Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 22, 1970, Image 5

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    Lancaster Farming.
Saturday. August 22. 1!>70 • 5
Melvin R. Stoltzfus
Is Selected Form
Foundation Chairman
(Continued fiom P.ui 1
Biubaker Akion Ohio Mm
Leon Weavei. Uppci Darby,
and Joyce. 19. .it home, a nurse
at Lancaslei Gencial Hospital,
and a son. Maihn. at home,
helping with the dairying
All the child)cn have been
active in 4-H and Marlin is pre
sident of the Lancaster County
4 H Guernsey Club
Stoltzfus’ activities include
foimer membei and tieajiirei
of the Coatesville Egg Produc
eis Coop, foimei piesidcnt of
the Lancaster County extension
boaid; piesently vice piesident
of the Gaiden Spot Agvvay Com
Melvin R. Stoltzfus
. will continue policies
mittee; a director of the Lan
caster County Guernsey Breed
ers Association and Lancaster
County i epi esentative on the
milk marketing boaid of direc
tors of the Atlantic Dairy Asso
A membei of the Paradise
Mennonite Chuich and assistant
supeuntendent of the Sunday
School, he and his wife act as
tour guides for the Mennonite
Infoimation Center.
L H Skiomme, Foundation
vice chan man. conducted the
business session prior to the
election Skiomme lefused to
be consideied as candidate for
chan man, but offered his com
plete support foi the new chair
mam, an offer that Stoltzfus ac
During the meeting, the
Foundation noted the success
of its recent letter of reminder
to the leading conti ibutois to
the Center and voted to send
similar letteis to all the re
maining donors The letter re
minds donois that the official
fund dnve is closing out and
gives donors a chance to make
an additional last-minute con
ti ibution The letter also calls
for any needed conections to
the plaque that is planned in
the Faim and Home Center and
offers donois a chance to up
giade their status on the
The membei s congratulated
Foi ney Longeneckei on the
success of the lecent slave auc
tion which netted almost $1,500.
It was indicated that the
auction proved itself and will
piobably be repeated next
year Seveial members said
they have had indications of in
creased suppoit for next year,
including additional buyers and
word fiom some 4-H girls that
they want to be in the auction,
too All the slaves who donated
then laboi this year weie young
The Foundation voted to
diaft a resolution lecogmzing
the work of the late John H.