Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 12, 1970, Image 19
Read Lancaster Farming For Full Market Reports © FULTON BANK SERVING LANCASTER AND DAUPHIN COUNTIES I Progress in developing malting bar- I ley, a potential new crop for the East, was shown during a recent small grains field day held at the Agricultural Research Center of Penn State, 10 miles west of University Park. Describing the plots were Ahmet Akjurek of Turkey, left, graduate N PASSBOOK When It comes to making money, a Fulton 5% Golden Passbook does the standout job. It compounds 5% interest continuously from day of deposit to day of withdrawal. That's an average annual yield of 5.13% ... the highest rate the law allows. And a Golden Passbook Account is so easy to open. After the $lOO initial deposit, you add any amount, any time. Passbook Convenience-all money on deposit 90 days may be withdrawn without notice, but with full interest, during the first ten days of January, April, July and October. Or any time on 90 days written notice. Join the thousands who have made Fulton’s 5% Golden Passbook their favor ite savings plan ... and with good reason. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM / F D.I.C. Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 12.1970 assistant in agronomy, and Dr. Robert P. Pfeifer, second from right, small grains breeder for the University. Among visitors were county agent Amos S. Zimmerman of Lew'isburg, second from left, and Hugh R. McWilliam, right, seed company offi cial of Buffalo, N.Y. Sire Power, NEBA Slate Open House A chicken baibecue will high light the annual Sire Power open house Octobet 8 to 11 at Tunkhannock This year’s open house will be co-sponsored by Sue Rower and NEBA Tickets foi the open house baibecue on Octobei 10 mav be obtained horn the NEB\ tech nician or at NEB A, Turkhan nock Tickets should be put chased oi leseived on or be hne Fuday, Octobei 2 Following this baibecue a shoit piogiam will be offered to answei quesfons about Sire Powei and NEBA Reports will be given by NEBA President, Ed Flitciaft, as well as by mem beis of the Sue Power and NEBA staff All of the Si'e Power proven sues aie now housed at Tunk hannock including the Holstems King Ivan, Supeib, Empeior, Transmitter, and many others including Lucvky, Vein, Image, and Gent. Other new additions include the Jerseys Beacon and Dream ei, a new sue due to enter ser vice late this fall Flashy and Maestio of the Ay i shire Breed may be seer Guemseywise, the newer sires are not housed here, but bleeders will have the op poitumty to leview the present lineup An open house will also be held at the Fiedenck, Maryland facilities (cosponsoied bv the Md ABC and W Va ABC) on Thursday, Octobei 22, where ap pioximately 40 Sue Power “in waiting” and “sampling” Sires aie housed A chicken barbecue is included in this ptogiam Chester Co. 4-H Winners (Continued from Page 18) geolog.v, Douglas Warren, Ches ter Spnngs, foiestry, Roderick Thompson Downmgtown, bees; Jimmy Fehr, Downingtown, rabbits, Jenny Robinson, West Grove, and Carol Welsh, Honey biook, flowers, and Stanley Guest, Pottstown, handyman In the field of home econo mics ovei 500 ribbons were awarded to 4-H members com pleting projects in clothing and foods 19