,