—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, September 12,1970 2 At Lancaster Yards Auction Only September 9, 1970 lbs 29 00-33.00, 65-85 lbs, 21.09- , . 29.00. CATTLE 1162 Compared to pat v/p’o RETlTßiMirri ty» CATTLE 1059 Compared i as t Thursday, Slaughter Steers FARM __ Bu i k go-120 lbs CATTLE 1083 Compared CATTLE 3100—Compared to tast Tuesday, Slaughter uneven, Choice and Prime over ■to 00-40 00 • few 40 00-44 00 * to Tuesday, Slaughter Steers last weeks close, Slaughter Slcers uneven, Choice and noo lbs. stiong to 25 higher, oiiffp ’as _ im-ini? I nmha uneven, Choice and Prime tul- Steers uneven, Choice and Prime Plime over 1125 lbs ' • stl ' on S to undel . 1100 lbs. steady. Standard iy steady; Standard and Good 25-50 higher, Standard and Good 25 hl § het j Choice and Prime un- ;mct Good steady to 25 lower. ‘, d 0 7 V'eak to 25 lower: Cows 50-1.00 steady to 25 lower; Cows 50-1 00 f ' er 1125 ths. nbout steady. Cows fully steady, instances 50 cpßivr r a-vine rnna on. lower; Bulls weak to 50 lower lowci. Bulls weak to 50 lower' st;lndnrd and Good steady to 25 h lg | lcl . 0 n Canner and Cutter; ln „ ml or nii 1 Hiitv 7n on ikT SLAUGHTER STEERS -Supply included 55 percent lowel ' : Cows 50 100 lo ' vel: Bulls Bulls 50-1 00 lower 94 nr. bS * High-Choice and Prime 1100- Slaughter Steers, 20 percent st ® ad >’ to 50 lowcr - SLAUGHTER STEERS Few eV aVchtfr fwfc tthhh, 1300 lbs 31 50-32 10: Choice Cows and Bulls, with the bal- SLAUGHER STEERS-lligh- head high-Choice and Prime o L E WES -Utility 1000-1350 lbs 30 10 31 85, few ance mainly Feeder Steel s. Choice and Prime 1050-1325 Iba. 1050-1435 lbs 31 60-32 25, tom 900-1000 lbs 29 85-31 50: high- SLAUGHTER STEERS—High- 31 35 ‘ 31 - 85 ’ lew head 32 00-32 50. head 32 35-32 60 Choice 1050- Good and low-Choice 29 00 29 - Choice and Pi line 1100-1350 lbs Choice 1100-1350 lbs 3025- ]g o o lbs 30 10-31.25, 900-1050 HORSES 75. few lots 30 60 30 75, Good 31 50-32 10: Choice 1000-1350 31 85 ' 90 °- 1100 lbs 29 25-31 25, ib& 29.35-30 60, high-Good and Sept. 7, 1970 27.00- 25, Standard and low- lbs 30 00 31 85, lew 900-1000 lbs. P lirt loacl 1500-1760 lbs 28 50- low-Choiee 28 35-30 10. Good Receipts of 258 sold steady. Good 25 50 27 10. 29 85-31 50, high-Good and low- 30 85, lugh-Good and low Choice 27 00 29 00; Slandaul and low- Riding horses 80-280: Driving COWS Utility and high- Choice 29 00-29 75; few lots 23 85-30 50: Good 27 00 28 60; Good 25.00-27 00, Horses 90-270, Pony Mares 10- dressing Cutter 21 25 23.00. tew 30 60 30.75. Good 27 00-29 25: su,nd ‘ nd ilnd l°«’-Good 25 50- SLAUGHTER HEIFERS 30: Geldings 10-20; Killers 4-6 23.00- 85' Cuttei 20 50-22 00. Standaid and low-Good 25 50- 2750 - Choice 780-925 lbs. 28 75-29 00; Canner and low-Cuttcr 19 50-20- 27 50 COWS—Utility and high-dress- Good 750-935 lbs 25 00-26 00, rows 50 ' COWS Utility and high- in 8 Cuttei 21 00 23 00, lew COWS Utility and high- p .70 , BULLS Choice 28 25 29 25. diessmg Cutler 21 25-2300; lew 2300-23 75: Cutter 2000-2225: diessing Cutter 21 00-22 75, lew . Rectl P ts ol 79 cows and 18 few 29 50-30 00, Good 26 35-28- 23 00-23 85. Cutter 20 50-22 00; Canner and low-Cutter 17 50- 23 00-23 75: Cutler 20 00-22.25; i l ., 01 ® s . . s ‘' , '° n Ser. Fresh 50: Utility and Commeicial 26- Canner and low-CiU'.er 19 50- 19 75 Canner and low-Cutter 18 50- n!? 43 ?‘ 680: , G n l ’ c . r ”^ ys 24 .^ 50-29 25, couple 1960 2000 lbs 20 50 BULLS Choice 28.75-29 75 2 0 50. 360; Other breeds 275-375; Heif -31 60-31 75, Cutter and Jow-Uti- BULLS Choice 2825-29 50. • fcw 30 00-30 75, Good 26 50- BULLS Choice 28 25-29 75, els 155 ' 230 - lily 24 50 26 00 few 29 50-30 00. Good 26.35- 2 ? 75; Utility and Commercial CO up!e 32 00-33 10. Good 26.35- CAL\ ES 193 Vealors 1 00- 28 50: Utility and Commeicial 27 00-29 50, few 20 75-30 35. 28 50, Utility and Commercial 300 higher, with Good and 26 50-29 75, lew head 1960-2675 Utility 900-1050 lbs. 26 00-27 00 26 00-29 00, tew 29 00-29 50: Cut- Cl V^*t 3 . oos 00 hl " her lbs 31 60 ' 3250 ' Cutter and low- CALVES 710—Veale'.s steady ter and low-Utility 24 35-26 00. H o'> receiWs totaled 1748 at _ Choice 50 00- Utility 850-1050 lbs 24 50-26 00. to 100 lower, around 25 percent FEEDER STEERS - Good MondVs sale Retail 2175, 54 00, seven 54 50 56 50. Good CALVES 400 - Vealeis mostly SUPPO- 90-120 lbs calves re- 825-1000 lbs. 26.50-27.25. 23 00- Heavy wei»ht! 19 21 5 47.00- 00. Standard 42.00-48- steady with last weeks close, turned to farm. 50; Utility 34 00-42 50, Cull 90- Tuesday’s 2 00-5 00 decline le- VEALERS Choice 47 50- CALVES 519—Vealeis strong Wholesale 2,3,4 s 21.25-21.75, 120 lbs 30 00-33 00. 65-85 lbs covered on Wednesday 50 50, lew 51 00-52.50. Good to 2.00 higher; large share ol the °Ows 13-17. 26.00- 00. VEALERS Closing Sales 44 00-48.00: Standard 39 00-44 00: 90-120 lbs. Calves returned to HOGS 298 Barrows and Choice 50 00-54 00. seven head Utility 34 00-40.00; Cull 90-120 farm. Gilts fully steady 54 50-56 50, Good 47.00-51.00' lbs 30.00-32.00. 65-85 lbs, 26 50- Calf receipts of 118 sold as BARROWS AND GILTS Standard 42 00-48 50 Utility 39 00 VEAL, “ Choice 49.00- follows: Choice and prime 42- US 1 205-240 lbs 22.00-22 50 34 00-42 50; Cull 90-120 lbs CALVES RETURNED TO 9°> tew 52.00-54.00; Good 49.50; Good and Low Choice 36* US 1-2 215-235 lbs 21 60-21 75 30.00-33.00, 65-85 lbs 26 00-30.00 FARM—Bulk 100-120 lbs 37.00- foOOAO.SO: Standard 39.00-46.00: 41.50; Standard 31-35.50; Com- US 2^_2°0 - 26 5 lbs 2100-21 50 HOGS 110 Barrows and 42 00, 85-100 lbs. 31 00-39.00 sev- Utility 34.00-41.00; Cull 90-120 mon 22-30.50. SHEEP 110 Spung Lambs and Slaughter Ewes steady SPRING LAMBS Good 65- 90 lbs 24 50 27.00. Utility 45- 75 lbs 18 00-22 50. SLAUGHTER EWES One lot Utility 500 Chicago Cattle Weekly Review CATTLE Compelled last weeks tlo«a slaughter steers tnd heileis steads to 25 highei Cows steady to stiong Dulls steady Receipts 75 pei cent slaughter steers. 21 pet cent hellers, the balance mainlv ccms Overall imish ol slaughter steers slight ly more attiactne than last week with 16 peicent Prime ORDER YOUR FALL SEED GRAIN NOW Cert. Pennrad Hailey Cert. Redcoat Wheat Cert. Hlue lioy Wheal iVorline Winter Oats Hal ho live Telra Petkus Rye Timothy Cert. ( liinax 'l'iniothy Perniaiient Pasture .Rises Snpikutown Pli. Litnc. 397-3539 MARKET NEWS REPORT Weekly Review September 10, 1970 Gilts generally steady; Sows el ' a l 90-110 lbs Holstein Hellers scarce 4100-49.00. CLOSING SALES. BARROWS HOGS 432 Barrows and AND GILTS—US 1 205-240 lbs. Gills weak to 25 lower, Sows 22 00-22 50; US 1-2 215-235 lbs. scarce. 21.60-21 75, US 2-3 200-265 lbs. BARROWS AND GILTS—US 21 00-21 50 j 200-235 lbs 22.25-22.60: US 1-2 SHEEP 250 Spring Lambs 200-240 lbs 21 60-22.25 US 2-3 100 iowei Ewes steach 195-243 lbs 21 25 21 60. One lot SPUING L\MBS—Choice 70- US 3-4 255 lbs 20 00, US 2 185- 90 .bs 27 00-28 50, Jew 29 00; 195 lbs 20 00-20 25 Good 65-90 Ibv 24 50-27.00, Util- Uj 45-80 lbs 18 00-24 00 SLAUGHTER EWES—Utility and Good 4 50 8 00 ami 74 pmont Choice This computes with 14 percent Prime and 72 percent Choice last week, ami 19 pei cent Hi ime and 73 peiccnt Choice last year Average cost of slaughter steers estimated at 30 75, com paied with 30 47 last week and 29 90 last yeai Avei age weight ol slaughter steeis expected to be about 1160 lbs compaiecl with last weeks 1149 lbs which was the lightest since last Octo ber. and 1195 lbs last year. Aveiage cost ol slaughtei hcii cis, estimated at 28 25. com paies with last weeks 27 87. The lowest since January SLAUGHTER STEERS Pnme 1200 1375 lbs Yield Guide 3 and 4 32 25-32 75, load (Continued on Page 3) VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. AUCTIONS makes the difference in PARADISE, PENNA, marketing livestock! BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, an ■■ „ . NeW Holland mokes the differed in auctions! SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON —— MONDAY 10; 30 A.M. FAT HOGS and SHOATS FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE 2:30 P - M - ~ FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL EVEDV SATURDAY AT9.no A.M. HORSE SALE - MONDAY at 10:00 A.M. DAIRY SALE WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M. Phone Area cl.de'lirTlSlSl FAT STEERS - DULLS, COWS & VEAL - Till IRSDAY ... a l P.M. IOnH EasUrLancMconßt'M 15 '' 1 ” 8 ' NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. Km "‘ S ‘ hs I Pe T«.„, „„> 354-218, Vintage Auction September 8, 1970 SHEEP 26—No report, Local Grain Prices November These pi ices die made up of the a\ crane puces quoted by six January ’7l participation local leed and prain concerns. It should be noted, however, that not every dealer „ handles each commodity All VI ‘ UCI pi ices aic per bushel, except lor April ear coin which is per ion These pi ices aie made up of the average local grain pi ices quoted Thursday, September 10, June 1970, aie as follows Bid $42.00 1 59 80 Eai Corn Shelled Corn Oats Cai ley Wheat 1 00 1 48 Bid is the pi ice the dealei will buy Loin the tanner dcliveied to the mill. Ollered is the price the dealer will sell ior at his mill. September 10, 1970 (Closing bids as of Thursday, September 10, 1970) September October February May July Offered $47 00 Au B ust 1 92 <> ct »b«>- 1 Hi Trend Cattle are unchanged to stronger, Hogs mixed, 1 Potatoes are weaker, and Eggs are weaker. a-asked b-bid n-noniinal Markets provided by Commodity Dept., Reynolds It Company New Holland Auction FUTURES TRADING Chicago Chicago Cattle Hoes 29.15 19.65 28.90 19.50 29.47 20.45 30.12 21.75 3.23 30.47 23.65 30.07 23.50 29.37 HOGS Sept. 7, 1970 CALVES ' '.'OEMI New York Maine Chicago Potatoes Fresh Eggs 2.66 38.75 3.00 3.84 23.75 43.15 37.89 37.35 35.55