Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 22, 1970, Image 9

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    Southern Blight
(Continued fiom Pago 1)
"As you me probably awaie via
Wie national news media, coin
growers in the South and the
southern part of the .Midwest aie
experiencing serious losses due
4o a foliar pathogen. The disease
Is Southern Leaf Blight caused
hy the fungus Hclniinthospoiium
"The disease first appealed in
Florida and has moved noith
ward into the Corn Belt. It is
now present in pai ts of Ohio, but
as of this date theie have been
no reports of the disease in
Pennsylvania. Plant Pathology
personnel aie maintaining a con
stant sin veillance
“On leaves. Southern Leaf
Blight is characlenzed by tan,
round to oval spots which may
grow together when infections
are numeious. Race T of the
fungus, which is the i ace causing
so much of the damage this yeai,
also can attack the ears lesulling
in a charcoaled appearance.
“Yellow Leaf Blight, a leaf
disease common in Pennsylvania
last year, is chaiactenzed by
spots somewhat like those of
Southern Leaf Blight The majoi
diffeience is the piesence of yel
low aieas aiound the spots of
fhe Yellow Leaf Blight disease
“The causal organism of South
ern Leaf Blight has been identi
fied by plant pathologists at Uni
versity of Illinois as Race T of
B. waydis.
“The race appears to only at
tack corn which has the Texas
Try A
It Pays
"Systemaiefl” by.. . ,
Di (\ Dutchman.^,
The world’s finest systemoted equipment is at
your Big Dutchman distributor now.
215 Dxller Ave , New Holland, Pa. 17557
Mark Nestleroth
The Judge at Work
male-stciile cytoplasm used foi
hvbnd seed pioduction Only in
iccent \eais, has the majouty of
corn giown in the countiy shaied
this common cytoplasm. This has
undoubtedly contributed to the
occuuence of the epidemic.
“At piesent there aie no
known satisfactoiy contiol piac
-11 ce s Pennsylvania fai mei s
should not expeuence laige yield
losses if the disease moves in
because we aie well past the
nndsilk stage Howevei, we may
see some charcoaled eais in
seveiely blighted fields.
“We welcome any reports you
may have of the disease and sug
gest that you send leaf material
to us for identification If pos
sible please state the hybud ”
it f
A Division of U.S. Industries, Inc.
the "here's how” answer to al! your
animal drinking requirements
Our cup and nipple drinkers fit all
styles of cages.
Big Dutchman troughs are expertly
engineered for automatic flow control,
easy cleaning and maintenance free
All our trough waterers come
equipped with non roosting devices,
heavy duty suspension plates
and non corrosive hanging cables.
For top watering efficiency install
the versatile and economical
Big Dutchman waterers.
Glen Moore Youth’s Hog Wins
Chester-Delaware 4-H Roundup
Glen Wiegand had the mand up Kncl.iy. August 14, at the in his 111 si show, is the son of Mr.
championship hoc* ,il the Cheslei- Vintage Sales Stables .uul Mis .Kick Wiegand of Glen
Delawaie County 4-II Hog Round- Tenjeai-old Glen, exhibiting MooießDl.
othei buyeis of loundup pigs
"ere Fiank DiPietio and Sons
and Domenico Cappuccio and
Son, both Philadelphia, Schluder
beig-Kuidle Packing Co, Hat-
Barbara Beam, Elverson RDI, displays the herding field, Pa, Heishey Estates,
skill that earned her the Champion Senior Showman award 'Heishey, Robeit Gioff, East
i. xi /-iu i -m i , .nr, ti j Bail RDI, David and Abiam
at the Chester-Delaware County 4-H Hog Roundup. King, Vintage and Leidy, Inc.,
Soudeiton, Pa
Phone 354-5168
Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 22. I 1)?!)
Glen's winning hog was a 210-
pound Yoik-Jme ciossbied gill.
The championship animal as
pm chelat'd .it auction the 10l low
ing mot nmg In E W M.n tm Co ,
Lmncaslci, loi 81 cents a pound.
Rcseivc !*i and champion in the
52 head show was a 200 pound
\oikshue ciossbied exhibited by
John Matkcv, also of Glen Mooie
RDI Shane Packing Co of Ches-
Ui bought the hog foi 69 cents
a pound
(See Pictuic On Page 1)
The 52 hogs weighed «n aver
age of 193 pounds and sold lor
$26 63 a hundicdweight au:a,e,
champions included
Baibaia Beam, Elvcison RDI,
was Champion Senioi Showman,
and Nigel Biay, Glen Mooie RDI,
was Champion Junioi Showman.
Maik Nestloioth, Manheim
RDI swine pioducei, was show