Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 12, 1970, Image 14
14 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 12,1D70 4 V SPERRY RAND JOIN THE NEW HOLLAND MANUFACTURING TEAM FULL TIME jobs are available in Manufacturing at our plants in New Holland and Mountville. These jobs are on the night shift in our Assembly Departments. NO EXPERIENCE is necessary. We will train you on the job' Successful applicants will be eligible for excel lent company-paid benefits including: • HOSPITALIZATION • SICK PAY • VACATIONS • HOLIDAYS • RETIREMENT PAY If you are interested in joining a team that has built a reputation for building outstanding farm equipment, and has enjoyed a record of steady, rewarding employ ment, contact J. Harold Wright at 354-1849 or Harold R. Schreiber at 354-1851. You may apply at our Plant Personnel office in New Holland located on Diller Avenue, Monday through Fri day from 8:08 a m. until 5:00 p.m. or call us for an appointment and we will meet you at our Mountville plant if you prefer. Night interviews available. VSEW HOLLAND DIVISION OF SPERRY RAND New Holland, Pennsylvania 17557 An Equal Opportunity Employer MILLER’S Sales and Service YEAR END CLEARANCE We have reduced the price of the following new machines to the bone in order to make room for new machines coming in and so they don't sit out over winter. Prices good through September 30, 1970. JD 1020 RU Diesel, - List $5,000 00, now 53,895.00; JD 2520 gas. - List $6,647 00. now $4,995 00; JD F 81778 mam dull. - List SI 690 00. now' 51,295.00, sold; JD F 325 M6’ power leset plow. - List SI 125 00, now $950 00; JD 107 6 loot 1 point gyiamor. - List 5587 00, now' $425.00; JD —lO side mounted mower, - List 5654 00, now' 5450 00; JD zrso side mounted mower, - List 5721 00, now 5525 00, JD =r3 hay flutter, - List 5325 00. now 5260 00; JD F 125 3-16" plow , - List 5703 00, now 5595 00. Biadj 8144 4-iow flail shredder, - List $1,575 00, now' $1,295 00; Lely Gemini Tedder. - List 5783 00, now $650 00; Parker 320 bushel grauty box, - List 5595 00, now $495.00; McCurdy 700 A grauty box, - List $325 00, now $275 00; Demonstrator Dahlman 2-row pototo har vester. - List $13,750 00, now' $8,295.00. Onlv one of each of the above av ailable First Come, First Served Used Tractors Ready to go JD 520, JD 720 Diesel; JD 4010 Diesel, JD 3020 power shift, JD 4020 Diesel, JD 4020 Diesel power shift. MILLER'S SALES & SERVICE, INC. Highway 851 Stcwartstown, Pa.jfl|^9Sß| Yoik County’s Progressive Dealer lohn Deere Dahlinan Potato Bullion Budy Haiv esters & Lely Form Equipment | Form Equipment NEW IDEA i Elect!omcc'ianical Service Sales & Seivice 'Phase Converters—Electric Mo- J tors—Power Tools—Generators , ELECTROMEC Rt. 222 jEphrata. Pa. 717-733-7011 CASE Used Equipment Case 430. 830, 930. 1030 AC 56F Flail Chopper Case Backhoe Unit Gehl Recutlcr \H 66 Baler w/Motor 702 NI Uni w/choppcr & picker NH and IH Blower Case Hai vaster Two Row head for IH and Case Harvester IH 50 Harvester A. L. HERR & BRO. 312 Park Ave., Quarryville, Pa HYDRAULIC OIL Good Quality—Good Prices Haverstick Bros. 2111 Stone Mill Road Lancaster, Pa Phone 392-5722 Farmal] 560 tractor v;/2 row mtd picker XI single beatei manuie spieader Biadj gnnder mixer Fold 1-iow semi-mtd picker M M VVeavci & Sons Leola Pa Ph. 656-7702 BARX EQUIPMENT Barn cleaner, comfort stalls, stan chions, silo unloadeis, bunk feeders, fiee stalls, windows Immediate shipment Standard Equipment, Inc , Dept. 5-L, Bel Air, Maiyland 21014. Case 300 Crawler w/loader 6,7, 8 foot blades ALLEN H. MATZ, Inc New Holland Phone 354-2214 NOTICE Custon silo filling and field opening Wide and nairow iow Phone 626 6164 Business Opportunity S5OO-SBOO MONTHLY Raise small laboiatoiy—bleeding stock foi us We supply equipment, bieedeis, and instructions. Illin ois Reseaich Farms, Dept TLF 9, Barrington, Illinois 60010 Help Wanted Wanted—Man to take caie of cian\ held and do geneial faim woik 4 mi East ot Quairyville Wages commonsmate with abil ity and expei lence Phone 286- 2617 Wanted—Mamed man to woik on modem dany faim Good salan laige house with modem facilities Vacation with pav, eieiy othei weekend off Phone Robesoma, 215 693-5713 MAN WANTED For bottle «as installation and service and delivery work Must ha\e ability to use light tools Expci ience not lequued we will tiam Libeial mei chandise discount, paid health insuiancc, vacation, etc W. L. Zimmerman & Son Dial 717-768-3131 Intei com se, Pa. I SELL * BUTCHER DIRECT ARMOUR CO. READING, PA. We will be glad to look at \om bogs & bid you. CALL AL SHAFFER AT (215) 376-2941. Evenings (215) 779-3847 504 Farm all 234 Picker—used 300 Farmall Ti actor 350 Forage Harvester—new , COPE JL WEAVER CO . New Pi evidence 786-7351 Wanted —Good used tiactois and Farm Machinery YORK CO. FARM & INDUSTRIAL EQUIP. CO . INC Box 222, Emigsville, Pa. Phone 717-764-6412 or 717-764-5115 Help Wanted Permanent Employment For Reliable Man, No Experience Necessary. Will be trained to work with incubator in hatchery. Excellent salary with liberal benefits. Chance for ad vancement. Uniforms furnished. WRITE BOX 266 A Lancaster Farming Lititz, Penna. 17543 HELP WANTED for grading & housing chickens Vacation, Hospitalization, Retnement and cost of living increase are all included in benefits. Please PHONE 569-0456 and ask for MR. LEWIS or MR. MARTIN n WENGER’S Farm Machinery, Inc. New Gravity boxes $2lO. New 3 pt. 5 ft. rotary mowers New 3 pt. 6 ft. rotary mowers Harvester se!f unloading wagons and corn pickers 3 pt. hitch lift booms New Post driver Just Received! 50 Corn Pickers Pull type and mounted Haybines, Windrowers and Crushers Reduced 20% to 55% AH 20 combines reduced with corn heads Flail Choppers John Deere, New Holland, Brady, Lundell Grinder Mixers New Holland, Gehl, Bear Cat, Letz $575. to $1175. SAVE $ $ $ $ $ Boat load of new tractors Massey Ferguson, Ford, IH, David Brown Large selection of used parts for late model tractors Form Equipment FORAGE HARVESTERS 1 and 2 low Fox, JD. Ford, NH, VIcD. AC, CORN PICKERS I PR, Men. M. Case. Oliver, Ford I and 2 row; Silo Filler, Blow eis Fou«c Wagons. High Mois tine Coin Mills, Grain Boxes, Feed Grinder Mixers, Metal Corn Cribs, Giam Drills, Polnlo Dig geis. Elevators and Disc Har rows. Largo selection of trac tois in stock. CLYDE E. KEENER Intersection of Rt. 72 and 230 Phone 717-569-9861 LOADERS CRAWLERS HDS.D4 & HT4, 977, 955 H power shift Cheap Will trade. Ben Lombardo Equip. Co. R#6, Sinking Spimg, Rdg., Pa., 19008, Ph. 215-944-7171 or 678-4092. Help Wonted NEW & USED MACHINERY South Race St., Mverstown, Pa. 717-866-2138 SPECIALS and machines $ 25. $245.