: 1 ImiuniU'r Km-ming. Saturday. August 22.1070 WASHINGTON REPORT Aft Congressman Edwin D. Eshleman Kkm IM MitfW trail hi I* ,\ Jlii- month tilt* rs Duiing llooi debate on the ii, of Hi pi«’M iv.il.ii's .u’ful fmi lull. 1 f.ium (I .in amend .. In l.i in p o-siam 1 toll'd muni to hnnl faun subsidy p.i> . n-i In \^iuultuic Ail of mints to .<520 000 pc: f.nm ll.ul i 7n 1 ,nn rnmmml fli.il Hie lias nic.isuic been .idoplud. thcic i. i 1, is’.pion is ten little if would hate lucn .in cslun.itcd < Intln fb.ui Hie pu'Miil mi- saving to \mcncan taxpaycis of • .i-f.ulon law dealing vvilh out ovei $4OO million Some of the ( ms Thu Hoii't simply voted b.i>ic unf.iiiness m om piescnt ,\icnsion of the old fedci.il agMctiltuial handout appio.ich ndoii. .ippio.ich to .utnculUiic. would bate been eoneclcd. Foi d I cannot suppoit th.u kind of example, a number of coipoialc f, m policy farms icccive betloi than a uni ty h .11 Pennsylvania faimeis lion dollars in farm subsidy pay .,l ed in fact. I think, vvhai all ments yaarly, while many small meis need—is an agncultuial farmcis are unable to earn an o’ m moie in tune with ficc adequate livelihood even with •niikct economics. The faimei subsidy payments This kind of should be permitted to gel a fair dispauty would have been pai ice foi quality goods in the tially collected, uuiketplace Today fai too much Eventually the $20,000 limita o< this countiy’s agncultuial in- tion was rejected in favor of a • ome is in the foim of and de- 555, 000 ceiling annually. Al in ndenl on fedeial subsidies. though this is an improvement over the piesent system of un - - , limited payments, it does not Mraw-lob Peed Pound adequately deal with the serious Needing Supplements inequities that exist in agncul- Stiaw and giound comcobs t ule I'Ccited with sodium and potas- Even the $20,000 ceiling, while sum hydioxide in lamb Kitions an adequate leform for this yeai, fieri cased gains, a Umveisity of should have been a beginning not l\tbiaska scientist icpoited le- an end Om faim policy should cc ntly at Penn State be attempting to completely D' Teuy Klopfenstein, associ- phase out the subsidy system, a,e piofessoi foi beef nutution, peihaps at a late of 209 r per -u id lambs fed i ations containing yeai. urticated straw showed no gam. With subsidies now totalling while lambs fed iations contain- neaily S 4 billion per yeai, the in.; tieated stiavv gained 32 first yeai saving undei a 20‘lr ounces pei day plan would amount to SBOO mil- In the corn cob expenment, would be SI 6 billion and so on tombs with untieated cobs in There would be millions of •then lation gained two ounces dollais fieed foi use in.other liti day while the lambs getting matteis which concern faimeis heated cobs gained five ounces and the rest of the Xation What’s New? Kalgln llrocidlng Systems New Kalglo elect!ic blooding systems iniituifailuied by Hal glo Klcctiomcs Co. Inc. tilili/e the latest in solid slate techno logy to give the most depend able radiant eleclne heal fiom an oveihead unit that's both safe and Homeless, economical and simple to operate. Solid state dependability means no moving parts to wear out and no maintenance, say company spokesmen. Temperature at chick level under the ovei head brooders is precisely and automatically re gulated legardlcss of outside temperatures A control panel receives a low voltage signal from a radiant heat sensor at chick level beneath the brood ers to tell how much voltage to send to the heaters. Weekly These are reasons why I could not in good conscience suppoit the farm bill. The bill represents a heavy cost for the taxpayer. It continues an ineffectual pro giam for the average faimer Finally, it renews a S 4 billion handout pi unity that the nation cannot affoid and that much of agucultuie does not want VENTILATION FANS Piotectcd from weather, less chance of freezing, easiei to clean. Long-lasting beai ings, rust and corrosion resistant. Keeps hands, animals, and other objects Shuts off motor in the event of overload out of fan. or restriction. Protects fan and motor from rain and Eliminates constant need to oil bearings, snow. Agway 1027 Dillerville Rd., Lane. heat adjustments can be made with the linn of a knob Included in the blooding sys HHBh BHh HVi • ADVANTAGES ALSO VENT-O-MATIC FANS AVAILABLE Call Today For Prompt Installation BEE-LINE 40bT Supply Center^^Sf^ terns Is a controller which will handle a maximum of 8,000 watts and four 2,000 wall spe cially designed aluminum heat ci s Each heater will brood 000 chicks or 3.10 poults Hcalcis have metal sheath heating ele ments for extremely long life. For more information wide Knlglo Electronics Company, Inc. Box 2002, Lehigh Valley. Pennsylvania 18001. • FEATURES Inside Shutter Louvers Stainless Steel Hinge Pins & Bushings Safety Wire Guard Storm Hood Vaiiable Wall Mounting Totally Enclosed Motor Motor Overload Protection Pennanentlj Lubricated Ball Bearings Allows fan to be mounted flush with in side of building wall. Keeps dust and dirt out of motor wind ings. 397-4761