But Muscle Quality Drops Off in Some Herds Pork —More Meat, Fewer Calories With swini' Ic.stins and belter hot* carcase. you might Hunk selection techniques, pioducm poik would .uitomatieallv taste have greatly modernized the better Bul tOO flcqui . lU | v . lhis pork they oiler consumess. isn't the case Todays hog has less backfat V R Cahill, meal specialist at #n ? a Pocrmage of lean Ohio State Univeisily. s.ivs (he cuts than ycsteidav r In fact, r-enctic iclationship between todays hogs yield just half the meatiness and quali(\ appeals to lard of those -0 yeais ago. and b c shghtlv unfavoiable. What's Eugene Allen. Uimcsity of Min- needed, he says, is selection that nesota meat specialist, says a , , 3%-ounce poik shop now has " emphasize flavor ol poik. as only 240 caloues, compaicd with V ' C H as l c «m-to fat lalio 377 two decades ago. “Muscle quality slips in our With such vast impiovcnient ccitification pi oyiams because so in the quality of lean meat on a much emphasis is placed upon CLEARANCE USED TRUCKS 1970 Dodge V 2 Ton Pick Up 6 Cylinder Std. Shift. 1968 Dodge V 2 Ton Pick Up 6 Cylinder Std. Shift. Also 2 Specially Priced New 1970’s 1-V8 2-6 Cylinder ' Priced For Immedfate Delivery. 3€ornin(T Oaclciß snc. 501 E. Main Street. New Holland. Pa. 17557 \s\J Phone 354-2184 Purina Dairy Conditioner Special can prepare cows for good production John J. Hess, 11, Inc. Ph 442 4632 Paiadise West Willow Farmers Assn., Inc. Ph 464 3431 West WJlow If you’re not among the many good local dairymen who have started mixing Punna Dairy Conditioner Special with your own grain to build a reseaich proved diy cow ration, it can pay you to check into this low-cost way of feeding diy cows. Purina Dairy Conditioner is a 16 pei cent protein ration, foitified with extra Vita mins A and D plus phosphorus to help guard against milk fever. To help you save on diy cow feeding, Punna Reseai ch recommends vaiymg feeding levels, depending on cow condi tion and the quality of youi loughages For example, if a cow is in good condi turn and your loughages aie of excellent quality, you would feed less Punna diy cow lation than if the cow weie in only fail condition and if the loughages weie of only fair quality. *Ref. Trid»m»rk— Ralston Purln« Co. Ira. B. Landis Ph 394 7912 1912 Cieek Hill Rd , Lane James High & Sons Ph 354-0301 Goi donville This lepoil on mini ou-d poik quality .md some lactois deteim.ning quahiv appealed in a icccnt edition of The Fanow, a John Decie publi cation nicatv ca. casses,' plains He tells of one faimei who jcmed the Ohio Poik Imple ment \ssocialion in 1960 and m cieased leanpoik q nullity bill elec leased quality His held went fiom 53 96 per cent lean cuts to 58 33 \\eiage loin-eye aiea incieased fiom 4 04 to 442 But coloi latinos diopped fiom 2 38 to 188, on a scale on which 3 means daik, 2, noimal. 1 pale On similai thiee-point scales, fumness diopped fiom 275 to 217 and maiblmg diopped liom 258 to 230 Such alaiming bieakdowns in poik-muscle qual ity have been noted in a few othei meaty heids Mress Some scientists studung the pioblem aie looking 1c possible connections between stiess and pooi-tasting poik. lowa State Univeisitv's vet eunaiv clinic, among otheis. has noted an mciease in unexpected deaths of maiket-sized hogs David G Topel says animals that die fiom tins stiess svndiome have the same pale, soft, exuda tive (wateiyl meat that means ti ouble in muscle quality tests like the one in Ohio PSE poik. as the pioblem meat is called loses a laiger than normal amount of meat fluids and juices before and dunng cooking. Overall, PSE poik affects the entire industry One U S packer says it gets 17 to 20 pei cent at low cost PSK po k eaicas'cs it fiituics tlnough slaughlei lists dm ini' its loss fiom c\lia shunk alone uililUalion. ami ku p only good at $2 million a yeai. quality hoi’s foi bleeding The sihei linin' in the poik quality cloud is that we can woik it out with selection and bleed mg The e\pei ts say thoio aie main hogs with both quantity and qtialih of muscle, all we h.,\e to do is identify these Call il 1 e\- FARM WOMEN SOCIETIES Mis Roy Holhngei was elected pi esident of the Society of Fai m Women 24 foi the coming yeai dining a lecent meeting oi the gioup held in the home ol Mis Leo Snadei outgoing pi esident Othei ofliceis include Mis Glenn Shultz, vice piesident; Mis Joseph Gieinei, secielaiy, and Mis Geoige Ebeisole, ti ea se lei In othei business, membeis appioved a $lO donation foi items foi ditty bags foi seivice mcn and women The project is being held in coopeiation with the Amencan Red Cioss Pio- gi am Plans weie announced foi a i ununage sale Oct 6 ti om 8 a m to 6 p m, at the Baievllle Fne Hall Following the business session, Mis Roy Haitmann, Intel com se, demonstiated the making and auanging of Flemish floweis in a woik-shop-type piogram Members of the gioup will visit Embieeville State Hospital Sept 18 wheie they will seive lefieshments and play games with the guests This visit wall take place of the legulai month ly meeting Using Punna Check-R-Mix* formulas we can build you a low-cost diy cow ration, combining Puuna Dairy Conditioner with youi giam Or, if you’ie feeding low-piotem roughages, it may pay you to feed Daily Conditioner "‘stiaight’' just as it comes fiom the bag. Moi e and more successful area dairymen aie pro\iiig that good diy cow feeding pa\s off m extia cow condition and e\tia milk production in the next lacta tion For example, 100 to 200 pounds of additional body weight at freshening can pa\ off in 1 000 to 2 000 pounds of extra milk during the lactation. Di op in soon and get \om fiee copy of the Puinia Du Cow Piogiam folder. We’ll be glad to point out how Piuma Dam Conditioner Special can help pre p 'e join chi' cows foi good pioduct.on rt low cost John B. Kurt* Ph 354 9251 1. D 3, Epluata Wenger's Feed Mill Inc. Ph 367-1195 Rheems ' Wtx QKj 55*5 HE pR, PT aw ”!■ i ■!■■■■ iM^iini^rr nil ESe Tali Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 5.11)70 - Work K Out Society 24 In the meantime, tluic an a 1m pi act ices pmk pioduceis should watch, such .is limited feeding llcsliiclod feeding o\er the ciilne feeding pciioet oi a few weeks be foie sl.mghtci may deeieasc poi k-musele quality, ac ccidmg to Richaiel Eplcw meals specialist as the Limeisity of Missoni i Pig Fights Othei icseaich shows that even emiionment can ailed poik mus cle quahU Fighting in pens, espcciallv in hot conditions, m ci eases the chances foi PS E. poi k Slicss effects aie complicated, howevei, and they aie among the many factois still being studied Don’t Bury Trees You may be killing your p 1 i/ed shade liee by buiymg 't ah\e. Valuable liees aie in dangci of dying because excessive soil is piled diound then bases oi be cause they have been planted too deeply These piactices occm most fie quently wheie new homes aie built When the lots aie giaded, tiee toots aie often buued under the fill and the health of the tiee declines The supply of water and an is lestucted by this soil covenng and the tiee becomes susceptible to disease and insects It is also likely to softer die-back. New home owneis often notice that their tiees aie dying fiom this condition in a penod as shoit as six months 01 as long as twm yeais The piopeity ownei can tell if a tiee is buned by examining the base of the tiunk The tiunk should flaie, 01 spiead out, as it enteis the soil If it doesn t, the tiee is buned The following lemedial steps which can also be employed as a pievenlive measuie when guid ing should take place 1 Sciape away the excess fill. 2 Place tile pipe aiound the tiee to allow air, water and food to leach the loots 3 Then spiead stone oi coaise giavel and covei this with a lay ei of salt haj' oi a similai sub stance. 4 Finally add top soil 1c bung up the giade level Enginceiing Manager Named Edwaid \ Magalski, 153 W. Main St, New Holland, has been named engmeeung manage! for Victoi F Wea\ei, Inc Duung Ins caieei he has been it sponsible foi the design and installation ot new machines to eliminate laboi and pioduction waste He duected a 4 million, dollai plant impio\emcnt p>o giain loi the R T Fiench Co, Roehcstei, X Y and also imlia'ecl numeious p’oiect studies pei taiinng to packaging and piotes smg equipment as well as build ing leciUiiumnt studies Belol e coming to AA'c i\ei' Vagalski was cmplo.cd b\ V, il li mi I nriei w ood C o Watci low n, Ai ss wheie be sened as duct 0.. (he engineeiing section In his new position as eng near ing m nagci, he will be icspons ible loi dueclmg the design, tonslu.uion installation, and nn.ii lenaiiee ot a’l piocessmg m stems equipment inanities mil buildings Ol A l c t o i F, AVeaiei, Inc ana its siibsidiaiies. 9