Ti ry A Classified Ad It Pays! AVAILABLE NOW FOR AUGUST SEEDING • Cert, Vernal Alfalfa • Cert. Pennscott Red Clover • Cert. DuPuils Alfalfa • Cert. Buffalo Alfalfa _. .. • Cert. Climax Timothy • Cert. Iroquois Alfalfa 9 Pennlate Orchard Grass ORDER YOUR FALL SEED GRAIN NOW • Balbo Rye • Cert. Pennrad Barley • Cert. Blue Boy Wheat P. L ROHRER & BRO., INC. Smoketown Rudolph Spanish - The Lancaster Poultrymen look forward to seeing you . . . . . . demonstrate how to make the Queen of all egg dishes and we are grateful for your splendid promotion of our industry. • Cert. Ladino Clover • Pasture Mixtures • Cert. Redcoat Wheat Ph. Lane. 397-3539 "World's Omelet King" "THE WORLD'S OMELET KING" We’ll see you at the airport on Tuesday. THE LANCASTER POULTRY INDUSTRY The 15-member Pennsylvania Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA) recently elected officers .for 1970-71, in cluding J. Robert Hess (second from right), vice president. Shown with Hess are, from left; John Gaut, Scottdale RDI, Westmoreland County, treasurer; Clyde LANCASTER COUNTY RUDY! May your visit to our "Dutch" Country from your arrival at Lancaster Airport 2:20 P.M. Tuesday until your departure after Hershey Dutch Days be a happy one. i t > Lancaster Farming, Saturday. August 22, 1970 TO Jf v Robison, Coal Center, Washington Coun ty, president; and (right) Harold F Crid er, Chambersburg RDS, Franklin County, secretary. Herbert C. Gilmore (not shown), Penn State extension dairy specia list, is m charge of the DHIA program. Weaver Is Star Farmer (Continued from Page 1C) began looking for alternatives Because of his intei est in agn cultuie he took advantage of the Agncultuial Occupational Ex penence Progiam offeied by the vocational agncultuial depait ment at Upper Bucks Tech Through the Agilcultuie Oc cupational Experience Piogiam Earl Weaver has gained exper ience in fiuit farming, dauy held testing, and most recently m the breeding and care of laboratory animals His supervisor m these activities has been vocational aguculture mstuictoi James E. Diamond Until he was 18, all but 10 per cent of his earnings went to help meet family expenses Now Weavei is using his entne earn ings plus a scholai ship to finance his college education At the piesent time Weaver is woikmg on a Bacheloi of Science Degiee in animal husbandly at Delaware Valley College On completion of that degiee he plans to enter Pennsylvania State Umveisity to puisue giaduate studies in agn cultmal education His ultimate goal is to teach vocational agn cultme in the United States or oveiseas In 1964 Weavei was elected Piesident of the Uppei Bucks Tech FFA Chaptei, an office he held foi thiee yeais The job as chaptei piesident paved the way for the State Piesidency winch he held in 1967-68 Dm mg his foui yeais of high school, Weavei was on numerous committees and participated on the Dauy and Land Judging Teams earning awards at both district and state levels He has been a public speaking winner at district, state and regional speaking contests Weaver has been active in his church youth fellowship and at the piesent time is vice president of his class at Delawaie Valley College 7