m Some Tobacco Facts Annual St. Marys Horse Show s ,h r,"!E _ . ... f m Soulheastcin Stall's \labama, Slated at West Grove Aug. 29 Thiitv classes includin'; Iwo c I)t\ision will compete foi the challenge lioph.\ events, will he Danny V.mnoy I’t ipi lu.il Ti ophv. ofTcicd foi hunteis and pon\ von la-.) \eai hv Debbie Kura. huntcis in the sixth annual St Malvein. with Muskavado II Maiy’s Hoi.se Show Salmdaj, , , r .... Aug 29 at West (hove J Iu ~ h Wll £> “ fo,l " ei U , S .. . iMimsliKin loam mombci who -The fust class will ente. the 10(I „ ;ht , rtimw , -NauuUis" lo paiochial school giounds show in teinational I'lumps—and Mis i in”. °PP os ] lc AvonCiiovc VNhley vmII judge the show High School at 8 30 a m Champion and tescive champ Veiyl I McMmn, West dove, ion points will be awaidcd in is chan man and chief slewaid. each ol the huntei classes, in- John M Russell, Coatesville HD, eluding small and laige pony announcei. J Haines Kuk and hunter hack, junior hunteis, Ray R Lindsay, iingmasleis, gieen hunteis and the woiking Teddy Jones, Coatesville, official division Exhibitors in the Junior Hunt- the New Bolton Center, Univeis- famcr and a veterinauan fiom Electric heat is pure comfort... icccntlv voic'd m fiivoi of a tinee-ycai contmu.ilion of pio duct ion conliols .md ,i puce suppoil piogi.im foi tobacco 'llk funnels in Noilh Caiolma ■md South Caioluia in u sepal .tie P'opos.il also voted ovei vvhclm muly foi incicased assessments on themselves to suppoil Tobac co \ssocialcs. which sponsois a self he.p piogi.im to piomole (luecuinl sales oveiseas and at home il> of Pennsylvania, will be in at tendance Post entiles will be accepted foi all classes Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 22.1970—2.) 4-II Rough Riders By Poniilc Waters The 4 II Rough Ridets fiom Quai i.v ville held a monthlv meeting Tlunsdav, August 13. at the home of Mi and Mis Kail Gioff. Quanyvillc. Aflci the minutes weio load and the dues were collect! d. the mombcis woikod on then pio jecl books Questions wcie ask ed to ceilain members and the 4-H requirements were icview ed Then refreshments were served and the meeting was ad } mrned. ...one reason over 50,000 PP&L customer families are enjoying it today Pure comfort is many good things. Like warmth. And peace-of-mind. It comes with the change to electric heat. Flameless heat. Clean. Quiet. Comfortable. Carefree. Electiic heat is the kind you don’t wony about. Since there are hardly any moving parts it's virtually main tenance-free. There's comfort in knowing, too, that your electric heat will be as modern years from now as it is today. Yes, electric heat is pure comfort in every sense of the woid. So, ask your PP&L Recommended Electiic Home Heating Dealer about it, today. Or, call PP&L for a free estimate of the cost of heating your home electi ically. During the summer the fol lowing events were held On May 23 the 4 H club went on a trip to Ilanovci Shoe Farm We saw some of the best hoises mound And on June 25 a glooming and showmanship class was held at the home of Mi and Mis John Henkel, Strasbmg. the icsulls of that class weie Junnioi Division—first place, Caiol Simpson, second place. John \b!e and thud place, P* n nie Water Senior Division first place. Shirley Creig. second place. Nancy Henkel: third place. Candy Groff, and fourth place, Bevei ly Deaiolf. Try A Classified Ad^