M l.»iU’inU«r Knrmlng. Snturdny. August 2f>. 1970 DHIA MONTHLY REPORT Owner . N.imr llrrrcl ll.ii i \ G Kindri Mix) tilt Mooio till tl F A M.n\ r»ln’lm.tn 00 ticirli lilt Amos A Kli'.inoi IlnshcN IkMitiv till Ideal' tilt .'olin & It F.in melon Soki mi (*.iike II Ranck Pamela • on.is S Noll lUil.i Giaceful "loses N Good Polly Joanna 'ohn C MeUlcr Scots Ci islme 1,011 Ada 7 lannce F Wclk Spottie OrH .Indy RH Sis GiH . T Aithur Rohier & Sons Mamet OrH Ox 6i H • T Rohrer Witmei Astei Dan S Stoltzfus Faith Beth S R Shellenbei'gei Pixie Audiey Goldie Paul N Biubaker 35 16BS Leßoy S Smuckei Queen RII Sam & Allen Kieidei Jackie RH Gina RH Melvin R Eby Ei ma RH Allan R Shoemakei Jane GiH 5 0 305 (Continued on Page 20) (SR— a big edgerfe£rfi§ a „"■ =*■ v-;’: a SS* outside. New Super 717 forage harvester has extra-strong, reinforced cutterhead that keeps chopping in toughest cutting conditions. It chops uni formly fine to 3/16". New sickle bar attachment with heavy-duty reel and forged-steel knife guards requires less maintenance... lasts longer. JL nr ISEW HOLLAR PVISIQN OF SPERRY RAND C. E. Wiley & Son, Inc. L. H. Brubaker 101 S Lime St Qu.myville Lihb RD‘l 786-2895 626-7766 L. H. Brubaker A. B. C. Groff, Inc. 350 Stiasbmg Pike 110 S Raihoad Ave. Lancaster New Holland 397-5179 354-4191 (Conliiuu’cl fiom I’oro 13) I»a>t Arc 3o;> 30.) 30.) 204 303 305 303 Rll 305 305 50 106 RH Rll 305 305 RH RH 68 3-10 305 305 280 305 9-10 12-3 73 10 9 RH HI I RH RH 302 288 305 3-3 5-7 3-3 305 305 6 10 8-11 305 RBi Sw 305 295 10 8 42 RH RH 305 305 291 GiH GrH RH 6 11 50 4 5 305 305 RH RBi Sw 305 305 303 305 This big edge inside... Milk Tr»l Fjf 707 002 17 800 18 096 705 20 388 704 647 13.949 17.121 757 16 891 752 16 896 750 654 10 825 19.976 747 634 19 470 14.411 745 731 681 673 36 43 34 45 20.815 17 018 19 931 14,806 744 686 647 22.534 19,167 16,291 33 36 40 743 635 19.747 15,521 742 16,922 741 681 19,063 18,855 736 683 667 19 435 18.179 19,041 734 653 21,729 15,532 734 17,601 15 985 16,020 734 631 19,030 733 17,130 732 To Honor Hneeiis A box sou.il mu' H(jn,nr dome to lionni llu' 411 \chu\enunt D.ij (iimns will be lu Id at 6 30 p m Wednesday .il the Faun .nut Home Centei A