Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 12, 1970, Image 17
3 Hog Cholera Cases Found In Md., 2 Areas Quarantined Thift n vv hog choleia wms Route 374 cast to the Poiomokc has hog choleia oi p.iiiiis it, fa-Li detected in Maiyland, River, thence following tlu Po- Hi Hammond explains two i Wicomico County and comokc River in a noilheily One of the faimeis whose one in Pi nice Geoige's Counl> dnection lo its junction with h OJ . s weie deslioyetl niised only Tht Maiyland Boaid of Asti- US Route 50, thence following l(( pigs from 20 sows since ea. lv cultu.i quaiantmed pait of US 50 west lo its junction with S pi mu Noimallv he .should Wicomico County and Animal Sixtv Fool Road have laised at least 180 Ilealtn officials destiovccl (wo "Most of the hog choleia we "vvhat we would like is foi heids of 145 hogs and fanned aie finding now is the piegnant n ,, 0n i..\0 icnoit if thev hive mv them .mmediately lo pi event sow syndiome type, such as npi’ts X Th" .snmio.lmt anv sp ead of the disease both cases in Wicomico Conn onlv fol thc lcsu i pio The quarantine aica begin- tv. says Di Roboit Hammond, nam bllt fOl tbe bo „ niMM \ ring the junction of Route Umveisity of Maiyland veto. “ ‘ . ft 0 ‘. ' U S 50 and Sixty Foot Road been hjving tlouble since , jrh south to its junction with Maiy- ‘ln the piegnant sow syn- n<l anolhel smce u . nW Lnd Route 350, thence follow- (home, thc piegnant sow seems f , h f|m ‘ , ing Route 350 east to its junc healthy, but hei piglets aie still- * for piofesslonal he ‘i p> .. Dl ‘ H . im . tjon uuh Route 354 at Powell bom, bom piematiuely, 01 die monc j a( j c | s ville. thence following Route shoilly aftei bnth, because ~/ . f . chol 354 south to its junction with they have hog choleia This WJS found |n p unce ° Geol „ t a s Route 374, thence following occurs when the pregnant sow Count and a heid ot 132 h o„ s was destioyed This outbieak DRINC Announces Annual pievious outbreak in Chailes County The quamtine imposed 4 T> 1 v A | on the southwestern pait oi Sl,OOO Research Award county and the " noi them half of Charles County An annual awaid of $l,OOO mg towards the development of August 6 will now continue foi nine a nlaoue for outstanding increased uses for milk ” at least another 30 days plus a plaque ioi ouisiannin o Farmers owning pigs m quai research in dany pioducts de- Dr D H Jacobsen, Technical antined aieas ate allowed to sell velopment has been announced Consultant to DRINC, will as- them only foi slaughter Slaugh by Dr Richaid E Farrai, Exe- S i S t the Internal Affairs Com- tei hogs must be Inspected by a cutive Vice President, Daily Re- mittee of ADSA in the develop- vetennaiian to make suie they search. Inc, Ailmgton Heights, ment of a set of guidelines for aie healthy before they leave 111 selecting recipients Dr Jacob- the farm , , , sett is a former Director of Livestock inspectors and state The award, sponsore y A DSA, and before joining and federal veterinarians will be Dairy Research thiough t e was p ro duct Research working in quarantined aieas, American Dairy Science Asso- Mana . for the American and all farmeis are uiged to ciation will go to a university Dairy Association. cooperate with them researcher chosen by a special 1 committee of ADSA The first y y T* DRINC award will be presented I — |n'|T f \\/ -t to the chosen recipient at the X 11 f V 111110 ADSA Annual Meeting in June ** 1971 Established in 1969, DRINC PrO^rCSSDfIVS is a non-profit reseaich and maiket development organiza tion whose goal is to stimulate Wauen Bucher of Myeistown, show was Milton Hershey School the de\ elopment of new and in- Lebanon County, exhibited the Farms of Heishey, Dauphin creased uses for milk and S'and champion hay sample, a County, a legume and glass dairy products It is financed mainly glass, wilted sample, at mixed wilted sample entnely by milk producers, the 1970 Agricultural Piogiess Giand Champion in the Coin whn fiirnnoh thpir on ons and Days at Windy Hill Farms, Titus Silage Show was Edgai Gish and lLocir o ns account fo?about viUe last week Son of Lebanon RD3 The Gish 73 pei cent of all milk piodue- About 20,000 people paitici- sample was whole coin plant ed in the U S pated in first day activities in silage with no additives which exhibits weie shown by Reseive silage champion was “We are happy to sponsoi 75 faim pioducts manutactmeis Ernest Mellingei of Quauyville this award progiam,” Dr Fai- and vauous state and fedeial Lancastei County He also ex rar said, “and hope it will agencies hibited a whole corn plant sam stimulate some bold, new think- Reseive champion in the hay pie with no additives An excellent Angus cow is the subject ot this new picture just released by the American Angus Association The cow has the femininity and struc ture to conceive regularly, calve easily and wean a heavy call at least every 12 months She also has the frame, size and muscling to produce fast growing calves that will weigh at least 1,100 pounds as bulls at a year of age And she should pass this ability along to her daughters Her sons should sire steer cal\ es that weigh at least 1,000 pounds at 365 days and produce an average USDA Choice carcass or better If necessary they should also be able to take longer periods of feeding and con tinue to gain efficiently, then grade USDA high Choice or Prime without excess fat. Lancastcr Farming. Saturday. September 12.1970 jjjN. | _ Ljr^ J -r- ~ l^^terfftFarrning SECOND SECTION Pa. Grange Slates Officer Election A full stuff of officeis, in eluding master, foi the conclud ing two yeais in a centuiy of semce will be elected by the Pennsylvania State Giange at its 98th annual meeting Octobei 26 to 29 at Meadville They will seive until the cen tennial meeting in 1972. an event that will fall just pnoi to the 100th anniveisaiy of the founding or the state unit on Septembei 18, 1873, in Read ing A Wayne Readinger, master, said William A Steel, New Freedom and Washington, D C , assistant steward, and Mis Richard Koenig, Slatington RDI, will retire under a rule limiting tenure to six years Steel has been doubling in grange work as national direc tor of youth activities Others eligible for reelection ? in addition to Readinger, are Overseer, Clifford Tmklepaugh Thompson, lecturer, Miss Mil dred M Shultz, Somerset, ste ward, Marvin Miller, Gettys burg RD3, chaplain, the Rev James H Gold, Ickesbuig, tiea surer, John H Minor, Waynes burg, secretary, J Luther Sny der. Camp Hill gatekeeper. Robeit E Steese, Grove City RDI, Ceres, Mrs Ruth Fish Towanda RDS, Pomona, Mis J Leßoy Cooke, Cross Creek Flora Mis William Buffing ton, Chadds Ford, and two elec tive committee members, Earl Mosier, Guys Mills RDI, execu tive committee, and Geoige Cole, Limestone, finance com mittee Committee membeis will be elected for three-year terms, all officers foi two years Aside from elections, the , Meadville session will act on a PP° ln^men t Janies M. resolutions, hear officer and Leuenberger as directoi of m committee reports and ad- formatlon fOl Holstem-Fnesian dresses by visiting speakers Association of America has been select winners in a wide lange announced b y Association man- agement Farming News Briefs IFF Cites Lititz Woman Edna Shenk, Lititz RD2, ie- involve a majoi poition of his ceived a Landit Ceitificate dm- time devoted to editing the mg ceremonies at the 25th an- Registeied Holstein News, pro nual convention of the Intel- ducmg leatuie stones and stand nttional Fl>mg Faimeis \sso- , llc j nev vs leleases Othei duties ciation ieccntl> in \mes, lowa v/ill include the development of The Ceitificates of \chieve- pi emotion and mfoi manon men! was piesented bv Rodnev leaflets pioduced b\ the Asso M Tinne.v, of Continental ilolois ciation Coipoiation Among the highlights ol the g e j was taised on a Registeied famih afTan convention weie Guernsey laim at Foit Atkinson, election ol international officets j ow<l Duung a nine \eai 4-H a tom ot the lowa State Umveis- cale ei he earned swine and ity Enginecnng and beef plo iects a’ong with actm- Vgiononu Reseat ch Centet, and Ges in innioi dam woik In a seminal on AgiiFutmes tU i c i lton to holding all club made up ol lepiesentatnes iiom o fhccs he iccened the state 4-H h\e maiot taim equipment man- c b- ln aWd i d in 1964 ulacUuing companies The 1971 IFF Comonlion will WO tked at the Um\eisitv dairy be held in Edmonton, Albeita fann oimaiions calf feeding ex- Canada peiunents In 1968 he leceAed The IFF which began in Okla- ins B S degtee in Daily Science homa m 1944, now has 8 000 with a minoi m journalism fiom membeis and 39 chapters in the lowa State Umveisitj He served United States and Canada Olhet btiefly as a Count;, Extension members aie scatteted thiough- Assistant puoi to entering mili out the world tai\ seivice of talent contests and exhibits, and considei convention sites for the next scicral yeais. in cluding one foi 1976 when the Giange will join in celebrating the na 1 1 o n's bicentennial. Speakeis will include State Ag nculture secietaiy Leland Bull. The oiaest ami largest farm family fiateinit> in both the state and nation, and possibly the world, the Grange (short for Order of Patrons of Hus bandry) has been active ia Pennsylvania since early 1871 when Eagle Grange No 1 at Montgomery, Lycoming County, was instituted just four years after the founding of the ordei nationally James M. Leuenbergcr Holstein Information Director Named for U.S. In his new position, Leuenber gei will be responsible for all mtei nal and external communi- cations toi the bleed This will A natne ol lowa Leuenber- Du mg his college caieei he 17