Automated Manure (Continued from Page 8) moisture to 19 per cent, the cost was $lOOB per ton ol pioduct remaining; without heal cable the moisture was t educed to 30 per cent for a cos! of $1 76 per ton of product temaining In other experimental penods the value of supplemental heat for drying was cleally demonstrated but the higher costs mas piove the method impiac.ical Stinmet chopping' and use of fans underneath the sloping wne floor gave sufficient diymg to result in a testuied manuie rel atively free of odoia and suitable foi field applicat'on By amov ing a substantial amount of mois ture inside the poultiy house cost of hauling could be cut to one-third normal iequipments Experiment II 1968-69 Drying Methods Used Ventilation The ventilation sjstem was quite similai to the one used in the 1967-68 expeuments. How ever, some veo significant changes weie made The size of the fans used foi circulating air was incieased An aluminum four bladed fan with a 16 degree pitch, powered with a totally enclosed 1 ., H P single phase motor instead of *4 H.P. and dehvenng 4900 cubic feet per minute, w as used. These fans were located in positions similar to the pievious expeu ment. Agway TRUCK LOAD SALE ON AGWAY CORN CRIBS 5x5 GAUGE BAR MESH CRIB SIZES AVAILABLE 750 and 1100 Bu. Capacity 13' -9” Diameter 1000 and 1500 Eu Capacity 16’ -8" Diameter ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE Corn Duerter Roof Ladder FIRST COME - FIRST SERVED ORDER TO-DAY (LIMITED SUPPLY) Call 397-4761 Ask for Fred Kerlin or Harold Kinsey We also can supply jour needs lor building jour own corn crib welded wire, hardware cloth, creosoted lumber, creosoted poles, steel and or aluminum roofing, nails, silo or snow fence, etc. The use of the more powerful fans resulted in an average an velocity of ovei 500 feci pci minute in contiast to 250 feel per minute However, electrical consumption also was incteased After seveial Inals it appealed that the distance between fans could be met cased without seu ouslv diving capabil ities Fiom caily Febmary thiee fans vvcie us"d .n each pit aiea instead of font The fust two fans m each pit weic about fifty feet apait lengthwise to the pit and pointed tow aid the mamii e-unloading end of the house The third fan was located at the end of each pit next to the cioss conveyor and mounted so as to blow the air dovvnwaid into the manuie instead of lengthwise With this anangement air velocities ovei 1,00 feet per minute weie blown dnectly into the manuie befoie lemoval at the unloading end of the poultiy house Stirring Minor changes were made in the design of the stirring and cleaning mechanism to improve its efficiency. Supplementary heat Heat cables weie eliminated in most of the experimental peiiods. Procedures and Results A numbei of pielimmary do ing tuals weie conducted with BEE-LINE Supply Center REASONS WHY MORE FARMERS PREFER THE AGWAY GREEN DOOR BAR MESH CORN CRIBS Vent Stack the two Mocks of layers during the August. 1908, to March, 1969, period. Trials consisted of evalu ating the significance of changes in air velocities, frequency of stirring, and to a limited extent use of heat cable Beginning in March and eaily April the num bei of fans pei pit in each house was cut to thice Stiinng varied fiom fou i to ten times each 24 hom peuod No heat cable was used In the one 30 bv 100 feet house with leghu'iis housed on the A fiame sloping wne floor a total of 28,790 pounds weie lemoved uuiing 15 sepaiate expenmental pi nods fiom March 25 to July 14 The inciease in electrical costs of \entilation for dijmg amounted to 545 88 or a cost of 3.105 pci ton of manuie remain ing The manure aveiaged be tween 30 and 40 pei cent mois tuie. By further drying the manure after it was removed trom the poultiy house with a commercial diyer, the quantity of manure remaining was reduced to 17,556 pounds with less than 10 per cent moisture content. Combining the actual drying costs for increase in ventilation and the dryer, a total of $66 58 was obtained This calculated to a cost of $7 60 per ton of the less than 10 per cent dry manuie remaining In the other 30 by 100 feet house with the V-frame sloping wire floor, 27.550 pounds of manure, were removed during 14 experimental periods from April 3 to July 14 The increase in electrical costs of ventilation for 1. Galvannealed Wire 2. Steep Pitched Roof 3. Easy Erection 4. Easy Loading and Unloading 5. Positive “Safety Locking” of all sections 6. Tested Under Extreme Load Conditions 7. Excellent Basic Design 8. Reliable Manufacturer, (Folej & Lavish Engineering Co.) Lancaster Farming, Saturday. September 12.1970 drying amounted to $46 23 or $3,20 per ton of manure u-main ing averaging between 30 and 40 pei cent moisture, The total cost of 1 1 > inu for incieasc in ventilation costs and the diyei amounted to $BB 04 oi a cost of $7 80 pei tone of ma nuie lemaimng A total ol 17,220 pounds of manuie with less than 10 per cuit moistuie lem.uned When dneet field application is planned, the fust diving stage is all that is needed The manuie can be icmoved on a continuous automatic basis oi at intervals of scvoial weeks If both diying stages are de sued in order to pioduce a di.v manuie suitable for sale as an oi game fertilize!, the two stages can be integrated as a complete automatic drying system From these and earhei experi ments it was noted that on the average after the first stage of drying inside the poultry house the manure remaining amounted to slightly less than half the weight of feed consumed. Thus, when chickens consume 1 ton of feed, approximately h'z ton of relatively dry manuie remains After the second stage of dry ing with the use of the commer cial dryer, the weight was re duced to about 30 per cent of oiigmal weight of feed con sumed. Hence, slightly over v < ton of dry manure with less than 10% moistuie remains from each ton of feed consumed by the chickens Capital Investment The estimated capital require ments for a flock of 25,000 layers for a 40 x 400 feet house for total ventilation with exhaust fans and circulating fans over manure run between 10 and 15 cents per bird The stirring and cleaning mechanism, including the power unit, cable, reversing and re cycling units and cioss elevator, also runs about 10 to 15 cents per bud The commercial dryer adds about 20 cents per bud to invest- NOTICE NOTICE Sm A CORN AND FERTILIZATION PROGRAM sponsored by CARLTON SEED COMPANY and ORGANIC PLANT FOOD CO. will be held on SEPTEMBER 18 at T:00 P.M. on the farm of EUGENE HOOVER, Lititz R*3 % mile southeast of the LANCASTER AIRPORT along Route 722. Mr. MERLE VORIS from the TROJAN CORN COMPANY will be present to answer questions on corn production. Mr. HILDRITH from U S STEEL will inform us of corn fertilization needs. 17 TROJAN \aneties are being grown including a high lysine number for your observation. Come, bring a neighbor and friend. Door Prizes And Refreshments mcnt requirements. It the dryer unit used in the experimental work was operated on n 24 hour a da> basis instead of about 8 hour shifts, the investment could be cut to about 7 cents per bud Tin capital investments men tioned aie not added costs in total since all poultiy houses would leqmie a ceitam invest ment in both ventilation and cleaning equipment The added coals ovei conventional fan ven tilation and cleaning methods would not be vciy laige Benefits of Dehydration 1 The weight of manure to be handled can be reduced to about 'a to 1 the onginal weight pro duced The manuie is in a dry, textured form that can be easily handled, thus reducing handling costs 2 Odors inside the house and in the commercial drying pro cess are practically eliminated. Fiequent stirring of dioppmgs and use of high velocity an not only speeds drying but prevents excessive growth of anaerobic bacteria, the organisms which manufacture the offensive odors. Elimination of these odors at the outset is essential if the final dry product is to be free of offensive odors Only by having a dry product fiee of obnoxius odors can it be merchandised successfully. Eliminating odors make pos sible the use of the sloping wire floor and its manure dehydration system near urbanized areas without causing a nuisance 3. Less “down-time” between flocks is required since the ma nuie is practically all removed b> the time the flock is removed. This is in contrast to systems where manuie is permitted to accumulate over the life ot the flock. 4 Labor requirements for cleaning are sharply reduced. 5 Fly breeding areas are con stantly being destroyed thus keeping flies under control 6 Capital investment require ments aie relatively low. 11