IB- Lancaster Farming, Saturday. August 22.1970 UEP Calls for Faster Layer Sales Ai .1 locent meeting in Snn 1 ancuco. the boat (I of directors e afte’ noon activities and in Aided veteuna’ian Biuleigh Andc.son, fiom Lojsville speak ing on calfhood vaccination, He> man Puidy discussed ideal .cw size and Glen K°an, Penn ; hama State Univeisity talking oi qualitj meat World Omelet (Corturned fiom Page 17) sliding lieeh Keep mixtme as level as possible When eggs aie set and suilace is still moist, in ci ease heat to biown bottom quickly To seive, fold in half oi toll Bacon Omelet: Piepaie Basic Omelet spun kle 2 tablespoons crumbled cooked bacon ovei halt of ome let befoie folding Cheese Omch 1- Piepaie Basic Omelet spun kle 2 tablespoons ste eddcd cheese ovei half of omelet be Joie folding Jelly Omelet. Piepaie Basic Omelet, spiead 1 to 2 tablespoons jelly o\ei half of omelet befoie folding C«nve Omelet; -\dd 1 tablespoon chopped chives to egg mixtme Pioceed with dn ections foi Basic Ome let Heib Omelet Add ‘h teaspoon ciushed mai imam, basil 01 othei heib to egg nuxtine Pioceed with du ections foi Basic Omelet POULTRY OR MEAT OMELET Fold 'a cup diced oi chopped, cooked chicken tuikey, or duckling meat into omelet mix tuie befoie cooking Oi add meat to 1 can (10Vz oz ) cheese 01 cream of musliioom soup Seive ovei tavonte omelet Or liy adding cusp ciumbled ba con, cooked sausage, dned beef, smoked tuikey, tuna fish 01 sin imp Try A Classified !t Pays manager, said implemcnlalloncxlia 144 million slaughtci will keip oaih icglonal managci will be as follows needed, biinging the total to 47 5 advised as to the mam ling in Each Regional Cooperative million or 3.7 million per week his legion t’FP Member has been assigned In lh ‘‘ Northeast, this breaks j n addition to this action, the ic^onsibili ty*of marke ting a down to a normal slaughter of UEPS Boa.d of Bi.ccto.s has certain number of old fowl in 4 ( 895,396 layers with an addi* established and named «i lon*-,* its region, that number being the lional slaughter of 2,131.200 range planning comnultee to peicentage of hen population under the UEP piogram. This iccommend piogiams to the within the region icsults in an overall slaughter of boaid and to the membership Actual figures weie assignedto 450 ‘ 507 birds pei ' week dunns 11 was noted that the "Action each region taking into insider- the 13 wcek penod - . , . Now " pi ° s ' ‘". s .h X ation the number of birds that In the Southeast, the nations program and p.ob.bly o little would normally be slaughtered largest egg pioduction area value without long-iange p.o between August 15 and Novem- normal slaughter is set at 13 8 grams and goals bei 15, plus the additional buds million with an extra slaughter The new committee is com that need to be slaughteied to of 6 million marking a total of posed of Dean Olson. Chan man, bring pioduction into line with 198 million or more than 15 Don Nicoiaysen, Jcny Faulknci, the USDA guidelines million total per week tor 13 Wanon Gatiaid. uyac spnnger. Nationally, normal slaughtei in weeks the thiee-month peuod was pio- United Egg Pioduceis will Horn, and Mike Hnlh jeeted at 331 million, with an keep weekly totals by legion and Olson has called a meeting of Need . . . HAY - STRAW - EAR CORN Buy Now and Save! More and more farmers arc buying from us for better value and all around satisfaction Delivered any quantity Phone Area Code 717 687-7G31 Esbenshade Turkey Farm “Amenca’s Oldest” PARADISE. PA. Ficd Adams .li . Jack Hayie. Don The „ Satisfaction That Comes i From Doing A Good lob Of Farming ft's Si great feeling to know that you are the master of your farmlands . . . that when you treat your soil right, it will treat you right. Liming is one of the most important factors in keeping your soil in the highest productive range. By raising the pH from a level below 6.0 to 6.5 or higher, you can expect to harvest as much as 5 more bushels of corn per acre, with similar increases for all other forage and cash crops. Order Now For Prompt Delivery MARTIN'S LIMESTONE Blue Ball, Pa. 354-4125 tlu< committee dm Ing the latter p.ut of August in l)i nvor,Colo rado. to begin work on a long ranae program designed to fol low the “Action Now" Program. Some very optimistic reports were given as to the effects of the "Action Now" program. Af though the directors felt that the original sell-off of old fowl was somewhat slower than anti cipated. they expiessed the feel ing that a substantial sell-off would occur in the next few weeks Fiom the reports given it ap peals that the August hatch will be down as much as 85 per cent in some stales with the national hatch down in excess of 50 per cent r Si Gap, Pa. 442-4148