Weekly Poultry Report Eastern Pennsylvania And New Jersey Prices ' z -lc lower on li'ht *imp!c with c-on tvpc hens Demand light and un- t1 , m,l . n? „ lp , -H most aggiessne* os piocessois often I } ,lll * s f >'•. in New Jeisey. Heavy Type Hens Tlewr Delmarva Ready-to-cook mov enent con tinues very good Supplies shoit •1 full call as shortages of laboi at most plants reducing kill Less-than-trucklot pi ices con tinue to advance on both Plart and U.S Grade A Advance in terest slow to develop as a gen- Federally Livestock (For week ending Sept 10, 1970) Week to date Same period last Same period last Estimated daily week year livestock slaugnter under Federal Inspection, LABOR SAVER “Systematefl” Dy pi(j Uukmm* 1 A DIVISION OF U.S. INDUSTRIES INC. THE ALL NEW FLAT DECK CHIK-EZE PULLET REARING CAGE w«t I *l* FLAT DECK CHIK EZE FEATURES ■ High bird density per square foot of building. ■ Easy accessibility for better management. ■ Uniform distribution of heat, light and fresh air. ■ Fully automated feeding and catering from day old to 20 weeks. ■ Better feed conversion, less feed waste, ■ Single water adjustment for entire growing period. ■ Minimum stress. Feed and water easily accessible. Cleaner, healthier birds. The world’s finest systemated equipment is at BIG DUTCHMAN EASTERN BRANCH 215 Diller A\c., New Holland, Pa 17557 Phom? 351-5168 t*’.illy wail .inti see ittu.ition pie 'ails ;is ir.idns .iw.nl fu.lhei m.nkcl developments I.ivc Pool 1 1 ucklot pi ices foi Thin«d.iv iiim.il in the New Voik .ne.i US Guide A 26'2-29 Mostly 27-28 Plant Guide 25' 2 28 Mostly 26-26' 2 Special packs including IV2, sizes Tfewu (Piices paid dock weights, cents pei pound, except wheie noted) HENS. Heavy Type s'' 2 -21 12- 16. PULLETS 26 *2-33 28-32, ROASTERS IS'a-SS'z 25 28, DUCKS 32-36. RABBITS 27 36; GUINEAS 52-60' 2 60, PIGEONS (Per Pan) 82 1 2-2 55 82> z -120 TOTAL COOPS SOLD 396 Inspected Slaughter Cattle 382.000 478.000 495.000 * > your Big Dutchman distributor now. A Division of U.S. Industries, Inc Fogelsville Sheep 126,000 144.000 166.000 Hogs 970,000 1.209.000 1.231.000 .. offers durability, economy, performance and practical labor saving features that increase management efficiency The heart of the system is the Big Dutchman chain and trough feeder piovidmg 96 inches of feedmg space per cage 1 here is full availability of all thefeedtoallthe birds All feed is automatically recuculated and remixed, resulting in better feed consumption. Extia feed capacity makes high density of birds percage iow practical and manageable £ y \ S~.^*PIII g •» *** | i; s ' 'V v* 4 v Green Dragon The Fpln.il.i (imn Diagon maikct icpoiled ieceipls ol 1(10 lu.id of hi tin ([ Utility d.iii\ (tk Fnday, Sepiembei 4. well attended and pines bitoll4ol Consignments included Load of Canadian Cows Flesh. $440 00 $485 00. Sp mg eis. 5385 00 $540 00. one fust calf heifei—ss3o 00 Load of Canadian Cow-, Flesh. $440 00 to $5lO 00. Pine Died Spungeis $460 00 to $540 00 Load of New Yoik State Cows Spnngeis & Ficsh Cows $460 00 to $5lO 00 Load of Top Flesh Cows $485 00 to $570 00 Load of Penna Cows and fust calf heileis—Big spunging fust calf hcifeis, $4OO 00 to $5lO 00. Spnngeis and Fiesh cows $435 00 to $525 00. Local Cows Yellow cows $285 00 to $325 00, Bied heitcis —s2so 00 $365 00 Bulls None offeied. September 4, 1970 11 loads hay, including lew loads alfalfa, 30 00-3150, one load Timothy 36 50, one load clover, 33 00, few loads mixed hay, 25 00-40 00, one load oichaid glass, 34 00 Few loads stiaw, 40.00 40 50 per ton Few loads eai com, 42 GO -46 00 per ton HAY PRICES For Southeastern and South Central Pennsylvania (Hay Prices were not avail able at press time.) Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 12.1970 - Weekly U£P Egg Market Prices to the Producer Tuesday, Septeiiihei 8 and Tliuisday, Sepleinbei 10 Region Noilhwcst Cential West Southwest Midwest Southeast Northeast National A\ciage Weekly New York Egg Mkt. Fiom Tuesday, Sept 8 to Fnday, Sept 11 Mon. lues. Wed Thurs. WHITE Fey E\ Lai ge Fey Lai ge Fey Mediums Fey Pullets Fey Peewees BROWN Fey Lai ge Fey Mediums Fey Pullets Fey Peewees Standards Checks Tone Laige sizes adequate, mediums une\enly distubuted but moving well. Copyright 1970 by Urner Barry Publications New York Eggs Puces generally unchanged Receipts light Buying activity iauly good on laige and heavy weights but highly megulai on mediums and smalls Laige weie closely cleaied, mediums better supply wise due to feature activ ity on this s.de outside the im mediate aiea Smalls adequate All browns in light supply this morning Caiton orders slow thiough small distributors and fan to occasionally good thiough the majoi retail outlets IPIE Vacation Drawing All paid leg'stiations leceiv ed beloie Octobei 20, 1970 foi the Intel national Poultiy In dustiy Exposition (IPIE) to be held heie Octobei 26 29, will be included in a di awing Wed nesday, Octobei 28 to select the winner of an all expense paid \acation tup foi two at the Hotel Amencana in San Juan The tup, which is being awaided to piomote the show and encouiage eaily legisla tions, includes a night at the New Yoik Citv Amencana din nei and a show at the Rojal Box Suppei Club then lound tnp via jethnei to San Juan, and loin days and thiee nights at that city's beachfiont Amen BARTLETT Pick Your Own!! • Large & juicy • Full Trees • Ideal for canning or eating fresh • Prime condition Choose From 5 Grades & Sizes Daily 10 to 8 Sat. 9 to 6 Closed Sund.u Cherry Hill Orchards Rt 324 IVc'w IKnville Pike, 3 miles Soulli of I anoastci Medium 2(5 25 24 I..age 38 33 35 a 40'a 41 44 2 40*2 25 24 25 26>j 26'^ 26 53 53 53 48 48 48 33'z 33 1 2 33'< 21 21 21 15 15 15 48 48 48 Unquoted Unquoted Unquoted 44 44 44 44 23 23 23 23 • Chicago (Continued fiom Page 2) 1271 lbs on Tuesday 32 85, highest in eight weeks. High Choice and Pume 1150-1350 lbs 31 25-32 25, compaiable giade 1050-1150 lbs 30 50 3150, load High Choice and Prime 1467 lbs Yield Giade 4 and 5 30 75, Choice 1100-1350 lbs. Yield Giade 2 to 4 30 00-3125. Choice 950-1100 lbs 2950-30- 50, load Choice 1541 lbs 30 00, Mixed Good and Choice 950- 1200 lbs 28 75 29 75, Good 26- 50 28 75, Standaid and Low Good 25 75 26 50 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS High Choice and Pume 950- 1100 lbs Yield Giade 3 and 4 29 25-29 50, load Pume 1050 lbs. Tuesday at 29 75 Choice 825- 1000 lbs Yield Giade 2 to 4 27- 75-29 25, mostly 28 00 29 00 On Wednesday Mixed Good and Choice 750 900 lbs 27 00 28 00, Good 25 50 27 00 cana Hotel The winnei will be able to take the tup at his con venience any time dining the next 12 months Try A Classified Ad It Pays! PEARS Phone 392 6022 3 Small 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 14'j 14 Vi 14'j 14',i 13 13 25 26'.* 26'j 26 Fri. 53 48 34'2 21 15