VOL. 15 NO. 43 Lampeter Fair Features Farm Displays, Events The 4G.h annual West Lam peter Community Fan is scheduled for Wednesday Sep tember 13 to Friday, September 25. At tfi»- stnctly educational fair, aw,de selection of displays will be :eatured including live stock, g-ains, vegetables, fruits, ruts, l»*ne and daily pioducts, doraestl'- aits, and school exhibit' Exhibi s will be received by the various committees on Tues day, September 22 and on Wed nesday. September 23 until Ipm. Judging activities for 4-H & FFA members begin at 7 pm on Weonesday with the Baby Beef Sho-s At 8 p ;r. there should be lots of action with a calf roping demonstration Following this the calve- will be placed in a ling and 7FA boys will compete in a calf -cramble ‘ Later rc-ur local junior high All-American Show Set At Farm Show Building The Pennsylvania Junior Dairy S'tu-v will be held at 9 am Mtoniav (Sept 21) in con junction ..th the All-Amencan Dany StM v at the Faim Show Building Hauisbuig All arum<■ Is that weie judged as a “'Eli.'- Ment” nbbon at the District l tiow in August die eligible ernu aheady enteied in the Statf Tumoi Dany Show All entiu must have been blue nbbon wxr-eis at the 1970 4-H and FFA msaict dany shows Three ..adging nngs will be miming at one time and the top thiee 'lie.ift-.-3 in each class may be enteied in the All-Amencan Show iatei .n the week m which dany animals Horn U.S. Sees 6% Corn Loss The U£l 4 s latest lepoit on the nation:. coin ciop shows a six pei ct:> ciop loss thiough August W-m blight and diought, but piedu.s the ciop will still be the Ihi u laigest in history The rtpc ’ Septembei 11 in dicates Ur-es consideiablv low ei thaa hm been feaied eailiei in the •+ son and Cliflo'd M Hardin, UP Secietaiy of Agu cultuif, Joiovved with a state ment that tneie will be plenty ol gram in *he countiy followf ing the r c"npletion of haivests this fad Furttie' aedeial lepoits aie planned i. hibited The Stale Holstein Sho>v is ceitam to be the laigest show of its kind in the nation this yeai, .accoidnig to Willmni C Nhchol.'lSecielaiy of the sponsoi ing Pennsylvania Holstein Asso ciation Of 1,541 in the entne 111 Ameucan, Pennsylvania leads with 651 entues Othe. states enteung animals are Connecti cut, Delaware, Indiana Maiy land, Massachusetts. Michigan. New Jeisey, New York. North Caiolina, Ohio, Rhode Islam Utah, Vnginia, West Virgin.a. and Wisconsin , r (Continued on Rage JO) Lancaster Farming, Saturday. September 19. 1970 Lampeter Fair Wednesday, Sepi. 23 2 pni Judging of Exhibits 7pm Baby Beef Show Bpm Calf Roping and Calf Scramble Thursday, September 24 10 am FFA 4-H and Adult Judging Contest 1145 am—Daily Bieedei’s Call Awaids Ipm Judging Dairy Cat- tle 8 45 p m Li\estock Paiade Fiiday, Sept. 25 2 pm All Western Hoise Show 6 30 p m Calf Roping Con- test 7 pm All Western Hoise Show Bpm FFA Fat Hog Con signment Sale (See Solanco fair photos and judging results uu pages 8 & 9.) Ephiata Fair Schedule Wednesday, Sept. 23 10 am—Poultiy Judging 7 pm—Stieet Fan Paiade Tluusday, Sept. 24 4pm —Hog Calling Contest 4 30 pm—Swine Show Judg mg 5 30 p m —Sheep Show Judg- ing 6 pm—Tiactoi Dining Con test (Adults) 7 30 p m —4-PI and FFA Bain Beef Judging Friday, Sept. 25 7pm —Cow Milking Contest 7 30 p m Jumoi Danv Cat tle Show Judging Saturday, Sept. 2G 9am —Hog Sale 10 a m—Tiactoi Dining Con test (FFA) All-American Dairy Show Schedule Monday, Sept. 21 Sam Invitational Youth Danv Cattle Judging Con tests 9am —Pcnna Tumor Dany Show 7 pm Invitational Blown Swiss Sale Tuesday, Sept 22 Sam Pennsvlvanu Black and White Show 9am Biown Swiss Show Wednesday Sept 23 9am Avishne and Guern sey Show Ipm Invitational Jei sey Sale 6pm Invitational Hol stein Sale Thursday, Sept. 24 9 am Jei sey Show Milk mg Shoithoin Show 10 a m Holstein Show 7pm Recognition Dinner Friday, Sept. 25 9am Holstein Show Schedule Ephrata Fair Mixes Tent City, Midway The 52nd \nnual Stieet Fan at Ephiata will be held September 23 26 wrh a lull complement of displays .anging from vegetables, flower, needle woik, art. ciafts. canned and baked goods, 4 H and FFA exhibits displayed in sto>e win dows and in the exhibit tents on Mam Stieet Tents located in the Ephiata Community Paik (Tent City) will be the cattle and agncul tural centei of the fan with dis plays ot cattle, sheep, baby beef, swine, poultry, grain, seed, tobacco and forage Judging and contests will be conducted m Tent City Big attractions will be the world’s laigest living steer 1 Big Jack” and a giant Belgian draft hoise “Big John” weighing 2,640 pounds The most modem and latest display of faim machmeiy lawn and gaiden equipment, snowmobiles, mini bikes, and other lecieational vehicles can be viewed Lots of Ine and lively special demonstiations Southern Lancaster Co. Citizens Will Discuss Area's Medical Needs ‘Can We Meet The Medical Needs Of Southern Lancastei Countv” will be the topic of a panel discussion at 815 p m Monday Septembei 28 at Fulton Gi ange Hall, Oaki v n The public is invited Jesse Cutlei of Duimoie will be model atoi Di Hemj S Wentz, Stiasbuig, assistant dnector of Commumtv Medical Sen ices, and Di Chailes W Baa, Quanjville, chauman ot Medical Clinics and chauman ol the Department of Geneial Piac tice Medical Sen ices in Lan castei County, will paiticipate on the panel Others taking pait will be Di F S Djrness, admmistiatoi oi Quanjville Piesbjteuan Home John C Hotfman v ice-pi esident of the Solanco School Boaid, lepiesentmg the Quanjville Lions Club, Lester Waifel, lepiesentmg the Quanjville Rotaiy Club Paul Gasseit, vice P'esident and lepiesentmg the Quau vville Chambei ot Com meice, and additional lepiesen tatives of oigamzations and sei vice gioups will be invited to paiticpate Miss Janet Jackson oi Little Britain will enteitain with haip music Pieceding tins annual Booslei N.ght p.ogiam sponsoied by Fulton Giange will be a co\ei ed dish suppei at 7 pm Giange membeis Junioi Giange mem beis and paients and othei in vited guests should bung a meat dish, another dish and then own place setting Rolls, butlei and dunk will be piovided Junior Giangeis must bung then vain pictuies for judging and winning, pictuies will be sent to the State G.an 0 e con test , S 2 00 Per Year will be held e\eiv evening by dcaleis and demonstiatois The Pennsylvania Depai tment of Agucultuial will have their mobile exhibit on display to promote agnculUue On Wednesday the poultry judging wall begin at 10 a m. Those classifications of poultry which will be judged are ban tams, laige fowl, ducks, geese, pheasants and tin keys At 4 p m a hog calling con test will be held and everyone is invited to participate Tent city will buzz again at 4 30 p m. when the Junioi Hog Show be gins Those classifications are Beikshire, Chestei White, Duioc, Hampshne and other breeds Immediately following the hog show will be the Junior Maiket Lamb Show Exhibitors aie limited to Lancaster County FFA oi 4-H membeis The class ifications are lightweight, in dividual (undei 80 pounds), medium weight (over 80 pounds), lightweght pens (under 80 pounds), medium weight (ovei 240 pounds) The highlight of Thursday’s judging will be the Baby Beef Show at 7 30 p m Any boy or gnl who is a member of the FFA oi 4 H Baby Beef Club in Lancastei is eligible to compete in the show The classifications aie lightweight \ngus, heavy weight Angus lightweight Short horn, heavyweight Shoi thorn, lightweight Heiefoid and heavy weight Heiefoid An adult (Continued on Page 11) Burkhart Finishes 6th First in Sportsmanship Fiank Biukhail and his wife have letmned to then farm choies aftei lepiesenting Penn sjlvama in the National Plow ing Contest at Gieemille, Ohio, last week One ot eight entiants in the huge plow division, Burkhart placed sixth in plowing and won the Sportsmanship Avvaid To decide this aw ai d each con testant votes foi anothei in their division whom the> feel best lepiesents a sense of fan play, good judgment good sense, and is a good spoil Farm Calendar Satin day, September 19 Distuct 4 H Hoise and Pony Show Ludwig s Corner Hoi se Show Association Giounds Chestei County. Monday. September 21 9am Pa Junior Dauy Show, Faim Show Building, Har usbiug 730 pm Faun Women 29, home of Mrs David Beck ei Mount Jo\ RDI Pa All-American Dairy Show, Faim Show Building, Har risburg. September 21 - 25. Statewide Floust Meeting, Po (.Continued on Page 11)