-Lamastor Farming. Saturday. September 12.1970 22 Bigger Meat Supplies Seen This Fall (An anahsls H II IHome, IVnn stale an economist.) l'lu« appi o.u h ol Kill w ii i .ml 1 ' ,1 >Ook .It llU'ttKk Mipplt .111.1 Pt ico piospeets Main P"o ducei- wondei how timin', could thanse so nine ti m im! one mm. Last fall lion ptoduec's wen' •.Mtulinn up thou most pi of liable car and now thin aio piepaung lor shaiply lower puces Beef puces fell •.Imply last siimnici but this suinmei they advanced to levels slightly above a yeai ago. Lamb produceis lia\e been dis appointed with lamb pi ices which aie about S 2 below a leai aso despite ieduced siipnlics Strong .t.eat Poniami The slowdown in the uenei a I econonu has not ' educed the demand foi meat ji nji eaihet leaied Total led meat consumption in [ne first hall ol 1970 a\eiagod mst o\ei 90 pounds pei pel son < Imost the same as a \eai ago Beet consumption was up 2 2 oounds because of a fou’ pei tent mciease in domeshc pio- Tietion in addition to a 19 pei ,ent use m beei impoits Poik consumption was actual i\ six pei cent less pei pei son in the hist halt ot 1970 Veal consumption also dropped m\ per cent in the fus‘ halt of this >eai Lamb and mutton weie at rboul the same uue as a jeai Continued stiong demand wdl be the biggest stienglhenins fac to. in lues ock puces dining Ihc months ahe id Beet Outlook Suong demand ioi beef is endent conside me that letail stoics moied fom pei cent moie beef in the fust half of 1970 at steady to slight Is highei letail prices Choice giade beef avei aged 98 6 cents pei pound m June compaied to 97 3 cents in T anuaiy and 99 4 cents in. Jaich Theie ma\ be some down "aid piessiue on cattle puces ‘ms fall because ol factois in ,-nd out ol the beel indu-uv Beef p.odiKP’S aie expected to maikei thiee pei cent moie led cittle in the Jul\ Septetnbe. penod and about die same nam bei in die fall months as a \ea ago WciJits aie st 11 tunning highei han a \ea ago with an adte.se impact on puces V.- though supplies ol fed cattle will not be much gieatei than a y eai ago pioducam ad! hate a bettei chance ol holding pnas t real cu lent levels il the' market cable as soon as the each gidde Two faclom tha* could hate n impact on oeet puces t! is nil aie (1) an expected -umlt ol bioileis which will be luc ‘o seven pei cent ibove la.t .yeai and (2) a =ha p mciease m poik piodmtjon The ol' ciuestion, will consumeis sub stitute poik ioi beet’ ma\ be answeied this tal ! Cattlemen loo' in, loi feedci cattle will conlmm- to be woik mg against a negative puce mi.- My Neighbors I[ IMCC *k DAV>|| Z' J-I'CTA !/ | SALES DIVISION ONLY I \ ® smim * I n |„ m ui Mmiist. leidei expected in the mouths -'head tabes wo 10 -ohm, loi about I’lodueois uina-ed huiow S.WSO at Kan-a- Ci.\ a hill mgs about hi pci uni Hi- pa-t s-) abcno a \oai ago I'lu pio- spnng and annoiinud man puis lt» highei lood pines lions to incicaso hiiiownus 17 * lus uai max tend to tmtlioi po. cent dm mu Iho uno to No oduco tu dine mai gins 'mnbei pci md U u-c m o - tions iHo (Mined out. \\l win Hoc Outlook ha\e the hugest fall pm ciop on . , " . , , ... i,>coid It mav exceed the icc ln cont.ast to loodoi oat do > 1968 , n Js nuldl /oodei pig putts lia\e chopped. 010 1,111 n lelleeting the expected puce <l - s nine pci ce situation foi slaughtei hogs m The intended tailorings loi the months ahead While mid- this tall could be somewhat 'e Uigust slaughter hog prices aie duced from the intended 17 pei a\ ci aging $3 to S 4 below a year cent inciease Some humc. s go lurthei price declines aie when they saw how huge the in- IT PAYS TO “RITCHIE-LINE” YOUR FARM THRIFTY RITCHIE AUTOMATIC LIVESTOCK WATERERS 73 Watcrers in 27 Models For Every Farm Need INSURES water warmed in winter and pipe-line cool in summer. Use in Lot or in a Fenceline. Round the Clock They Make Money For You' Come In Todav LESTER A. SINGER RONKS, PA. Purina Dairy Conditioner Special can prepare John J. Hess, li, Inc. Ph 442 4632 Paradise West Willow Farmers Assn., Inc. Ph 464 3431 Vi est W illow cows for good production at low cost II vou’ie not among the many good local dauymen who have staited mixing Pmina Dam Conditioner Special with join own giam to build a leseaich pioved div cow lation, it can pay you to check into this low-cost way of feeding div cows Piuina Dam Conclitionei is a 16 peicent piotein lation toititled with extia Vita mins A and D p'us phosphoius to help guaid asamst milk fevei. To help vou sa\e on diy cow feeding, Piiiina Reseaich iccomraends vaiving feeding levels depending on cow condi tion and the quahtv of com imighages. Foi example if a cow is in good condi tion and com 'oughac.es aie of excellent quahtv vou woiud feed less Punna diy cow lation than it the cow vveie in only fan condition and if the icughages w-ere of only fair quality. .. , mu hi\ c nun Keunl be five to seven pei cent -> cater ■»« rnitbe °lh.« U ' ° Co > cl Q]l f h ® ld, J 8s ' )0lk ,u's inav Kill to ..bout Sl9 50 will be anothci burden bolding i Petembei No iceo\eiv of puces down Cold v ‘<»«>ge i ice i. expected in the e.nly Holding on July 1 were about onths ol 1971 as slaughter 22 per cent above a ycai ago V „ m /-nniimiG lai *e The meieased supply oi meat SI S kpi ices will get mile sup- expected this fall will b* good „o l horn othci meats Beef news foi consumers In* will supplies will be at least ade cause some belt Ugl-en.ng quale while bioilei supphes will among livestock pioducei - FARMERS SHENKS FARM SERVICE R. D. 4, Lititz, Pa. Phone 628-4355 687-6712 •R»f. Tr«d»m»rh— Haltton Purtn* C*. Ira. B. Landis Ph 394-7912 1912 Creek Hill Rd, Lane. James High & Sons Ph 354-0301 Gordonville WHY BE A DISEASE CARRIER? For Good Protection Buy Yourself A Better-Bi!t Liquid Spreader Which Will Handle All Kinds Ot Manure Efficiently. THIS VACUUM UNIT OUT SELLS AND OUT PREFORMS ALL OTHERS IN THE FIELD. ASK FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION YOU’LL SEE THE DIFFERENCE! Using Punna Check-R-Mix ~ foimulas we can build you a low cost diy cow ration, combining Punna Dauy Conditioner with jour giain Oi, if youie feeding low piotein icughages, it may pay you to feed Dauy Conditionei “stiaight” just as it comes fiom the bag. Moie and more successful aiea dairymen aie pionng that good diy cow feeding pays off m extia cow condition and extia milk pioduction in the next lacta tion Foi example, 100 to 200 pounds of additional body weight at fieshenmg can pav off in 1 000 to 2 000 pounds of extra milk dining the lactation. Di op in soon and get your fiee copy of the Puuna Diy Cow Program folder. We’ll be glad to point out how Purina Dany Conditioner Special can help pre pale \ oui dry cows for good production at low cost. John B. Kurtz Ph: 354-9251 R D. 3, Ephrata Wenger's Feed Mill Inc. Ph- 367-1195 Rheems
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