Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 12, 1970, Image 21

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    News For and About Area Women
Society Section
Society 6
Society of Farm Women G
celebrated its 50lh anniversary
at a luncheon recently at Evans
Restaurant. Manheim.
The Elizabethtown aica So
ciety of Farm Women 6 was
organized with 10 members on
Sept 20. 1920, by Mrs. Abinm
Wolgemulh, who was president
of Lancaster County Faim Wo
men at that time.
The first officers of Society
6 were Mrs. Harry Lehn, chair
man: Mrs Menno Wolgemulh.
secretary, and Miss Susan En
gle, treasurer.
The present officeis of the
anniversary group are Mis. Mil
ton Eberly, piesident, Mis
Sarah Holsbeig. mco piesident.
Mis Maltha Esblcm.m lieasui
er. Mrs Chaihs Rile, societal'
Mrs Bcinaid Thome, iccoi cling
Mis Eberly, sen me as piesi
dent of the local gioup 101 (he
thud tune, has also sened as
County Piesident In addition
she seived 12 yeais with the
Society of Fatm Women ot
Pennsylvania as state tieasui
ei. duectoi and pm custodian
During the anniveisaiy pio
giam 10 past picsidents ol So
ciety 6 weie honoied They aie
Mrs Clayton R Fiey, Mis Hai
nson Kellei, Miss Lela Coble,
Mrs Raymond Baum, Mis
Joseph Helm. Mis Haiiy Say-
Try A
It Pays
AT RATES OF 5%, s'/4 %, 5 } A %OR 6% (Call for details)
Open your account now and take your choice of
coins or stomps, while your savings earn at these
high rates. This offer is for a limited timp only,
so don't delay. Available in all 3 Offices.
108 N. Second Street, Harrisburg
Hill Shopping Center • Harrisburg East Mall
lor. Mrs Elvin Keener. Mis
Maiy Geyer. Mis Maltha Eshle
man and Mis Milton Ebeilv.
Also honoted was Mis Anna
Mary Miller, 88, the oldest
member of Society 6 She was
picscntcd with a hand tatted
handkerchief and a cot sage
Other special guests included
Mrs John N. Hess, president of
the Society of Farm Women of
Lancaster County, who com
mended the ladies of Society 6
for staying together as a work
ing group for 50 years: Mrs
Esther Petticoffer, active in So
ciety 2 and daughter of Mrs
Abiam Wolgemulh, organizer
of Society 6, commented on the
woik of hei mother and the
luendliness of faim women in
Mis Chiist Movct, the fust
s'ciclan. and one ot two In mg
chai lei numbeis i elated sciei
al incidents fiom eailv meet
ings including the demonstia
tion of a ' new ’ canning pi ocess,
cold packing
The other chattel membei
Mis Paul Heisey. the lust tiea
suiei was out of town and un
able to attend but sent a lettei
ioi the occasion
The Memoi ics of Women”
was pi esented in song and woi d
by Romayne Buclgett, Mount
Jov Accompanying Mis Bnd
gett at the piano was hei sistei,
Mis Joan Lockwood, Lancastei
Also featmed on the pio
giam, which was ananged by
the present serving officers,
was a history of the society pie
pared by Laura Snyder and
Mis Clayton R Fiey The
sketch was presented by Mis
(Featuring Silver Kennedy Half Dollar)
(Com Sols Must Be Picked Up At Various Ollices-Cannol Be Moiled)
r e' v G , j’ Ho** a Leo Ba-'s S stam
Insured up to $30,000 by federal £s und Loan I i*u r ance Co t 'c *on
Remember Our New
Has Longer Hours to Serve You teller
MON.-FRI. S:3O A.M. lo 8:30 R.M.
SATURDAY 8:30 A.M. la 4:00 P.M.
Society 14
Society of Farm Women 14
met Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs John Groff.
Ronks RI. Twenty-seven mem
bers and three guests attended.
Hostesses were Mrs. Groff.
Mis Martha Ranch, Mrs. Paul
ine Stolzfus and Mrs Beitha Lc
The Society is conducting a
sale of Tuppcrwarc Late ordcis
should be called to Mrs Evon
L Hall, at 687-6633.
Mrs. Charles H. Leaman lead
coi respondence from the Kor
ean orphan the Society is sup
porting Membei s ai e i equested
to donate cakes, pies, cookies,
jelly, fudge, etc, for the food
sale to be held at 10 am. Oct
10 in Jiont of the Stiasbuig
Phai maty.
Mis Esther Hi eider and Mis
Jean Thomas sci\ed as auc
tioneeis at Wednesdav’s food
and plant sale It netted ovei
S6O In place of the Octobei
meeting a bus tup to Heishey
Medical Centei is planned The
bus will leave Stiasbmg Fne
Hall on Wednesday, Oct 21 at
8 30 a m.
Society 22
Society of Faim Women 22
announced plans toi a bus tup
to Hanisbuig Septembei 15
While theie the women will
tour the Goveinoi’s Mansion,
the state capitoi, and shop at
the Harnsbuig Mall
The bus will leave Lancastei
at 7 45 am Further details on
the trip may be obtained from
Mrs Lester Landis, 2008 Creek
Hill Road, Lancaster aMi i K.n nl l l1k. Silt in dm . Sriilcinlin 11, I!(70 LM
Have You Heard?...
By Doria Thomas, Extension Home Economist
Wily You Spend Mone> As You Do?
Without realizing it. many families try to buy intangibles
possessions dial they hope will bung such ihings as power, statm,
tespect, and secunly
Status is what some men aie reaching for
when they buy new furnituie for the office
or uding lawn mowers And women can do
the same thing when the> seive guests expen
sive dinners
Recognizing these liails is the fust step
in understanding why you spend money the
way you do When you aie honest, you find
you aie Hying to buy feelings instead of things
you ically need, can afford, and will use Do
you want to buy a coloi teleusion set because
the neighbois have one'’ Aie you planning to
buy camping equipment to diaw yom family
dosei togcthci 9
These aie some ol the varied psychological
teasons that affect the way fain- so listening to icasons instead
dies spend then monev Once ol emodons could help you.
sou undens'and you' own lea- lanuly stay out of unplcasan.
sons, it is easiei to see whv lam- financial situations
ily memheis might not w«nl to
spend money in )usl the same
When it comes s.ioppm” loi
a new cai, loin family may ha\e
diffeient ideas loi u»mg the
monev That is why it is impai
tant to discuss, as a family
both laige and small pui chases
Being awa t of why othei fam
ily membeis want to spend the
way they do could pave the way
to smoothei family relations
Admitting the leal icason foi
spending can show families why
they buy the things they do Al-
Start raising more and better Calves
the Easy NURS-ETTE way
No more carrying pails of warm water or hand mixing
milk leplacer Just fill the hopper of the NURS-ETTE with
milk replacer and the NURS-ETTE will mix mnk replacer
and waim water and keep it waim until calf nmses the mix
(appiox 14 oz)
Then it will mix a fresh batch of water and replacer.
For more information contact
Ph. 717-548-2462
Peach Bottom, R. D. 1, Pa. 17563
SEPT. 30 - on. 1-2-3
Plan Your Exhibit Now.
Premiums ha\ e been increased this j ear.
Send this coupon for entry number
Name ...
Address . ...
Other Exhibits □
Livestock □
Crops □
Volunteer Sei vices
For Leisure Time!
Now that the coungsteis 11“
back in school, vokinleti none
Cali piovide the change ol pacc
■von may need fiorn youi daily
i online You can voluntoe.
jOiu sc'mccs foi many diffeienl
icasois and choose fiom 30b
that lange fiom donating money
to self commitment and long
horns of woik
You can be a 4-H 01 scout
leadei 01 woik with othei youth
(Continued on Page 24)
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